Transformation Room

"Cassie your best friend is here." Luna River called her daughter.

"Hey, it's best friends, see, there are two of us," Rose jokingly said to Luna and pointed at herself and Lisa.

Lisa and Rose were Cassie's best friends and they had come to pick her up so they could leave together and go to prepare the room where the werewolves transformed for their time.

The rooms were many and they contained chains and ropes, but some didn't have that but only had water and some clothes for the wolf to change into after he or she has turned back to their human form.

Some werewolves would have done the job and finished in no time but Cassie and her best friends saw no problem in helping them after all they were teenagers with lots of energy to spare.

It was a few days before the full moon, and they had to hurry so they would be done a day before the transformation day so that when the day arrived for the transformation, they would only be required to check the room in the morning for the last time.

"Coming, give me a minute," Cassie shouted back at her mother.

And after a minute, Cassie came out, and shout, "voila!"

Luna River, Lisa, and Rose laughed so hard they had to stop themselves, Lisa was on the ground, Rose on the other hand felt like she was going to cry.

"Guys, what is it?" Cassie asked her mother and her best friends.

"What are you wearing darling?" Luna River asked her daughter.

"What? It is a dress?" Cassie asked, from how her mother and her best friend had laughed at her, made her unsure of what was wearing.

"That, a dress?" Lisa said at the same time Rose said, "Please stop, you are killing me."

Luna River looked at her daughter, stood up, and walked to where she was, she gave her a warm smile and said, "Hey, look at me. Let's get you changed uh?"

Cassie stared at the cloth she was wearing and asked her mother what was wrong with it but got no answer, and after countless times of trying to ask her best friends what was wrong with her dress, she gave up, followed her mother, and changed.

"Damn girl, you should be a comedian," Lisa said to Cassie when she came back with Luna River behind her who shook her head at Lisa and Rose as if asking them to stop laughing.

"Is anyone going to tell me?" Cassie asked for the last time, and when no one replied to her, she walked out of the room angry at everyone.

"Girls, look how you have made my daughter angry," Luna River said to Lisa and Rose with a smile on her face. She was trying so hard not to laugh again.

"Sorry?" Lisa and Rose said it was a question rather than a statement.

"Okay girls, bye now. Shoo, shoo, shoo." Luna River said to them as if she was talking to some chickens.

"Bye Luna." They said at once.

"Call me River." Luna River said to them before they were out of the door.

"Okay, Luna River." They shouted at her and left, running after Cassie who was still angry.

In Luna River's room, she was humming at herself and smiled as she felt happy for her daughter who had two best friends, the best friends she was sure would do anything for each other.

"Hi, best friend." Luna sent a text to her mate, thinking about her daughter's best friends made her miss her husband and best friend, Alpha Rowan. Immediately after sending the text, there was an incoming video call from Alpha Rowan, Luna River picked up and started, "Hello my love."

"Hey mate, aren't you supposed to be at the meeting?" Luna River asked.

"I can't miss talking to you, my love." Alpha Rowan said and Luna smiled, they started telling each other how they were doing.

In the transformation room.

Cassie was not talking to her best friend, she was mad at them for making fun of her dress, "come on future alpha, halo, please." Lisa said and Cassie continued doing what she was doing.

"I met my mate today," Rose said.

"Wait, what?" Cassie and Lisa shouted at Rose and walked fast to where she was standing.

"Hey don't kill me. Seriously I haven't transformed yet and after I tell you I found my mate you all are curious?" Rose said and started running out of the room and entered the next one.

Cassie and Lisa shouted at her and asked her to open the door while promising her they were going to kill her, and instead of opening Rose said to them, "That is a good way of making me open the door girls."

"Girls, what are you doing?" Beta Jean asked, he was on his way to meet Luna River.

"Dad hey," Lisa said and turned back to thumping the door at the same time Cassie said, "Beta Jean."

Beta Jean shook his head and walked away ignoring the fake cries and calls from Rose who was asking him to help her because her best friends were going to kill her.

"Okay, I am going to open the door but you have to promise me, no one touches my hair, okay?" Rose said and she could hear Cassie and Lisa giggle. She knew she had made a mistake by telling them that because now, that was the first thing they were going to do.

"Guys, I am serious. Not my hair." She said again and when she didn't hear Cassie and Lisa giggle, she opened the door. She ran into the farthest corner of the room screaming, Cassie and Lisa after her.

By now, the Dark River Pack were used to them behaving that way, but for any new wolf or a visitor, they wouldn't believe they were sixteen years old.

"Okay, let's do this. Uh?" A wolf walked into the transformation room and spoke.

Cassie and Lisa answered and laugh when they looked at Rose who was trying hard to rearrange her hair. Rose made faces to them, and when the werewolf in the room pretended to clear her throat that is when they began doing what they were supposed to do in the first place.

They finished faster since they were four, and moved to the next room. And when they finished, they went down the river and brought some water.

"I think we are way better when schools are open," Cassie said and her best friends agreed with her. It was boring and they had to do something and since they were sixteen there was no way they were going to play dress up.

Arriving at the pack, they took the water into the kitchen and Cassie requested if they would go back and recheck the rooms.

"Such a perfectionist." Lisa and Rose said at the same time.

"I can hear you," Cassie said grinning at them.

"We know," they answered.

They hold hands and began talking and giggling as they walked back to the transformation rooms; they were the true definition of best friends.