X780: The New Addition and Meeting Familiar Faces

{August, Year X780}

"Thank you very much for all your help Atro. We appreciate you coming in our time of need. What can we ever do to repay you?"

"No need to thank me. I am merely doing my duty as a Mage looking out for our people. If you wish to repay me, a bath and two meals for the road would more than suffice." I replied to the mayor of the village that I just recently helped after learning that it had been plagued by the emergence of a Dark Guild.

It had apparently once been a legal Guild, having recently broken away from the Magic Council's rule to do as it pleased after an internal struggle that left the Guild Master dead. After that event, they never failed to cause this village trouble until I had arrived to take care of them, which led me to this moment.

"Are you sure? Surely you can afford to stay a night at our village so we can celebrate your arrival and help in subduing the Dark Guild."

"Unfortunately, I can't afford to take you up on your offer, as nice as it sounds. I'm afraid that I have a meeting that I wish to attend soon, and I would like to get to the destination ahead of time and recuperate there."

While I was telling the truth that I did have a meeting that I wished to attend, what I didn't tell him was that I really wasn't in that much of a rush as the meeting isn't for another week and I would be there far before that point. I'm just not that much of a social person and I didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings if I were to stay and appear uncomfortable being caught in the middle of a group of people who I did not know, even if they were nice people. I guess that's my fault though for not really socializing with others in the years I've been here.

I also doubt that his other guest would like to be caught in a crowd of people as well.

"Hm, very well. In that case, allow me to direct you to the village's bathhouse and the food will be prepared by the time of your departure."

"Thank you very much. I appreciate it."

I looked over at the aforementioned guest who was reading a book and motioned her to come over to me.

"Come on Yukino. Let's get going."

"Okay big brother." She responded after looking up from the book, quickly running over in my direction and taking my hand in her own before the two of us were guided to the bathhouse.

(Three hour later...)

I casually drove down the road on the Magical Four Wheel Vehicle that I had purchased with the Jewels that I had saved up over the years, the SE-plug attached to my bare forearm as I made my way to Clover Town.

I can't believe that it's been a little over two years since I became a Wizard Saint.

After the day I was inducted into their ranks, I had stayed with Draculos for another two weeks, primarily to spend some time with him while preparing clothes and food to take with me on my journey. After that, my master and I said our farewells before I left to travel through part of Ishgar, briefly exploring Bosco for a few months before returning to Fiore and reacquainting myself with the Kingdom, stopping by towns and villages to help with whatever problems they needed help with, very much like I had done before meeting the God of Ishgar.

Except this time around, I was actually involved in more relatively dangerous activities, such as dealing with bandit groups, rogue guilds, and dark guilds, especially since I had started traveling in my Wizard Saints cloak and gathered the attention of those who recognized the emblem on the back of the garment. Of course, there was the unavoidable skepticism that came with it being associated with an at-the-time thirteen year old boy upon seeing who the title belonged to, but with my Magic, I was quick to wash away such doubts and prove myself to the skeptics.

Apparently due to my actions at those locations, people started to give me my own moniker that would end up being spread to neighboring towns and reaching the ears of the general populace, especially due to the fact that I have solely been using Light Magic during my travels, as to not have any attention drawn to my God Slayer Magic.

And so the moniker that was bestowed onto me was 'Holy Saint Atro'. The name had apparently stuck, but I really didn't mind. There are worse names that they could have given me, so as far as I'm concerned, I lucked out. Although, a part of me bets that if I were to use my God Slayer Magic instead, they'd give me a different title. I doubt that would be the case though.

Not even the Chairman knows about my primary Magic as I had asked Draculos to not disclose it to anyone when he had trained me. It went without saying that he was very confused, even after I gave him the weak excuse of it being my trump card if my opponents ended up becoming too much for just my Light Magic and not wanting any loose lips to 'accidentally' sink my ship, but maybe it was out of respect for our student-teacher relationship and the fact that I at least came clean about it when we met, he acquiesced.

I knew that people would learn about my God Slayer Magic at some point, but until it's too late for anyone to do anything about it, the fewer people who know about my Magic, the better. So far, the only people who, at least to my knowledge, actually know about my God Slayer Magic is Draculos and Yukino.

And speaking of Yukino...

She was currently sitting next to me on the Magical Vehicle, the seat having been expanded to fit two people, her body slightly against the back of the chair. Under normal circumstances, I would definitely not allow this, especially since seat belts don't even exist on these things. But thankfully we were going relatively slow, since the driver, i.e. myself at the moment, can choose the output of how much of my Magic Power is being consumed and converted into fuel, not to mention that I wanted Yukino to enjoy the fresh air in the front with me. I also had an arm protectively wrapped around her just in case we hit a speed bump and made sure that she was wearing goggles and a helmet, just in case. Fun fact, you should still wear protective eye wear when you're up in the front, anime world or not, who knew?

(A/N: Just in case, yes, that is sarcasm.)

I guess we can't all be like Erza. What can I say? I just want to make sure that she's okay during the ride.

"Hey big brother, we're going to Clover Town right? To meet Fiore's Guild Masters? Does that mean that they're stronger than you?"

Yukino had asked me those questions with such wide and curious eyes behind her goggles that my heart honestly melted for a moment there...even if I felt a bit of a knife in there hearing the last question, as innocent as it was. But alas.

"Yes we are, Yukino, and honestly, I don't know if they're all stronger than me or not. While I know that one of them is stronger than me since he is an older Wizard Saint, I know very little about the other masters, so I don't know who between us is the stronger."

And I was being honest. While I knew that Makarov was more powerful than myself and all of the Guild Masters who would be attending the Guild Masters' meeting, I don't know where I would stand against the latter. While I don't mean to sound like a braggart, there is a reason why I'm a Wizard Saint and they aren't, but at the same time, people may or may not know that Bob and Goldmine, despite how they may seem at the first glance, were once part of Makarov's team along with Porlyusica and the late Rob before they became the respective Guild Masters of Blue Pegasus and Quatro Cerberus. That meant that they must have had a considerable amount of strength at one point. Though that begs the question of whether or not they had let themselves go at any point, magically speaking.

There was also Jose, but I heard that there was a battle between him and Makarov in X778 which he had lost that resulted in the former no longer attending the regular meetings, so I doubt I'd meet him at Clover Town when I arrive. At my current state, I would probably lose to him as well...but in four years, I plan to turn those odds around.

"You have to be better than them, big brother! You're a Wizard Saint, so you're the best!"

Aw Yukino, you're spoiling your big brother so much.

"Thank you, Yukino."

I pulled her closer against me in thanks as the seven year old girl let out a giggle while pressing herself against my side.

Yukino has been such a godsend in the past year. I won't lie and say that the loneliness didn't bother me when I traveled alone, because I knew it did. Even when I had left Layla and Lucy in X776 and would send them a magic letter any chance I got, it felt lonely at times. I guess it was a bit of a miracle I encountered Draculos when I had. In spite of my mental maturity compared to others my age, even loneliness can leave quite a burden.

This time though, I had traveled for over a year, and that feeling of loneliness had felt even more stifling. Sure, when I got back to Fiore from Bosco, I would still send Lucy books through Spetto, but it still wasn't the same. Speaking of Lucy, I still miss her very much. I hope that she's doing well at the Heartfilia Konzern. I'm sure that Spetto and the others are doing their best to look out for her. If I remember correctly, she'll run away some time in X783. Maybe even earlier, but I'm not sure. In any case, I can't wait to see her again.

Honestly though, I can't begin to understand how people like Mystogan and Gildarts could tough it out alone for so long. I may not be a social person, but it doesn't mean that I don't want someone's company when I am out there. Then again, Mystogan is a man on a mission and Gildarts...well, aside from the women he's slept with, he's a very hard man to shake on principle if my knowledge serves me right.

Fortunately, my encounter with Yukino changed that and brought a light into her life.

It was oddly fate that seemed to unite the two of us, but I couldn't have it any other way.

{One year ago...}

It's been a few months since I returned to Fiore from Bosco, and I was now walking through Hargeon Town's park, having decided to visit and stay there on a whim for a few days to see its sights and explore the down. Word truly did it no justice when I had heard that it was one of the most beautiful towns in Fiore. I can see how it prospered as a fishing town, especially once I had visited the marina and saw for myself how busy it always seemed to be. Every day, there were always boats and people coming in an out of the port and in spite of the numerous amount of people there, things seemed to go smoothly.

But today, I was taking my walk in the evening, enjoying the night air that came with being in such a town. I honestly was minding my business when I was taking my casual stroll down the park, but I saw something that I honestly couldn't ignore. Under the dim lights throughout the part, I managed to catch a glimpse of a little girl sitting under one of the trees by the nearby fountain, her knees to her chest and her head buried in it, trying to keep warm. Because her head was down, I couldn't see her eye color, but I did notice that she seemed to have a light blue hair color, if not white. You had to be stupid to not put two and two together, and I couldn't help but approach her with the intention of asking if she needed help.

After all, I could have been like that as well, but it was a stroke of luck that prevented such circumstances.

I used Requip to summon a cloak before walking over to her, making my footsteps clearly audible so she knows that someone is headed her way. And as predicted, her head snapped up to see me coming, allowing me to see her brown eyes.

Before she could possibly freak out due to see a random adult male approaching her, I raised my hands in a hopefully, in her eyes, peaceful gesture, signalling that I wasn't going to hurt her.

"Hello there." I said to her with a smile, stopping once she had seen me and held out my cloak that I had pulled out. "I saw that you were cold and wanted to give this to you. Can I?"

The girl, seeing as I had stopped and spoken to her in a, in my hopeful opinion, kind manner stared back and forth at me and the cloak in my hand for a moment before she gave me a slow and hesitant nod.

I slowly began to step forward, holding out my hand that held the cloak out to her as I approached the tree, and once I got within her range of reach, she quickly snatched the white cloak out of my hand before pulling it close to her chest. She looked at me as soon as that happened and I merely held my smile and gave her a nod, as if telling her that she can use it.

It was another brief moment of silence before she slowly lifted the cloak and wrapped it around her body, the garment enveloping her entire frame, and she made herself comfortable in it, as if wrapping herself in a cocoon with her head poking out. Honestly it was an adorable sight, circumstances aside. For some reason though...I shook my head, getting rid of the thought I had in my head.

"Thank you, sir." The girl said to me, her brown eyes still staring at me.

"You're welcome, little miss, but please call me Atro. Can I sit with you for a moment?" I asked her, getting another slow nod as an answer. After getting her confirmation, I took a seat on the grass from where I stood, leaving about a yard's length of space between the two of us once I had gotten settled. It was honestly a bit of an awkward silence, but not really uncomfortable, since giving her the cloak may have eased some of her worries about me being here. But after what seemed like a few minutes, I finally spoke up.

"What is a young girl like you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be with your parents?"

Of course she should be with her parents, or at least a guardian of some kind. It's clear that it's only just her, but I wasn't just going to flat out say it to her face, now was I?

The girl shook her head, her face taking on a saddened expression.

"My mom and dad are gone, and some bad men took my big sister a long time ago."

"I'm sorry."

And I really was. For this girl to have lost all of her family and be alone like this, it goes to show how cruel life in this world can be. But there was something that was bothering me. A long time ago...could she mean that it's been years since she lost her family? Children being kidnapped, parents being killed?

This was starting to paint a picture that I was getting familiar with.

I looked closely at the girl one more time and then it clicked. The thought that I shook from my head earlier.

I knew it. I knew that the sight of a girl with light blue hair and brown eyes wrapped in white seemed familiar.

This was Yukino Agria. The little sister of Sorano, otherwise known as Angel of the Oración Seis. It had to be.

But just to make sure...

"I never asked...but what's your name?"

"My name..." 'Yukino' looked at me for a moment before her eyes glanced down at the cloak wrapped around her and then went back to me again.

"My name is Yukino Agria."

Damn it.

How could I have forgotten? How could I have been so ignorant about this?

While I knew by X791, people like Kagura and Yukino would find their place in Mermaid Heel and Sabertooth, respectively, and following the Grand Magic Games, I knew that they would have been okay, but I didn't stop to consider what might have happened to them between the attacks on their villages and that point. Only that they at the very least found a guild to join, and even then Yukino still dealt with crap from Jiemma.

In my rush to become a Wizard Saint to plan for the future, it also didn't cross my mind that there were people who I can help in this current time. Ah great, and now I need to find Kagura as well so she and Simon can reunite, assuming I can find her..

And Jiemma...

Well, I may as well plan a possible takeover of Sabertooth then. I can just pass off the position of Guild Master to Minerva or something in the future after I deal with Jiemma's shit teachings that was instilled in the girl. I just need a way to avoid the legal issues. Maybe I can get MInerva to testify against him?

Well...they say hindsight is 20/20, but I guess that I'm here and aware now, so screw the canon.

"Hi there Yukino, it's nice to meet you. My name is Atro, like I told you earlier. This is a weird question, but do you want to see something cool?"

Yukino blinked at my odd question, which was fair because I did ask it out of the blue as far as she was concerned, but she nodded her head anyway.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out my Wizard Saint pendant and held it out for her to see.

"Do you know what this is, Yukino?"

I was answered with shake of her head before my finger pointed at the emblem of the Wizard Saints

"Well, if you ever see someone like me with something like this on things they wear, it means that they are very strong Mages. And we're all good guys." I explained to her in the simplest way I could think of. The last bit was a bit of a fib though, especially in concern with some notable current and future Wizard Saints, but it is true to an extent.

"You are?" Yukino asked me with wide eyes.

Yes! Score one for good first impressions.

"Yep! And you know what that means?"

Yukino stated at me questioningly for a moment, not having pieced it together yet. Well, that's on me. I forget that she's a kid around five or six years old. Well, let's get to the point.

"How about you come with me, and I will help you look for your sister?"

"Really? You'll help me find my big sis?!" She had asked me, those tired eyes I had seen earlier filled with a hopeful light. Well, I hope to not disappoint her.

"I sure will. After all one of the Wiz-" I was cut off by Yukino getting on her feet and dashing forward to hug me, my arms catching her small body while she held onto me like a lifeline, probably knowing that there would be someone to help her find Sorano after all this time. Well damn...how could I ever bring myself to disappoint her now?

As nice as the hug was though, I needed to gently pry the girl off of me.

"But before we do that, let's get you a bath and some food, okay?" I asked her and stood up off the ground before extending my hand downwards for her to take.

"So come on, let's go Yukino."

With the same slow movements she had shown earlier, except this time I knew that she wasn't doing so out of hesitation, she had taken my hand, which marked a beginning of a new bond I would create with someone in this new life.

{Flashback end}

And so I took her in under my wing and she followed me everywhere I went. In the past year, I had taught her anything she may have been missing in her education for one her age and about Magic, specifically about Celestial Spirit Magic, knowing full well that she will be a Celestial Spirit Mage in the future. To my surprise though, she already had Libra, having hid the key behind her back when we had met and I didn't see it until we actually started to leave the park ad she pointed it out.

She even started calling me her big brother after a few months, which I should have seen coming since Sorano was the only person to care about her and her parents weren't all that supportive, and now I'm the one who is in her position.

Well, it looks like I'll have both Gold Zodiac key users as my little sisters then...as soon as they get the remaining keys from Zoldeo and Sorano. Although, I wonder where Yukino managed to get Pisces and Ophiucus from in canon. I'm sure I can ask around if need be, even if I need to owe some favors. That aside though, I'm sure that Lucy and Yukino will get along pretty well once they meet one another.

Unsurprisingly, Yukino was very accustomed to living on the move, but I guess that's just a result of the life she had lived up until this point. As convenient as that is though, no child deserves to live her life on the road, even if it's not necessarily a bad life. One day, I'll be sure to get a permanent home where she happily can live out her years. But right now, she's bent on finding Sorano, and it's my duty as her big brother to help her.

"Atro, you're doing an internal monologue."

Oops, I guess I was. Seriously, I say those words on accidents once, and she just copies them and says it whenever I'm in thought. She is honestly a quick learner for her age. And speaking of Yukino, she was poking my side with her finger as she looked up at me.

"Sorry about that Yukino, I guess I was. Were you saying something?"

"Can you stop so that I can go in the back? I'm sleepy."

It is starting to get dark isn't it? I slowed down the car to a full halt and gave Yukino a pat on the head.

"Alright, go on back there and get a good rest okay?" I asked her, with the child giving me a nod.

"Okay. Be sure not to stay up late big brother. You need to sleep too, okay?" She asked in return as she got off the front seat to actually go inside of the Magical Vehical, causing me to let out a small laugh.

"Of course. Goodnight." I said to her before she yelled a quick 'Goodnight!' before closing the door.

Well, let's keep going, shall we?

{One week later - Clover Town}

It seems like we're here.

Yukino and I stood outside of the Guild Meeting Building, the Guild Masters already starting their casual meeting inside.

"Big brother, why are we standing out here?"

"Well Yukino, your big brother wants to stand out to the Guild Masters somehow, and he is trying to figure out how." I simply answered. I honestly don't know how to present myself. I'm actually more concerned about meeting *the* Makarov Dreyar, the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, in the flesh today, and I want to make an impression somehow. But then again, this is also *the* Makarov Dreyar I'm talking about, so why am I even worrying about this?

"You know what? Let's just go in Yukino."

{Narrator POV - Makarov}

The meeting seemed to be going smoothly and thankfully, it doesn't seem like his children have caused any destruction yet in the past few days. As far as Makarov's concerned, this day seems to be a godsend between the paperwork, his loving, if rambunctious children, and the Magic Council.

Not to mention that it's good to talk to Bob and Goldmine as always whenever they meet up like this. Truly, it's a shame that Rob is no longer with them so they can reminisce on the old days, and the master of Fairy Tail wishes that his friend were here, but at least Rob left a legacy behind in the form of his child Erza.

His thoughts were broken upon hearing the front door of the building open though.

"Oh? What's this? We were missing someone?" Bob asked with a slightly curious look on his face.

"Unless we're not counting Jose, I'm pretty sure that we're all accounted for." Goldmine had answered, his head turning to look at the door as well.

Before Bob can get more words in though, they saw who their new guest was. Or should Makarov say guests. It was a young man around Erza, Natsu, Gray and his other children's age followed by a little girl who was far younger than him. Did they perhaps get lost?

"Why hello there, my lad. Are you and your friend perhaps lost?" Makarov was the first to initiate a conversation with the two, especially since he had sensed the great amount of Magic Power that the boy had for someone of his age. It even surpassed that of any of his younger children! And yet, he has such a tight hold on his power. How astounding indeed. But what was it that brought him and his companion here?

"Are you Makarov Dreyar?" The boy asked him, although it was clear that they both knew the answer to that. So the boy was here for him then? But why does he seem sheepish?

"Yes I am, is there anything I can do for you?" The elder mage decided to ask before the boy cleared his throat and answered his question.

"I actually came to meet you as my senior since I had recently achieved our mutual title two years ago."

Oh? How is it that the boy is his junior? A title from two years ago? Well he is a Guild Master, but based on the context, that isn't it. So that must mean...

Makarov's eyes widened as the statement registered.

"You?!" The old man accidentally exclaimed allowed, drawing the attention of the other Masters, who were no doubt wondering what got Makarov like this.

The boy merely gave a polite smile and nodded.

"Indeed, Mister Makarov, me." He answered, his hand moving to the girl by his side.

"Allow me to introduce my little sister. This is Yukino Agria. Yukino, please say hello to Makarov Dreyar, the Master of Fairy Tail, and one of the Ten Wizard Saints."

"H-Hello." The girl, Yukino, said before giving a small bow.

"As for myself. My name is Atro, and as you have suspected, I am in fact the newest member of the Ten Wizard Saints. It's a pleasure to meet you in the flesh." The newly introduce Atro said as he reached under the cloak he wore to lift it up and reveal a pendant with the symbol of the Ten Wizard Saints hanging from it.

And Makarov thought that he wouldn't get any surprises today.

{A/N: Be sure to read the Creator's Thoughts!}