It didn't take long before the disasterous defeat of the ottoman army in syria spread, sending waves across europe.
But... it didn't compare to what happend next.
The entirety of the ottoman fleet has saoled to Alexandria and defected to Muhammad Ali.
If previously the armies defeat caused a wave, then the defection of the of the fleet sent entire tremors across europe. Britain, Austria, and prussia immediatly sent diplomats to egypt. Trying to stop the war now. Else... if egypt truly managed to march through anatolia and towards constinople, there would be no ottoman empire anymore
Thus giving russia free reign to to expand in the balkans and even take constantinople.
Threatening british domination in the mediterenean sea.
Thus, the british and austrian navies decided to take the naval superiority from egypt and cut of Ibrahims pashas connection to the mainland, whilst also raiding the Coasts.
While Austria, Britain, and Prussia were on the side of the ottomans and didn't wish to see them collapse. France and Spain were all for supporting Egypt. France already has huge influence over egypt, training and organizing their army. Not wanting to see increased British influence in the middle east
France and spain started diplomaticlly supporting Egypt, while France even started providing Military equipment at a discount.
But if that wasn't enough, the sultan Mahmud II had died couple dies after the start of the war from tuberculosis, urging Britain and Austria even more to prevent the collapase of the ottomans no matter what.
"We must end the war now! It won't be long before Muhammad Ali marches towards constantinople. Its better to hand over official rule of syria over to Egypt!"
The various ministers around the newly ascended sultan agreed on this. Abdulmecid, convinced agrees with his ministers. But soon after the British, And Austrian Diolomats entered the room.
Pressuring Abdulmecid to not cede official rule over Syria to egypt.
So, facing the pressure from the 2 european great powers Abdulmecid agrees.
Now, with everyone having taken sides, all thats left is the Russian empire. Which side will they take?
"Your highness! I got an urgent report to deliever, the ottomans have suffered a devestating defeat in Nezib not only that, their entire fleet defected to Muhammad Ali.
Alexander, hearing the news orders the men to hand him the report and leave Taking it he starts reading.
"Defection of the entire fleet, Its all going the way I remember it. The question is, should I do the same as Nicholas I did in the original timeline? Supporting the ottomans? Or should I support egypt?"
Alexnader starts weighing the benefits of each action.
First of all, the empire is currently in civil war, not being able to spare any resources for other conflicts. Even if he managrd to cpme out fully victorios in the civil war right now, he'd not be able to provide anything beyond diplomatic support. Having studied history Alexander knows the egyptians are destined to lose the war.
"Its better to support the ottomans. Even though they are enemies supporting them could make the other european great pwoers lower their guards against him. After all, the empire is effectively diplomaticlly isolated.
With the relations at best being neutral. Anything beyond that is almost impossible"
And so, it has been decided, Russia will diplomaticlly support the ottomans.
-July 15 1840, Convention of London-
British, Austrian, Russian, And Prussian diplomas have all gathered here to pressure Muhammad Ali into signing a peace treaty.
1. The entirety of the Levant and Hijaz shall be ceded back to the ottomans.
2. The defected fleet must be returned.
3. The size of the egyptian may not exceed 15,000 men.
4. Muhammad Ali must formally recognize ottoman rule.
5. Muhammad Ali snd his succesors will be the hereditary Rulers of egypt
Muhammad Ali, even after being pressured by nearly all the great powers is extremely reluctant to sign the peace deal.
Instead he proposes that
"Its an extremely important treaty, deciding the future of egypt, May I have some time to think it over?"
The Diplomats, agree to his demand, though he is warned that its better he signs it soon
-November 3 1840, Battle of Acre-
Admiral Stopford got an order from to ocxupy the only coastal position left in egyptian hands. Incharge of the mediterenean fleet he started moving into position of the western and southern sides of acre
"Sir, the cannons are set and ready"
"Good, make sure to aim them high, so that the fired shells can reach the enemy ships"
"Understood sir."
"Admiral, the fleet will soon be in position"
"When ready fire immediatly."
"Yes admiral"
What happend next was an absolute decimation. The governor of acre seems to have misjudged just how close the fleet eould come. Having aimed the cannons too high it was too late. The bombardment started.
Immediatly tens cannons fired, Bombarding the cities defenses. Not giving even a singlr second to correct the cannons aim.
"What about my father? My mother?"
"We can only pray they are saf-"
Before selims friend could finish, he rushed forward and pushed Selim out of the way. Thus getting crushed by debris that fell due to the bombardment.
There is nothing he can do, he saw his friend get crushed by debris.
Crying on the ground he sees corpses, houses on fire with people screaming and running. Then?
There is a huge explosion, a shell had penetrated the main magazine south of the city, causing a deafening explosion, killing over 1,021 men, and scattering even more debris.
Selim, having finally gathered his composure starts running as well. Knowing well that he couldn't let his friends sacrafice be in vain.
After over a full day of bombardment and over 40,000 shells fired the british troops have landed and captured the city.
Forcing Muhammad Ali to surrender.
It appears he has taken too long to "think it over" thus the peace treaty is signed, marking the end of the eastern question.