Her Transformation

"What is this cage for?" Cassie asked. They were in one of the transformation rooms, it was the morning of the transformation day and they had to reconfirm again if everything was in place.

"Delta Francis asked us to put it here," a she-wolf answered and they all turned and stared at Rose.

Rose waved at them and said casually, "it's for my eldest brother, that boy has a bad temper, I guess dad didn't want anything bad to happen during his transformation."

"Oh boy!" Lisa said and they smiled at one another, they all knew how Rose's brother was and couldn't imagine how mad he would be when he was in his wolf form.

After ensuring everything was in place Cassie excused herself. She felt tired and wanted to lie down.

Walking out of the room, she felt her head spinning and she had to lean on the wall for a few minutes then when she felt a little better, she leaned onto the wall and walked to keep herself from falling. "Feeling a little wobbly," she told any wolf who asked her if she was okay.

She went into her bedroom, got herself some water, and lay down on the bed.

"Cassie, Cassie." She heard someone calling her, thinking it was a dream she continued sleeping. She slept through the day and after waking up, she took a shower and went to see her mother.

"Are you okay?" Luna River asked Cassie as she touched her head to feel the temperature. Cassie nodded to her mother; she didn't feel her head spinning anymore.

"Wow, look. That is beautiful." Cassie said to her mother and pointed at the moon.

"Yes, it is." Her mother said and looked up, Cassie knowing her mother was beginning to think of her father, and how grateful she was for the moon goddess for giving him to her, she wanted to ask her mother how they met even if she had heard the story, but she didn't ask, she had to leave.

"Okay, Luna River. I have to go." Cassie said to her mother with a bow and it made Luna River laugh. She walked out of the room and went to search for Halford, Rose's brother so she could talk to him.

She met a few wolves who were going to transform that day for their first time and encouraged them to be strong, and after a while, she bid them goodbye as she saw Rose from a distance.

"Hey, where were you the whole day?" Rose asked.

"I was asleep. I think." Cassie said.

"Dude, you think? Are you okay?"

Cassie rolled her eyes and responded, "of course, I am, why wouldn't I be? I am looking for your brother, where is he?"

"Why are you looking for my brother?" Rose said and winked.

"Ew Rose! No! I want to talk to him before his transformation." Cassie said.

Rose looked at her best friend who was becoming impatient, she wanted to ask again if she was okay but stopped herself and replied, "he is in his transformation room."

"Okay, see you when the full moon is up?" Cassie asked and waved at her best friend and left to go find Halford.

"What am I going to do? Go on a rampage and attack everyone?" Harold said to himself. Cassie heard as she entered the transformation room where the cage was, Harold murmured how unfair his dad was, and that his temper was unrelated to his wolf.

"I don't think you can attack anyone," Cassie said and Harold jumped and after seeing who it was, he said, "by the goddess, woman, are you trying to kill me?"

Cassie looked at him and she was sure the Delta was not wrong to have the room prepared, the boy's veins were beginning to bulge. "Harold, how are you?" Cassie asked him and went to where he was, he asked him to sit down and began to talk.

Harold couldn't help but tell Cassie he was scared; Cassie didn't laugh or mock him, she reassured him that everything was going to be well, and the pack and his family would be waiting for him.

"Do you think it's true that my wolf would be angry like me?" Harold asked and looked down dejectedly.

"No, I don't think so. Believe me, the moon goddess has a way of surprising us." Cassie said.

If only anyone would have told Cassie Harrington that the surprise was on her, she wouldn't have believed it.

"Thanks, Cas," Harold said to Cassie, calling her the name the same way he called her since they were young, he even saw her as a sister.

Cassie stood up and went to check if everything was okay in the room, "Hey I have to go but I will come back," Harold said and Cassie replied to her jokingly, "of course, you have to, we can't have an angry wolf roaming around freely, can we?"

"Cassie," Harold called.

"Too soon?" Cassie asked and Harold nodded and left the room so he could tell his father he was okay with the cage.

Inside Harold's transformation room, Cassie Harrington felt a sharp jolt of pain in her head, she held on to the cage and saw stars, she hoped she wasn't going to faint inside the room because was Harold's room and he was going to come back soon.

Cassie Harrington yelped when she felt another jolt of pain, she walked out of the room in the hope of getting to her mother.

"Mother." She called when she felt a rush of heat in her body.

"What is happening?" Luna River asked and rushed out of the meeting room, Beta Jean followed her, and he was practically jogging he had to ask Luna River to slow down but Luna wasn't going to, her daughter had just called her with a painful voice.

Every wolf in the pack run in the direction they heard Cassie's painful voice calling her mother.

When Luna River arrived, she wished the earth could stop and she would go back in a moment and replan, it was happening, her sixteen years old daughter was transforming. Cassie's transformation was on the first stage, and she felt like her body was on fire, "mom," she called and when Luna River tried to walk to where her daughter was, Beta Jean held her.

"You can't Luna, it is against the rules." Beta Jean told her.

Dark River Pack werewolves were staring at what was unfolding in front of them, it was as if they were staring at a miracle, and no, not a good miracle.

"Hello, you should all get back your rooms, and parents whose kids are going to transform today, get them somewhere safe to transform," Delta Francis said. Somewhere safe was no longer the transformation room since Cassie was standing in front of one of them. No one could walk past her.

The werewolves gave Cassie one last look and left.

Cassie called her mother the last time, and then her bones began cracking, Beta Jean hold onto Luna River so she wouldn't go to where her daughter was. With one last scream from Cassie Harrington, she knelt, and in front of Luna River, Beta Jean, and Delta Francis, Cassie Harrington transformed for the first time.

In her full wolf form, Cassie's wolf stared at her mother and wiggled its tail. Luna smiled and nodded at the wolf, they then moved aside, and Cassie's wolf run outside. With one look at Dark River Pack house, Cassie's wolf howled, and it shock everyone.

The transformation of the first female alpha had just happened, just like that.