Margaret's visit

Adams smiled and nodded, hugging the fragrant, soft girl in his arms.

"How could I not miss you, I've been preparing since I found out you called."

With that, he took the girl by the hand and led her in the direction of the beach.

Adams could see all the way around from time to time looking past several beautiful women in sexy bikinis with hot bodies.

Noticing his eyes, Margaret puffed out her cheeks and an inexplicable surge of belligerence rose.

She let go of Adams' hand and ran to her assistant.

"Did you bring that swimsuit I had earlier?"

The assistant had just helped her move her luggage to the hotel, and hurried over, tired and sweaty, heard this but somehow understood her thoughts at once, and did not dare to be slow to hurry nodded.

"Please don't worry, Miss, it's been ready for a long time."

"Very good."

Marguerite nodded in satisfaction.

"Let's go!"

She took the initiative to run to Adams' side, took his hand, and then ran towards the other end of the beach.

After all, it is still a girl at heart, although at first there was some gambling because of Adams' performance, now Margaret has been attracted to the scene in front of her attention, and can not care about the rest, only want to hurry to change clothes to swim in the sea.

Adams followed her, fearing that she might accidentally fall and be scratched by the shells or something hidden inside the soft sand.

After all, his girl's skin is too delicate, if one accidentally left a scar, how sad it is?

But it turns out that a girl in the excitement of something, the kind of people crazy state, even Adams such a big man also completely unable to pull her.

He just felt that his girlfriend was in front of him one second, and the next second he didn't know when he had scampered into the water.

When he was helpless, he suddenly saw Margaret retract her feet and slowly walked back.

"That's enough fun?"

Adams also took two steps forward, raised his hand, and rubbed Margaret's head, teasing.

Margaret shook her head.

"I'm not that easily satisfied, am I?"

She puffed out her face and looked over at the endless sea.

"It's not because I can't swim, and I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to save me if I drown later?"

After that, she ran to Adams and hooked his finger: "You can teach me how to swim."

Adams froze for a moment and then felt some funny.

"I didn't think that the titular lady could not swim?"

Knowing that his remark was just flirting, Margaret still couldn't help but blush.

"Do I have to know how to swim?" Adams saw that she was a little ashamed, and was about to change his tone to persuade her, but then he heard: "Besides, if I could swim, I wouldn't have met you before, right?"

When Adams heard this, his expression gave a start.

Seems to have a few points of truth?

"Let's go then."

Since Margaret asked herself to teach her how to swim, of course, he, as a boyfriend, had no reason to refuse.

So Adams dragged Margaret's shoulders and moved slowly forward with her in the water.

From his angle, he could just see, struggling in the water Margaret's beautiful curves.

What's worse is that she is wearing this swimsuit, is the top and bottom separate lace polka dot swimsuit, the outside layers of lace wrapped, more on the cute side of the type.

But because the curves of Margaret's own body were already very distinct, at first the fabric held up only to make her look cute, and now after being wet by the water, that beautiful good body is visible!

Good thing he didn't make a fool of himself so quickly in front of his girlfriend after expending a lot of energy earlier.

After teaching for a while, Margaret was probably tired and talked to Adams, pulling him along with her to the shore.

"Are you going to continue after that?"

Margaret heard him and shook her head.

"Let's continue next time."

Although she usually exercised, things like swimming were often very physically demanding.

Not to mention the fact that she wasn't in a pool, but on the edge of the ocean.

Here, because of the tides, she had to keep an eye on the waves beating over her, and the water was also salty and astringent, and although it didn't seem to take too long, she always felt like she had already suffered a lot in there.

"Well, that's for another time."

Adams accepted everything about him well, and hearing him say that he didn't want to continue, he simply let her go and play.

When Margaret left and Adams was ready to go to the water again for another stroll, he suddenly saw Obiye over there coming towards himself.

After all, it is now a paid vacation, normally, according to Obiye's nature should hate to even wear those beautiful women on it.

"What? You don't go to your beautiful women to come to me? That's so unlike you."

Adams flirted while walking over from goodwill, picking up a bottle of wine that Obiye had placed in the ice bucket by hand.

"Because there are some things that only you can fix."

Obier said while raising his hand and pointing to the beach not far away.

"Boss, there is a nice view over there, why don't we go over there and sit and talk?"

Adams raised an eyebrow and took the lead to go over there.

"So active to find me. What have you seen the wind recently?"

"It's true that I can't hide it from you." Obier laughed helplessly, then talked about the events of the past two days: "In the two days we were on vacation, things between the two countries became more and more anxious, instead, the oil crisis eased a lot."

This Adams knew.

"That part of the income is also slightly less, but it is not a problem for the time being, what is the matter you want to talk about?"

Obiye took out a newspaper.

"This is the news from the bank side yesterday, I asked the people there to check and found that the price of gold has now gone up in all local banks."

Adams took the newspaper and read it, and a touch of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"It's gone up so fast?"

It's only been a week and the price of a gram of gold has gone up from $50 to $55.

It may not seem like a big change, but you know that over the past few decades, the price of gold has been steadily increasing every year, but it's only slowly rising at a rate of only about $1.23 per year!

And this time it's only been less than a week since such a breakthrough, if he seizes this opportunity, he can make another fortune!

"It looks like someone is eyeing this piece before the oil side goes long and wants to rely on this to fill the gap?"

Adams put the newspaper aside and laughed.

"Yes, boss."

The information Obiye gathered was pretty much what Adams thought.

But since he had already guessed it, it didn't matter if the report was taken out or not.