A new business

To verify the authenticity, Edward Jr. still called in the accountant.

The young finance officer didn't know much about Lucky Star's operation and was still quite surprised that his boss had admitted defeat in advance.

As far as he knew, Parkway should have won for sure, and he had full knowledge of the daily profit statements.

Obiye again took out the property certificate just shortly after cashing out, and the relevant details of the transaction procedures.

The accountant, the face is more and more black, only he understands how much impact these transactions have on his perception!

I thought that under the leadership of a group of industry bigwigs, Parkway has earned $2 billion has been very impressive, however, and then see the performance given by Lucky Star, Parkway that point seems a little out of hand.

More than 100 percent profit, this group of people is actually who is sacred?

If it wasn't for all the proof telling him that the numbers were fine, he would have thought that Lucky Star was making false trades and was a group of scammers.

He checked the recent rise in crude oil again, and that's when he believed that Lucky Star had succeeded in bottoming out when crude oil was relatively low and selling off when the price was near the highest, making a profit of over $5 billion.

This boss is indeed a ruthless man, dare to play like this, either to lose their family money sleeping on the streets or is a generation of legends.

If you think about it this way, their Parkway did lose not wrongly.

He even had the idea of buying some Lucky Star funds in the future.

The accountant looked at his boss's face again, and apart from a depressed look, there was not even the imagined sign of a big thunderstorm.

After checking to make sure there was nothing fishy about it, he nodded toward Edward Jr.

The last bit of fluke was gone, and Edward Jr. furiously crushed out the smoking cigar in his hand as he cursed in feigned exasperation, "Bullshit Wall Street elite, I didn't even think I'd lose."

"Okay, well, to admit a bet you have to concede, and I want the $5 billion I won as soon as possible."

Little Edward although a little bit of meat, but this amount of money for their family's property is only a very small part, money lost can be earned again, but their face can not be lost, what made him panic is to go on the radio to apologize to Adams!

At that time, many people witnessed the bet, Sevin is a witness, and their betting agreement also has a legal effect, giving money and apologizing are unavoidable.

Seeing that Edward was nervous about something, Adams smiled and said, "As for going to the radio to apologize, forget it."

The crowd looked at Adams in surprise, wondering why he had to compromise when he had won.

"We don't know each other very well, and winning money is what I'm all about." There was one more thing Adams didn't say, and that was that Edward Jr.'s apology would be worthless to him.

Instead, it would bring him an enemy.

"Yes, yes, Adams, I admire you, and you will be my little Edward's friend from now on." Little Edward, of course, knew that Adams was giving him a step-down and said hastily and gratefully.

If he had to apologize in front of the world audience at the station, not only would it be a disgrace to his family, it would be no different from killing him in public.

The devil knows, how he added the apology clause to the betting agreement at that time, now it seems that he was too blind, Adams is indeed not an ordinary person.

Losing 5 billion, but making a very powerful friend, Edward Jr. is still very happy today.

He called for business girls and entertained Adams and others with wine and food.

After drinking happily, Edward Jr. had lost his original arrogant and proud image, and he put his arm around Adams' shoulder to brag about how many private planes his family had, how much land he had around the world, and how many private yachts he had ...

Listen to Adams is dumbfounded, originally thought he was very rich, for these inherited hundreds of years of the family is a complete poor.

It looks like they have to work harder to do it.

But feel that even if they are making money every second, can not catch up with the Edward family.

Edward saw Adams with a hick look, knowing that his purpose has been achieved, he is in front of Adams the boy to show off a little, let him know the gap between the two.

This is only one of the purposes, the other purpose is to get Adams to help him work.

This is what his father taught him, the world's smart people how much, dumber than others is not a bad thing, but should make full use of the wisdom of others to work for themselves, are really smart people should do things.

"Adams, it just so happens that father gave me 10 billion not long ago, so why don't I entrust it to your Lucky Star to take care of it."

Hearing these words, it dawned on Adams that the young master was playing with this idea.

He certainly would not refuse, the commission fee of 8% to understand, such a big business, he should thank little Edward is right.

The two drank to the end, almost to the point of no words.