Oriental Entertainment, A New Direction

In Adams' luxurious suite, a crazy game lasted all night long.

The next morning when he woke up, Adams opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, a burst of weakness.

"And a goblin ah ..."

Last night did not feel much, but today, once awake, Adams only clearly feel what kind of feeling is their body deficit.

He got up from the bed and pulled over the phone as soon as he could.

The person at the front desk there quickly picked up.

"Boss, may I ask what you need?"

Adams thought for a moment and spoke in a somewhat hoarse voice: "Order that Oriental chef hired in the kitchen earlier to make something to tonic the body, you know how to do that, right?"

The receptionist nodded knowingly, and spoke again, "Don't worry boss, I promise to get the job done."

Having ordered this, Adams put down the handset and limped on the bed for a while longer before going to the bathroom to wash up.

Although I don't know how the other employees' reunion was, Adams himself truly felt exhausted by this reunion.

Not long after, a waiter knocked on the door.

Adams heard the sound and pressed the button to open the door.

The door was pushed open and a waiter came out pushing a cart.

About the identity of the delivery is rather special, the trolley in the service provider is male.

The two red cloth-decorated carts had a variety of tableware on it, and four covered plates with a ceramic tile jar underneath.

As the cart approached, Adams vaguely smelled an odor of alcohol, but it didn't seem quite like all the alcohol she had ever had before.

"What is this stuff?"

Adams pointed to the tiled jar with a curious face.

The waiter smiled faintly.

"Boss, this is one of the things the chef from the East made for you, and he said he wanted you to take your time and not get greedy."

Hearing him say that, Adams could be sure that it contained wine.


As he said that, he waved his hand at the waiter.

"You go down first."

The waiter nodded and left with a faint smile.

Although the dishes made by the Oriental chef were a little different from Adams' usual taste, looking at the fact that these things were specially made, he put up with that little difference.

And I don't know if it was an illusion, after the meal and drink, although still some feet floating, he did feel a bit of physical recovery.

When he thought about it, he had to wonder about the goblin's ability.

It is worthy of the female group to take charge of ah, obviously no matter which point is stronger than others!

Half an hour later, Adams put everything back and the cart called for a waiter to clean up the mess.

At the same time as the waiter left, the captain of that female group also dined back.

"Boss, are you still satisfied with my service last night?"

The goblin nestled into Adams' arms again as soon as she entered.

If not still a little tired now, Adams was only afraid to raise his gun again.

"Satisfaction is natural, so if you have any requests just say it."

The thing between men and women, Adams has experienced more, a glance can see what the person in front of him is thinking.

She blushed and slowly spoke, "Actually, I want to ask the boss if he is not interested in developing some entertainment projects in the East?"

If not, she would mention some other requests, if yes, of course, she hoped that this multi-colored man would develop the project while bringing some corresponding benefits to their team.

"Oriental entertainment?"

Adams raised his eyebrows slightly, remembering.

He was already doing quite well in his home country and had been involved in quite a few fields.

Thinking about it this way, his own hands now also accumulated a large amount of non-liquid capital, in the East to develop entertainment-related projects, then it is also more than enough.

Then simply go and make a breakthrough.

Having made up his mind, Adams nodded his head.

"If there is time, I will go."

Hearing him say that, her face showed a smile, and her red lips left a beautiful mark on Adams' face.

"Then people will look forward to your coming."

The day on the island was a quick one.

Adams also had a very full day.

It is the vacation off than usual and then tired, even if that Oriental chef gave the secret medicine effect is good, but also can not avoid this unusual fatigue.

But such a day was soon pressed to rest.

Because in the late afternoon, Adams was draped in sunscreen, ready to go to the beach to hang out when Chris ran over with a phone full of anxiety.

"What's wrong?"

Male fast see her stumble and almost fell, raised a hand to help.

Even so, Chris still hit his arms at once, soft chest to his body.

Chris, who could not easily stand on his feet, took two heartfelt breaths and spoke with his phone in his hand, "Boss, the receptionist got a call, Miss Margaret said she took an early vacation and was coming to see you!"

As an assistant, Adams some things or she helped to arrange, that's why she ran over in such a panic.

Hearing so, Adams also panicked a little.

I can't help it, who would have thought his lovely girlfriend would come to check up on him at this time?

Although in a sense his cute little girlfriend in public, may just want to come to see how he is, now the situation is no different from checking up on him.

But in any case, now Adams also no longer, went to the beach to hunt for sex and hurried back to his apartment. Called out the few women who stayed here before, and gave them each a bill together.

"My woman is coming, you know what it means, right?"

Although these women were a little puzzled at first, when they heard Adams say so, they understood at once.

They also knew the score, so after accepting the stack of dollars, they cleaned all traces of their presence in this room and left with nimble movements.

Just before leaving, The goblin still fondly instructed Adams.

"boss, you do not forget our agreement oh."

Adams, of course, will not forget, but now it is too late to make out with her, nodded haphazardly should be two voices to watch them leave. 

The next day, Margaret did as he said on the phone, early in the morning on the plane Adams arranged to come over.

As soon as she got off the plane, she flew to Adams and jumped into his arms.

"Honey, did you miss me?"