The New Friends

{A/N: Read the Creator's Thoughts at the end.}***

"My my, you're quite the handsome young man for a Wizard Saint aren't you? Would you or your adorable sister like some refreshments?" Bob asked me with a kind smile on his face. Say what you want about the cross-dressing man, but at least he's a pretty nice man.

"You're Master Bob of Blue Pegasus, right?" I asked him, knowing full well that this is indeed the person I'm talking to. "If you wouldn't mind, that would be appreciated. I'm sure that Yukino would love something to eat and drink, as long as the drinks are....age appropriate. I can eat later." I looked around at the empty sake bottles and beer mugs scattered throughout the meeting building. I honestly forgot that they also came for the food and drinks.

"You're not going to eat big brother?" Yukino asked me as she pulled on my cloak to get my attention.

"Not yet Yukino, but I'll be sure to get some food afterwards. You on the other hand should eat. You're a growing girl after all." I said to her, moving my hand to give her some head pats and watching as she pouted at me but ultimately nodded.

Though it seems that she will get her wish after all.

"Now now my boy, there's no need to be like that. Food is meant to be enjoyed with family. Besides..." Makarov had spoken up before he gave the both of us a happy grin.

"I'm sure that your little sister would love for her brother to eat with her. Isn't that right, Yukino?" He continued with the question directed at Yukino, and it might have been because of his kind personality and how he was literally a small old man, but Yukino gave him a nod and then looked up at me with her big brown eyes, begging for me to agree.

I suppose he's got a point there. Stop looking at me like that Yukino.

"Makarov's right, so here. Both of you help yourself. It'd be a shame if all this food wasn't finished after all."

Goldmine walked over to the both of us, each hand carrying a plate of sandwiches while one of the other masters brought over two mugs of water before they were set down at one of the tables next to us, a chair being placed by it courtesy of Bob so Yukino can sit and eat.

"Thank you very much." I thanked them with a smile before patting Yukino on the back and nudging her to do the same.

"Thank you." She repeated and walked over to the chair and sitting in it, her hands picking up one of the sandwiches before she started to eat her meal.

"Well, let's continue the meeting shall we? And that means more drinks and food, ahahaha!" Makarov shouted with a smile, most of the other masters agreeing with a small laugh before they resumed their earlier activities.

Since the table where our food was placed at was in fact the table where Makarov, Bob, and Goldmine were at, I ended up being in their company during the remaining duration of the meeting as I listened to them talk about their guild members and what antics they were up to while Yukino and I ate our food in silence. After some time though...

"So Atro, while it makes this old man happy that our newest Wizard Saint wished to visit little old me, can I ask why you came here today, instead of say, Magnolia Town?" Makarov asked me, but not unkindly as we ate our meals on the table, with the man in question sitting near the edge, a mug in hand.

"Well, I heard that the Clover Town meeting was supposed to take place today, and I figured that it wouldn't hurt to come here and introduce myself to the other Guild Masters as well as introducing myself to you in person. After all, building connections with other is always a plus, even if it's a small one." I answered him before taking a sip of water from my mug.

"Besides, as a Wizard Saint who is affiliated with the Magic Council, I figured it wouldn't hurt if we became closely acquainted with each other in case there needs to be some issues that need to be addressed." I continued, giving Makarov a knowing look that certainly showed my amusement.

It seemed that the three Guild Masters sitting with me seemed to understand where I was going with this based on the way Bob and Goldmine looked over to Makarov, their faces sharing my amusement, with the old man grumbling under his breath.

"Big brother, are you talking about how the Magic Council always gets mad because of the paperwork they get because Fairy Tail is a walking Lacrima bomb waiting to blow up?" Yukino innocently asked as she tilted her head.

Goodness gracious Yukino. Way to repeat my words at the table. Though she isn't wrong by the way Makarov looked like he was being shot by an arrow or something.

"Hahahaha! She's certainly got you there Makarov. That definitely says something about your kids' antics. They're probably worse than we were back then." Goldmine spoke up having been enjoying his beer while watching us talk.

"Yukino is right about that. But still, I can't help but to adore their spirits, those rowdy kids." Bob spoke, his voice carrying what seemed to be a hint of nostalgia as he placed a hand on his cheek.

"Bah! Let those blowhard members in the Council say what they want! They won't be getting rid of us anytime soon!" Makarov shouted before downing his whole mug of beer and lowering it from his lips after having recovered from Yukino's words.

"Well, the antics of Fairy Tail aside, I figured this would be an excellent place and time to also personally make a request from any of the guilds who can grant it. Consider it a long quest of sorts." I continued, the mention of a long quest, drawing the attention of those who were listening in on our conversation, especially considering that it's coming from the mouth of a Wizard Saint.

"Oh? And what would this quest be exactly?" The Master of Fairy Tail had asked while the conversation around us quietened down some more.

"Well you see..." My hand moved to pat Yukino's head, causing her to blink in surprise, her head turning over to me with a mouthful food as she let out a curious hum. "As you may know because of my actions as the Holy Saint, I'm often on the move through Fiore and parts of Ishgar. I found Yukino a year ago and took her under my wing, and while I have to admit that it's been nice having her around, I know that she's in need of friends her own age as well. So I've actually been looking for a guild that may have a member as young as Yukino who would like to travel Fiore with me and study under me as a second student, while Yukino can have a friend she can grow up with. And so, here we are."

And I was being honest. Yukino is in need of a friend her own age to grow up with. While I like to think that I've been doing a good job in watching over and caring for her in the past year, I'd like for her to have someone new and younger than me in her life. And I can't just say that I know of a guild that fits the criteria without a reasonable explanation as to how I know about Cait Shelter and Wendy, so this is the best I can think of at the moment. Besides, I might get lucky and find someone else her age, such as the Twin Dragons or Rufus Lore, but truth be told, I don't know if they even are in a guild at this point.

"A year ago you said? I had only assumed, but the two of you are really not related by blood after all?" Makarov asked me before I looked over to Yukino for a moment, the girl looking slightly down, probably remembering the circumstances that led to our meeting.

"Master Bob, would you mind taking Yukino outside to play for a bit? I'm sure one of the masters could fill you in on the details." I had asked the master of Blue Pegasus. The man was quick to get the hint and gave a kind smile as he walked over and held his hand out to Yukino, who looked over to me only to get a smile and a nod from myself, before she placed her hand into his. The two had quickly made their way outside and when the doors closed, I let out a sigh.

"I'm not sure how many of you are aware, but a few years ago, there was apparently a string of attacks on villages that were made by what seemed to be groups of dark Mages. Specifically, cultists who worship the Black Mage Zeref."

Ah yes, it looks like the implications of my words were beginning to dawn on them. And judging by some dark looks, those individual are certainly aware.

"From what Yukino had told me and from what I could gather from the ruins of the villages and some faint words of mouth, they had attacked with the express purpose of killing any of the adults and taking away the children who lived in those villages. The reason why, I can only guess-"

That was a lie of course, but it wasn't like I could just bluntly talk about it and make things worse for the people in the Tower of Heaven.

"-but given who the people involved in the attacks were, it must have had something to do with their fanaticism over the Black Mage. Yukino was the survivor of the attack on her own village, but her parents were killed and her sister was taken away from her that day. In truth, I don't know if her sister is even alive to this day, but Yukino has faith that her sister is alive out there somewhere, and I promised her that I would help in her efforts, so I won't stop until we find the answer."

I stopped for a moment so I can take a sip of water before continuing. Of course I knew that Sorano was out there, but I couldn't just say that either, could I? Not to mention that I can't remember if the Oración Seis is a guild that has a singular base or is a nomadic guild, similar to that of Grimoire Heart and Tartaros. Though, I would be willing to bet that it is the latter.

"And as moved as I am by Yukino's determination to find her sister, she is also too determined. Even before I met her, she went from town to town, searching for her sister, so if we never crossed paths with one another, I have no doubt that she would still be doing just that all on her own. Even now, she's more determined than ever, knowing full well that she would have my support, and while I'm more than happy to help her however I can, I also want to give her a taste of what it means to have a normal life, and what better way than to have a friend who can stick by her side and grow up with her? So if any of you have any Mages who would like to travel Fiore, or know any missing guild master with such members, I will happily take them under my wing and treat them as if they were my own. And of course, if they have their own selfish desires, I'll do my best to help them fulfill those wishes."

There was a brief moment of silence as the guild masters contemplated my request and the reason around it before Makarov broke the silence.

"Truly, no child deserves such a thing to happen to them. That said, I can't help but to apologize, my boy. All of my children have grown, and the youngest among them are closer to your own age than Yukino's. That aside, even if they were younger..." He stopped the sentence and ended it with a shiver.

Ah, right. Even if they were younger, between Gray with his stripping habit and Natsu being a walking breathing calamity who is arguably the second most destructive after Gildarts in the future, it's no wonder you would hesitate.

"Say no more Master Makarov. I can only imagine the chaos they would cause if I took them through Fiore." I responded, genuine in my understanding.

"Gotta say, I'm glad to know that you're being very thoughtful about the girl, but just like Makarov, I'm sorry to admit that I'm in the same boat." Goldmine answered, in which I gave another nod of understanding.

I heard all of the other guild masters listening in on our conversation saying more or less the same things, especially with some of them not even recruiting children. But it seemed like some higher power was looking out for me as I heard the man I was hoping to meet today. What a stroke of luck indeed.

"Perhaps I can be of assistance then."

I turned my head towards the person who had spoken and found my target.

Roubal, the man who created Nirvana, the Magic sought out by the Oración Seis in X784, and the Master of Cait Shelter, the guild Wendy is in.

"Excuse me sir, but I'm afraid I don't know your name while you know mine." I smoothly lied as I gave him a polite smile.

"My name is Roubal. I'm the Master of Cait Shelter, and I know a young girl in my guild who would certainly benefit from this 'quest' of yours."

"Oh? And who would that be?" I asked him, knowing full well who he's talking about. Still, it didn't stop me from feeling just a bit excited.

"You see, a few years ago, Cait Shelter took in a little girl named Wendy who has grown to be like a granddaughter or daughter of sorts to us. Unfortunately, she's the only child in our guild, and while she has no problem interacting with all of us, she doesn't have many friends, much like your little sister, aside from the one she does have named Carla who always sticks by her side. While I am reluctant about Wendy going on such a journey, I have also heard of your feats, Holy Saint. I know that you would do your utmost to protect her. Add on the fact that despite being content with my Guild, she also has her own goals. So I figured that I could do this as a way to help Wendy while giving the child her own friend, much like what you are doing with Yukino."

Ah, I can somewhat see where he is going with this. Wendy, being one of the five Dragon Slayers to pass through the Eclipse Gate, had been 'left behind' by Grandine, the dragon who taught her. And I'm sure that because of her young age, she still wants to know where the Sky Dragon is, much like how Natsu is searching for Igneel, but because how Cait Shelter is mostly nothing but an illusion, it's not like she can just develop the strength to go out there on her own, considering all the dangers out there. But with me, she can search for Grandine while having the protection of a Wizard Saint.

Not to mention the inevitable disbanding of the guild after Nirvana is gone.

I'm also sure that Roubal took a moment to evaluate me in some form or fashion before deeming me as trustworthy enough to watch over Wendy, and I guess my raising Yukino in the past year helped as well. Something tells me that he's a good judge in character, especially considering his past.

Well, I hope to not disappoint him.

"In that case, do you mind if I see you at Cait Shelter in a few days to meet Wendy and Carla then?"

(Two weeks later...)

"Well Yukino, are you excited to make a new friend your age?"

Yukino looked up to me and gave me a nod as we stood outside of Cait Shelter's guild building.

Roubal had agreed to the two of us going to Cait Shelter to meet Wendy and Carla, but only after he consulted the girl and her companion and got their consent about the 'quest', after which I picked up Yukino from Bob and had the other guild masters fill him in on what I had discussed. Much like the other guild masters, Bob didn't have any Mages that young who could have joined us, although he did show a lot of sympathy towards Yukino after learning about the ordeals she had gone through. Seriously, what a nice man.

About a week had passed until I received a magic letter from him since Yukino and I stayed back in Clover Town since it was relatively close to Cait Shelter. He had told me that Wendy and Carla were willing to give the 'quest' a shot before he began to tell me about Wendy's Magic, which I already knew to be the Sky Dragon Slayer Magic, in hopes that I could help her train in the usage of her Magic while providing a safe environment for her to do so. That would be pretty easy to do, thankfully. Nothing a good Jutsu Shiki can't help with to improve her combat skills, that's for certain. I'm sure I can also find some books to help with the girl's Enchantment too since I know that she isn't really a confrontational person and would rather prefer being a support. As for her Healing Magic, I'm sure I can help her with that.

Speaking of Wendy, it honestly didn't take much to convince Yukino regarding the surprise I had for her, seeing as that she thought I was only going to say hello to Makarov and the other masters. It amazes me how much trust she has in my decisions at times and it makes me happy that she wished to make a new friend after I had explained why I had said all I did. I'll make sure that Yukino will not live a life of loneliness and that Wendy can grow alongside her.

And I'm sure that Lucy would love to have little sister figures of her own to dote on as well. During the years I was gone, I would communicate with Spetto via a written letter rather than using magic letters to ask about how Lucy was doing, while sending her books regarding different Magics she can gain knowledge about or even learn if she wanted to. Some of the more important books I sent her regarded her use of Celestial Spirit Magic, the Jutsu Shiki, guides on taking care of oneself, and some handwritten notes of building up Magic Power. I even made sure to mail her any Celestial Spirit Keys that I ended up finding on her birthday over the years. Of course after finding Yukino, I would try to see if I couldn't find any other copies of the Silver Keys. Still no luck in finding her Pisces and Ophiuchus.

That said, much to my annoyance, Jude was still as neglectful as ever since Layla died, so Lucy doesn't really have many chances to actually work on the practical aspect without drawing unneeded attention, but at the very least, she can increase her knowledge and can apply them later in the future when she runs away.

Just wait Lucy, we'll see each other soon.

I snapped out of my thoughts when the doors of the guild building opened and out walked a familiar girl with blue hair carrying a small backpack with her, followed by Roubal and a familiar white cat wearing a pink dress.


I'm honestly conflicted inside right now upon actually seeing Wendy.

On one hand, I'm reminded of how adorable she is and of how shocking it is to see more familiar faces of this world, especially one of the last core members of 'Team Natsu'.

On the other hand...

I couldn't help but to feel something dark welling up inside me, something that I haven't felt in such a long time. Here I am, looking down at one of the reasons why Layla had willingly given up her life. And while I know that it's an irrational line of thought, in that one moment, I couldn't help but to feel somewhat bitter and angry inside.

Anna Heartfilia.

Zeref Dragneel.

The five Dragon Slayers from the past.

Even if I completely understand why the Eclipse Gate had to be open, I can't help but to hold my mother's death against them, especially since the Dragon Slayers aren't even aware of what had been sacrificed in order for them to be here, who had been sacrificed for them to be here. How I want them to feel the same pain I felt by telling them all the truth about their foster family...

But as quick as the thought and that darkness came, I had almost as quickly killed them.

Layla's gone...that's the absolute immutable fact. But she died happy to have done her duty so that Lucy wouldn't have to be burdened by such a responsibility.

She died happy, knowing that I would look out for Lucy.

She died happy with the knowledge that I wouldn't falter from my path and compromise my ideals. And so I won't. Besides...

"Well Wendy, this is the young Mage who will be looking after you and Carla for a duration of his journey before you return. Why don't the both of you introduce yourselves?" Roubal asked with a kind grandfatherly smile aimed at the girl.

"H-Hello. M-My name is Wendy Marvell. It's nice to meet you sir." Wendy shyly introduced herself as she gave me a small bow and a kind smile. That's right...I don't think I could ever bring myself to hurt a young girl who is, for all intents and purposes, completely innocent and had no idea what she was going to go through. I honestly wouldn't forgive myself either.

"Come now, child. You should be more confident in yourself when you give your name. You are in the presence of a Wizard Saint." Carla reprimanded her, but not unkindly, before giving me a small bow. "My name is Carla. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"So the two of you are Wendy and Carla. It's nice to meet you both as well. I'm sure that Master Roubal has already informed you both about me when you had agreed to take this 'quest' but my name is Atro. No need to call me 'sir' or anything so formal, you can just call me by my name." I said to the both of them with a small smile. It's hard to believe that Wendy used to be this shy before she joined Fairy Tail. And of course, there's Carla always looking out for her.

"And this here is Yukino. I hope that the three of you get along. Yukino, why don't you say hello?"

Yukino stepped forward and held out her hand to Wendy with a shy yet kind smile. Huh, I guess what they say about birds of a feather flocking together is true after all.

"Hi Wendy, my name's Yukino! Let's be friends!"

How seeing this filled me with a feeling of nostalgia, as I replayed in my mind a similar scene between two blonde children meeting for the first time, a boy with blue eyes and a girl with brown eyes.

It seemed that the silver haired bundle of excitement seemed to break Wendy out of whatever she was feeling, since the bluenette blinked in surprise before looking at Yukino and her outstretched hand. This state of surprise lasted just a few seconds before Wendy showed her own smile and took Yukino's hand in both of her own.

"Yeah! Let's be friends!"

The two girls looked over to Carla, as if silently asking her for something that she just couldn't seem to refuse.

"Oh very well."

And with a sudden appearance of her small white wings, she raised herself in the air before putting her paw over her hands, a small smile on her face. She must be happy to see Wendy react so positively with others. I supposed a very good first impression helped too.

"Well girls, let's get going shall we?"

I called out to the three females in question, receiving three nods as my answer as we all made our way to the Magical Vehicle while Wendy yelled out her goodbyes to her fellow guild members in Cait Shelter with Carla waving instead. It looks like I will have two more mouths to feed now, but I don't think that's such a bad price to pay.

Don't worry about Wendy, Sky Dragon Grandine. I promise that she will be in good hands, now and in the future.

***{A/N: I'll say it again. Read the Creator's Thoughts.}