Headquarters completed, 36-story Gemini Tower

Three months later.

The matter of betting has come to an end, the heat of this matter does not abate the meaning.

Adams himself is the driving force behind this, he thinks this matter will sooner or later be Parkway employees exposed, might as well by Cheryl as the person who broke the news.

Cheryl's report, immediately fires will be the entire financial circle, the two companies of the shocking bet, and the gimmick absorbed enough eyeballs, but in Cheryl's portrayal, Adams and Edward Jr. are sympathetic to each other and staged a hero-to-hero play.

In her report, Edward Jr. saw the pearl and appreciated Adams so much that he entrusted tens of billions of dollars to Lucky Star.

This led directly to the fact that Lucky Star had completely gained a foothold in the financial world, and a large number of clients came to the door and became new clients of Lucky Star.

The funds managed by Lucky Star also showed explosive growth, becoming a large fund investment institution managing more than 50 billion.

Obier also felt the bitterness of happiness, even in the non-stop recruitment, but the manpower is always insufficient, and annexed several small funds in succession, only to barely meet the needs of the staff.

Adams was talking to Obiye about expanding the recruitment of new employees.

"Boss, the newly acquired funds have temporarily alleviated the problem of employing people, but this is far from enough. After the acquisition, those unqualified managers were also dismissed, and our biggest problem at present is still the lack of managers."

"The expansion of manpower should be carried out all the time, don't spare money, and recruit those who are capable."

"As for the management staff, it is best to give priority to the selection from our old staff, we are all young people, we don't need to be so dogmatic in management, I like the atmosphere of the company now, you must not parachute in the management, if it becomes dead, we will lose the characteristics of our Lucky Star."

Faced with Adams' mandate, Obiye nodded his head.

He thought of his previous company, when he first joined, he was also creative, but he was soon restricted by the company's rules and regulations and lost his creativity instead.

Now Lucky Star, the top and bottom of the company can work together, and those who have ideas can always get more opportunities, even if sometimes there is a loss, the company will pay for it, to encourage these young people.

There will be no major problems with hiring for the time being.

What makes Adams more anxious is the office space.

Because the office space was rented two floors of the building, with the increase in manpower, seems a little crowded.

He does not want a group of employees crowded in a small office area, staring at the computer screen every day, there is no extra space for activities, whether it is rest or recreation are fast to keep pace with the expansion of personnel.

The good thing is that the first phase of the new area has been completed one after another because at that time it will be prepared for the new "Twin Star" as the headquarters, so the construction of the material is extremely strict.

After the construction, Adams is considering the relocation of the company.

Adams felt that today was a good day and immediately decided to let the movers come to the house and start the new headquarters of the expatriate community.

Most of the new show star is still computers and related equipment, and it only took one day to complete the moving matters.

The Twin Star building is one big and one small, 28 and 36 floors respectively, with a similar "arrow" shaped bridge connected in the middle, which is very special from a distance.

The employees were shocked to see the real thing for the first time.

It was also too big, and when the lights were turned on, it had a starry visual impact that completely exceeded their expectations.

The big logo of Lucky Star was extremely eye-catching and could be recognized at a glance even from a few kilometers away.

That's why the employees on the bus were in an extraordinarily exciting mood; their headquarters would become a new landmark building, and there was nothing more proud than that.

The most fortunate ones were the new employees of the acquired fund, who thought their company would be disbanded in place of bankruptcy, but unexpectedly, they became Lucky Star employees, not only with their salaries and benefits but also with the old employees.

Now they are proud to work in Lucky Star, and many old colleagues who jumped ship and left before, are inquiring whether they are recruiting, hoping to leak some insider news of recruitment.

What they are more secretly happy about is that the classmates who used to be in the mix are now casting envious eyes.