Luna River’s Wise Trick

"Something has happened alpha," Beta Jean was heard saying, he was on the phone with Alpha Rowan.

"Beta Jean, what do you mean something has happened? Is everything okay? Is my Luna okay? What about Cassie?" Alpha Rowan rambled.

"Yes, everything is okay. Cassie transformed a few minutes ago." Beta Jean said and had to take the phone away from his ear or he would have gone deaf, the alpha was screaming, "WHAT?"

Beta Jean went ahead and explained to the alpha what has happened, Luna River was busy pacing in the bedroom as she didn't know what to do and asked Beta Jean to call her husband in the hopes of, he will know what to do.

But the alpha was far away, what of importance was he going to be?

"I am coming now." He said and continued, "my Luna, can you hear me? It is going to be okay. I am on my way." From the background, you could hear voices asking Alpha Rowan if everything was okay, and the answer he gave them was, "my daughter."

Beta Jean ended the call and looked at Luna whose eyes were beginning to change, she was about to transform there, and then, she had the urge to follow her daughter and see if she was okay.

"Hey, hey. Look at me, inhale, exhale." Beta Jean said to Luna River, no matter what, he wasn't going to allow her to follow Cassie. Once again, the rules made Luna River feel like she was going to scream.

They heard a howl and it was from Cassie's wolf, the howl was that of a surprise and Luna River looked at Beta Jean and said, "by the goddess."

Beta Jean looked at Luna River and repeat the same words as before, "inhale, exhale." He was sure Cassie's wolf was alright and she was going to come back safe and sound, but as he said he didn't believe his words.

He thought of what the alpha would do to him as he was asked to take care of the pack and look at what has happened.

"Hey, it is not your fault." Luna River told him; it is like she knew what he was thinking.

Dark River Pack was quiet, surprised, Beta Jean excused himself and left the room to go outside and see what had happened. Once outside he walked to the transformation room and was surprised at what he found, there was no one.

Panicking, he left and went to report back to the Luna.

"There is no one in the transformation room," he said as soon as he entered the room.

"What?" Luna responded and they left the room.

Once they were outside, they found Delta Francis who looked as panicked as Beta Jean said, "Harold has not transformed." At the same time, Beta Jean asked, "where is everyone?"

Luna River knew that even if she was scared for her daughter, she had to be strong there and tell them what to do, she asked, "so where is everyone?"

"They are in the meeting room," Delta Francis said.

Luna River walked in front of them, head held high and no one would have realized that she was counting from a thousand backward to prevent her wolf from coming out, it was a trick she had learned to calm herself whenever she felt like she was getting worked up.

Beta Jean and Delta Francis followed her into the meeting room.

From a distance, you could hear the voices inside the meeting room but once the Luna arrived, they all went silent. "Hi," Luna River said and walked in the middle of the room, she smiled, her head held high, by that time she was at number eight hundred and fifty-five.

"Eight hundred and fifty-second," she counted inside her head and felt like rolling her eyes, why did she have to count like that she would have said eight hundred and fifty-two. She smiled at the pack.

"Hi, have you finished the transformation?" She asked.

Every parent and their seventeen-years old kids answered no, one of them stood up and after Luna allowed her to talk said, "no one transformed, we waited and nothing has happened." Luna River thought they were going to transform soon, she asked them to leave and take each of their kids to the transformation rooms and wait since Cassie was out of the way.

"Excuse me Luna River, what had just happened? Is Cassie, okay?" Lisa asked surprised had thought she would have transformed at the same time with her best friend.

"Yes." The werewolves in the room said.

Beta Jean's panic had ended and he was happy Luna River had stepped in and talked to the pack, he wasn't sure he was going to make everyone calm but after looking at Luna and seeing she was getting anxious, he had to step in.

"Yes, Cassie is fine, she will come back. Now kindly please let's do as we have been asked. The full moon is up, we don't want to have bones cracking inside this room and the kids." Beta Jean said and smiled at them.

Luna River moved aside and allowed the werewolves to pass, they all looked at her with worried looks and she gave them a warm and kind smile. She was still counting and was sure if they dared look at her with pity eyes, she would have transformed there and then and run after her daughter.

While Luna was talking to the pack, Cassie's wolf was confused.

Once every parent had placed their kids in their transformation room, they heard another howl. It was Cassie's wolf and for a new wolf, she was doing a lot of howling, any other day, any other time the howl from a newly turned wolf would have been that of happiness but Cassie's howl had confusion in it.

"Enough is enough, I have to…" before Luna River could finish the Beta, Delta and their wives yelled, "no!"

Lisa and Rose were also there, Harold had told them he was okay staying by himself and they should go and talk to Luna to help her calm her down because if Luna River transformed and went after Cassie's wolf, a disaster would fall upon Dark River Pack.

Cassie's wolf looked at the writings on the post, 'Forest Lane,' run to the next and read, 'River Lane,' 'Rowan Lane,' the next, 'Way Lane.' And many other lanes.

She cursed whoever was tasked to name the lanes, why wasn't there a simple one like 'run lane'? or maybe no names at all. It was confusing but Cassie's wolf had to make a decision faster, she needed the run and so she picked the 'River Lane.'

Nothing was going to happen to her while she used a lane named after her mother, right?