My Beautiful Luna

{Two Days Before Cassie's First Transformation}

"Hey Alpha, when are you coming back?" Cassie asked her father. Her father looked at her and smiled.

"Cassie dear, why do you love addressing your father as the alpha?" Alpha Rowan asked his daughter.

"Yeh, imagine everyone calls you that except me, the other day I heard mom calling you…" Cassie said and stopped, she looked at the door and asked her father if she could whisper to him so that no werewolf would hear.

Cassie whispered to her father and when she was done, Alpha Rowan stood up and shook his head, he pointed his fingers warningly at his daughter and said, "Cassie, bad."

Cassie smiled and before she could reply her mother, Luna River entered the room. She touched Cassie's face and stood next to her husband. "What were you two whispering about?" She asked.

Cassie looked at her father and when her father shook his head Cassie turned to her mother and say, "it is our secret mother, there is no need for you to know."

"Mmmh, honey?" Luna River said to her husband with a warm smile, and at the same time Cassie said, "no dad, you can't cave."

Alpha Rowan looked from his Luna to his daughter who was staring at him with a serious look and then back at Luna River who by now he could see her back white teeth.

"Okay, I can't." Alpha Rowan said.

"Honey, you have to choose, me or her?" Luna River said and walked next to where Cassie was standing. Cassie nodded her head and held her mother's hand. It was a tough decision for the alpha, was he to cave into his Luna's smile, or was he to keep the secret from how Cassie who was busy glaring at him.

"Dad, decide now," Cassie said to her father and the Luna nodded. If anyone walked into the room at that moment they would have thought the family was having the most difficult discussion of all time.

"My Luna, my beautiful Luna, I love you so much, but I have to go with the future alpha." Alpha Rowan couldn't help himself but continue even after he saw Luna's face fall. And by the time he finished the sentence both his Luna and his daughter wore sad faces.

"Cassie?" Alpha Rowan called, Cassie looked from her father to her mother, she didn't want to tell them that whenever she heard the term 'future alpha female' she felt like her heart was about to burst, and no, not with joy.

"I…" Cassie began but she didn't get to finish as her parents engulfed her in a big hug. "I can't breathe, I can't." Cassie said and began coughing, her parents didn't stop, they knew she was faking it and the hug was very much needed.

If not for Cassie then for them.

"Okay, I think it is time to let go." Cassie said and when her parents didn't release her she shouted, "Beta Jean they are killing me."

"Hey honey, are you crying?" Alpha Rowan asked his Luna, of course, she was crying, she felt bad that whenever her husband or she mentioned the turn "future alpha' her daughter's face always turned, and even the time she was laughing she would stop.

"Mom, oh no. Come on." Cassie said and when she was done with the sentence, Luna had untangled herself from the hug. Luna River walked to the bed and Alpha Rowan followed her. "Mom, we were joking come on," Cassie said to make her mother stop crying.

"If you want me to stop you have to tell me what you two were whispering about," Luna said staring at Cassie.

"Mom, that is pure blackmail."

"But in a good way right? So do I need to continue crying? What do you say?" Luna said looking at her husband to her daughter.

Dramatically, Luna River placed her hands on top of her head and opened her mouth ready to wail as someone who was at a funeral. Alpha Rowan leaned and gave her a lingering kiss.

Cassie had to look away from her parents, it was their private moment.

There was a knock on the door and Cassie made a roundabout, she almost fell, she walked to the door and she couldn't see herself getting there and thank whoever had saved her from counting the number of pictures on the wall of her parent's bedroom

"Thank God!" Cassie said as she opened the door.

"What, are you okay?" It was Beta Jean at the door.

"Yes, I am fine." Cassie responded, "but you said they are killing you so I came." Beta Jean said.

Cassie was not that surprised that Beta Jean had heard her when she had said that, the Beta was the best of the best, he was always punctual and sometimes Cassie always joked to her father that she wanted to be like the Beta when she grew up.

That of course was always met with, "that hurt dear daughter," from Alpha Rowan.

"You know I was joking, right? Where is Lisa?" Cassie asked Beta Jean and walked out of the door and closed slowly behind her. The alpha and Luna could do whatever they wanted.

"Cassie." Beta Jean called with a little smile on his face but with a serious tone.

Cassie smiled back and said with the same seriousness in her tone, "Beta Jean."

"Cassie, leave my beta alone, go find yours." Alpha Rowan said from the bedroom. Luna could be heard asking him to stop shouting, and then her explaining to him how wrong it was for him to shout like that.

"Freedom of speech honey." Alpha Rowan said back.

"Bye, mom, dad." Cassie said and waved at Beta Jean who looked at her and shook his head, he watched as Cassie walked away sure Cassie was going to search for her two best friends.

Inside Luna River's bedroom, Luna told her husband, "now look what you have done." She was talking about the shouting and how Cassie had shouted back.

"Mmmh, but you know important it is for me to practice now, the meeting tomorrow might get out of hands and I will have to shout a little bit." Alpha Rowan said and his Luna smiled at him.

Luna River only nodded at her husband and hold his hand in hers.