This was karma!

Time froze as the bottom seemed to drop out from under her feet. 

"Good," The man jammed the gun harder against her head, "Now act normal and drive."

Sienna glanced around the parking lot, but in the middle of the work day, it was fairly deserted. 

She wouldn't even get the door open before he shot her. 

With trembling hands, Sienna started the car and put her hands on the wheel. 

A bead of cold sweat trickled down her temple as she slowly backed out of her parking lot and stepped on the accelerator.

"Where-" She cleared her throat because all it produced was a croaking sound, "Where do I drive to?"

"Just follow my directions, now turn left and go straight," The man's breath was hot and stale next to her cheek and she resisted the urge to wrinkle her nose. 

Her heart was pounding as she wondered if she was simply not meant to live. 

Trying to steady her nerves, she focused on the road ahead.