Team We

{Two Days before Cassie's First Transformation}

"I will be leaving, while I am gone kindly take care of everything. Make Luna River doesn't get overwhelmed, you know how she gets whenever the full moon is almost up." Alpha Rowan said to his Beta.

"Yes, Alpha." Beta Jean answered.

"And ensure the transformation of every werewolf who is turning this at this full moon to run smoothly," Alpha Rowan added.

Beta Jean nodded, he knew how much important it was the first time every young seventeen years old werewolf in the pack was important to the alpha and the pack in general.

"I will text you every detail," Beta Jean said to his alpha who was back to stare at the werewolf who was watering the flowers in the garden. The alpha only hummed in response; he was sure Beta Jean was going to handle everything just fine while he was away.

"I wish I can come with you." The Beta continued and Alpha Rowan turned to him and say, "thanks, Jean."

The alpha would have been happy if his Beta would have accompanied him, they have been doing that in previous times when Alpha Rowan was going for the meeting, during that period they left the pack under Delta Francis. But it was impossible now they didn't want to impose him too much work, he had a son who was going to transform for the first time.

And if only Delta Francis' son, Harold was a normal teenager with zero anger issues, they would have left Delta Francis to look over Dark River Pack for a few days.

"Call me." Alpha Rowan said, stood up, and walked back to Dark River Pack's packhouse. Beta Jean remained there thinking and planning the ways he was going to make sure that the Luna didn't have any hard time in preparing for everything.

Alpha Rowan walked and never turned to look at his Beta, he knew if he would, he would want to turn back and tell him how much he wished the meeting was going to be a success. His Beta was his best friend and they never had any problems sharing their deepest fears with one another.

"Hi, Alpha." A werewolf greeted him. "Hi, are you ready to be your own man?" He asked the werewolf; he was among the teenagers who were going to turn for their first time.

"Yes Alpha, I can't wait." The boy answered cheerfully.

"That is good." The alpha said, shuffled his hair, and walked away.

The teenagers had been taught by the pack teacher regarding their first transformation and everything they were to expect for their first time, and also after the transformation.

And that was one of the best parts about Dark River Pack.

The teacher was a good one, and from time to time he would do everything exactly on how it was going to be, and the teenagers would be heard screaming to laughing and then back to screaming. The class was very much lively.

The class would have been much fun if not for the teacher who kept on breaking things for the teenagers so they could get a clear picture of how the bones were going to crack when they transformed.

"Hello alpha," a girl greeted the alpha and they had the same conversation he heard with the other werewolf he met earlier, the girl was also going to transform for the first time and when the girl left someone came to the alpha's rescue.

She knew there was no way the alpha was going to dismiss any wolf who came to talk to him.

"Hi Alpha." Greet Luna River.

"Hi there my Luna." Alpha Rowan said and walked towards his Luna, they then walked back to their room. Cassie was there waiting for her father so she would tell him goodbye before he left.

"Dad, I have been waiting," Cassie said as soon as her father entered the room, it was as if she was in a hurry to be somewhere else.

"How about you show us how impatient you are dear," Luna said and walked to where Alpha Rowan's bag was. She opened it and re-checked if everything was there and closed it.

"Mother you checked the bag before you went out," Cassie said to her mother. Her mother looked at her, and if they had free time, they would have teased each other about the traits they knew which were crazy about the other person.

"Rowan, a little help here." Luna River called.

Alpha Rowan bowed and said, "yes my queen, I thought you were never going to ask."

"I am not supposed to ask you." Luna River said at the same time Cassie said to her father, "dad, she is not supposed to ask."

"Wait a minute, why do I feel like you two want to corner me? Cassie, you teamed me earlier on, now you are with your mother?"

"Do I hear some jealous father?" Cassie asked her father in a teasing voice.

Alpha Rowan smiled and said, "is it team me or team we? Because if it is 'team me' I will show you two when I am back, be ready."

"When are you coming back, dad? I will miss you."

"I am not going to die." Alpha Rowan said and his daughter hugged him, wished him journey mercies, and left.

"I will miss you too, and there is no 'me team' my love, it is 'team we'!" Luna River said and hugged her husband.

Alpha Rowan's phone rang and when he read the caller ID he turned to his Luna and said, "it's the pilot honey, I will be back in a few days." They stopped hugging and Alpha Rowan carried the bag, gave his Lun a lingering kiss on the lips.

They left the room and before they could walk that far a werewolf asked if he could help the alpha with his bag. Knowing that the werewolf wasn't going to let go even if the Alpha told him he was fine, he gave him his bag.

They came out of the pack house and wished they would hold hands, but they were in a pack house and kids were everywhere. The last thing the alpha and his Luna wanted was to be the first to show public display affection to the kids.

"Text me best friend?" Luna asked her husband.

"You bet I will." Alpha Rowan said and then winked.

He hugged his Luna goodbye and walked to the jet. Luna River stood there watching the jet and when she could no longer see it, she walked back to the pack house.