
{A Day before Cassie's First Transformation}

"Who are we meeting? The goddess?" Alpha Rowan asked himself. He had just landed and he wished the alphas hadn't chosen this place to be their meeting point.

"Thank you." Alpha Rowan said and took the bag from the air hostess who had carried it for him from where they had landed, he had tried to tell her he could manage but the words had felt into deaf ears and he had accepted the offer to be helped.

He looked at the building and then at his clothes. The building looked expensive and he was sure it was the bachelor alpha who had picked the place.

"Goodbye, hope you enjoy your stay." The air hostess said and left.

Alpha Rowan only managed a nod, as much as the hotel looked lavishing, he was not there to have fun, he was on a serious business. He hated it so much that he was not back at his pack helping his Luna prepare for the transformation day.

The kids turning for their first time at Dark River Pack was a very big deal, at least for the ones who didn't transform at the same year and day as the future alpha.

Not transforming as the same day and the year as the future alpha meant they need not worry about their fate but rather think of how they were going to meet their wolf for the first time and if they were lucky, they would either meet their mates that exact day or the next day, or the next week.

Alpha Rowan had changed into something else as soon as the pilot had announced they were safe and could move around. He looked at his clothes again and back to the building, he looked to be out of place.

"Hey, Rowan." Someone called him.

Alpha Rowan turned back and said, "Sunflower." It was the name of the pack from which the alpha had just called him ruled.

The man walked to him and hugged him, "you look out of place Ro."

"Sunny, you did outdo yourself, was there any need for this kind of a hotel? And why did you make us travel all the way here." Alpha Rowan asked glaring at Alpha Sunny of Sunflower Pack.

"We have a very private meeting." Alpha Sunflower said and before Alpha Rowan could retaliate another alpha joined them.

"Sunny, Sunny. What are we going to talk about? The nuclear bombs? The alpha who would love to talk about that isn't coming and you knew that. Alpha Rowan." The other alpha said he was Alpha Hunter of Hunters Pack.

"Yes, we are going to talk about Cassie Harrington and Dark River Pack. Alpha Rowan, Alpha Hunter, Sunny." Another alpha joined them, Alpha Blue of the Blue Pack.

Alpha Sunny grinned at them; he was proud he had chosen the hotel. No one from his pack would be able to see him and judge his behavior. He was mate-less for god's sake but that wouldn't have been his excuse.

In the werewolf world, the alphas were seen as the role models and he had to do everything in his power to make sure he didn't show bad behaviors which others would copy.

The alphas stood there in front of the building, staring at it as if it was a monument, any human passing by would have thought they were mere travelers who were drawn to the building. They were all thinking as Alpha Rowan, "this is why we had to travel this far?"

"Sunny." They all called him at once.

Alpha Sunny smiled and walked into the building and said, "Welcome to the Sunflower Hotel."

Yep, Alpha Sunny owned the hotel.

"No wonder. Congrats." Alpha Rowan said and as soon as they entered two staff came running and took their bags.

Each of them walked quietly to their rooms as they admired the hotel, once each arrived at their respective rooms, they prepared themselves for the meeting.

The alphas who had met earlier with Alpha Rowan walked to where other alphas from another pack sat waiting for them, and they were all surprised why they had to travel that far but once Alpha Sunny told them it was his, they all kept quiet.

They didn't mind that much, if they were asked to travel to the moon for the meeting they would have. It was important for their friend, Alpha Rowan Harrington of Dark River Pack.

Alpha Rowan, his Luna, and his two men in command had come up with an idea, they were to ask for help from the other alphas and see if they would come up with a way of breaking the curse.

The alphas had been meeting for the last three years and even if they still hadn't found an answer they kept meeting up. They believed there was a way to save Dark River Pack, so Cassie wouldn't have to go through the quest troubles.

At first, some of the alphas had been adamant, but after Alpha Rowan had explained to them how much it would mean to him and Dark River Pack, and also it would be important to them too, as that would mean they would form a strong ally and be there for one another.

He had mentioned that each pack had its problems from rogue problems to war to mafia problems and that his problem was as much as theirs the only difference was that his problem was a big one a curse which has been there for ages.

Alpha Sunny had been the one who had agreed first with a joke that when he became tired of enjoying his life, he would require help from all the alphas to help him find his mate and after that, all the alphas had agreed to join hands with Alpha Rowan.

At their fifth meeting, some of the Alphas had left claiming Dark River Pack was a lost cause, and the ones who had stayed were all there except for alpha Walker of Walkers Pack.

Food was served to them, and they used that time to ask one another how their pack was going because as soon as they were done eating and they went to the conference room of Sunflower Hotel, they were only going to focus on Dark River Pack and its predicament.

If only they knew the meeting was going to be cut short, they would have discussed Dark River Pack while eating instead of laughing with one another.