Didn't he have any self-preservation skills?

"We did it!" Alison cheered as she clinked glasses with Zachary. 

The pair of them were a sight to behold in the shimmering light from the chandelier. 

Unlike their previous meetings which took place in either of their houses, they had picked an upscale restaurant that had just opened for their celebration. 

Similarly, instead of rumpled work attire and wrinkled shirts, they had dressed up. 

In her navy slip dress that glittered every time it caught the light, Alison looked like a movie star. 

It was no surprise that people did a double take when they first saw her. 

No one could be that glamorous in real life, but Alison was effortlessly so with her honey blonde waves and heart shaped face. 

Zachary was the same, with his suit and tie, he looked like a handsome spy that had just walked off a movie set. 

Together, the two of them were impossibly attractive.