Buying a private island

Earning money is a happy thing.

Today in Adams is an annoying thing, if earning a few hundred million is not considered to be great wealth, but when he has tens of billions, the money becomes a lifeless number.

He struggled with how to spend the money, rather than sitting there, money to make money.

He managed to see a property advertisement in the corner of a newspaper, and if it was a mansion or a farm auction it would not have piqued his interest.

What interested him was an island, an island very close to the Autonomous Region.

The autonomous state has a side near the sea, the sea is not far from several small islands, after so many years of trading, one after another become the private property of some rich people.

The Phil family owns several islands, this time they are listed for sale one of them.

Because in the future made a lot of money, investment in several Internet companies is also booming, so Adams was a little moved to buy the idea of the island.

The one in front of him is quite well run, about 25 acres, the famous master copy knife design, is a sea garden.

Adams's goal was not the one being listed for sale in front of him.

He immediately had someone contact the newspaper's real estate agent, Gilsey, a professional woman in her early 30s.

After hearing that Adams was interested in the island, she immediately bought a plane ticket for that night and flew to the autonomous state to interview him.

Gilsey, a sales professional who had just switched careers from the Internet, had heard of Adams from her days on the Internet; in other words, Adams had recently become very famous on the Internet.

Anyone who knows this wielding money in the Internet industry soaring, some even say he almost bought most of the startups in Silicon Valley after the Internet bubble.

In the eyes of many in Silicon Valley, Adams is an ingrate, a guy with money to spend.

In the eyes of Gilsey at this time, this is the god sent from heaven to save her.

She drove her rented Mercedes E-Series across the river bypass to the new district that was booming in the Autonomous Region.

As soon as she drove into the new district, she was startled by the sight in front of her.

She saw dozens of tall buildings rising from the ground, and many cranes were catching up with the work. The change was so big that when she came here a few years ago, it was still a field that could not be seen.

What was even more shocking was the Gemini building at the end of the spacious road. Although it was still daytime, the Gemini building was still so striking.

Several blocks of buildings have been completed and put into operation, and the streets are filled with a constant flow of luxury cars and well-dressed white collars.

The change was so great that if the address on the street sign hadn't been correct, Jirsi would have thought she was on some street in New York.

She explained her intentions to security, and it didn't take long for the security dudes' pagers to come through with instructions to let her in.

When the car stopped at the garage, it was Adams' assistant, Chris, who gave a professional smile.

"Ma'am, Adams is waiting for you in the parlor."

After walking through the complex office area, the two arrived at the spacious and atmospheric parlor.

Adams took the initiative to greet them and said.

"Gilch, welcome to Lucky Star as your guest."

"You're welcome sir, please let me introduce you to island number three which is being listed."

Adams shook his head, he was not interested in a few dozen acres of small islands, too small and inadequate, he was not trying to buy just a private island.

Gilch, who was a bit puzzled, asked, a bit puzzled, "So what do you mean?"

"Are there other islands up for sale, the kind that are over 100 acres?"

His voice was so touching that Gilchrist, as if hearing dollars rustling, immediately opened the tablet excitedly to introduce Adams to several other large islands.

Adams bought the island, another purpose is to avoid taxes.

The billions won from Parkway have to pay a lot of taxes, so Adams wants to spend some of it first by acquiring islands and buying private jets.