Full of Life

{ A Day before Cassie's First Transformation}

"... you all don't need to be judgemental, I get it. But trust me when I get myself a mate all of you are going to wish you hadn't gotten yours. I will shower her with love, Sunflower Pack will be hers, my heart will be hers, my…" Alpha Sunny explained.

"Woah, we get it, Romeo." Alpha Rowan said, he had to cut Alpha Sunny off, he knew where he was going with his word, but he wasn't finished yet.

"Alpha Rowan, let me teach you all. I will possess her, I will…"

"First of all Sunny, we wish you well. And second, if you find your mate I am hundred percent sure the mate will run away, possess? What are you, the devil? It's not done like that. Your Luna is your equal, she is your mate, she will be the mother of your pups, and she will give you the life you have never experienced. Your mate will be…"

"Wait what? No way. That is scary, the mother of my what now?"

"Sunny, come on."

Alpha Sunny stared at them as if they were all crazy, he wasn't made for that. His beta back at his pack was more surprised that Alpha Sunny was able to be an alpha in the first place.

"Sunny." The alphas called him.

They were surprised about was how and why Alpha Sunny hadn't gotten his mate yet, he had everything any mate would love, he was cheerful, loving, caring, and everything about him made every werewolf love him. If anyone asked him about the reason, he would tell you he knew the Moon Goddess was behind it.

They were all tired as most of them had to travel across the world for the meeting, even Alpha Rowan himself was tired.

"I think we can rest then start the meeting tomorrow, Alpha Rowan what do you think?" Alpha Blue of Blue pack asked.

Alpha Rowan stared at the alphas who were looking at him with tired eyes, he had to let them rest, or do whatever they wanted. There was no harm to hurry for the meeting to happen, a few hours of waiting wouldn't hurt, right?

He wasn't worried about the pack either, it was under the good care of his able beta and his Luna who he was sure was getting the help of their daughter Cassie who over time has been surprising him over and over on how she carried herself and did some things in the pack.

Her daughter was the perfect future alpha of Dark River Pack.

The alphas were staring at him, they were all going to do whatever he said. If he wanted them to stay and have the meeting then that was what they were all going to do. And if Alpha Rowan wanted them to go rest and come back the next day, they were not going to oppose.

After all, they were all there because of him.

"Good evening, hope all of you enjoyed the meal?" Someone asked, they looked up and found it was the hotel chef, they all nodded and told him the food was delicious.

"It was on top-notch Pierre." Alpha Sunny said and smiled at the chef, one bow at the Alphas, he left feeling like he was flying.

"Hi, thank you all for coming. Even though Sunny here decided to fly us across the world," Alpha Rowan began and Sunny bowed.

Continued Alpha Rowan, "it's okay if we meet tomorrow, we are here for the whole week."

They agreed to what Alpha Rowan had said and said goodbye and even good night, the ones who wanted to go and talk to their Lunas like Alpha Rowan went into their bedroom and the ones who wanted to enjoy themselves like Alpha Sunny stayed for a while and walked to the hotel bar to find themselves some drinks.

Inside Alpha Rowan's room, he removed his clothes and went to take his shower after coming back he found some texts from both Luna River and Beta Jean.

"Hi, how are you?" he began, it was Luna River. She picked up the call so fast that she didn't even wait for it to ring.

"Cassie is doing everything for me." Luna River said to her husband.

"My daughter is way better than you hon," Alpha Rowan teased.

"Oh, the future alpha is way better than the current alpha. In the morning I heard some of the werewolves saying..." Luna River retaliated, she was smiling broadly in her bedroom back at Dark River Pack.

"Stop smiling." Alpha Rowan said and Luna River giggled. They continued talking for a few moments and after a few minutes, Luna River said she was going to see how things were and they would talk later.

"Go have fun love." Luna River said and with a kiss from her, she ended the call.

"How can I have fun?" Alpha Rowan asked himself, not only was his Luna far away but also he was supposed to have an important meeting to help the fate of her daughter, there was no room for fun.

"Alpha, I wasn't expecting your call." Beta Jean said. He was the one who was supposed to call and not the other way round.

"Yes, Jean I am fine, my flight was fine. Everything is fine. How are you, how is the pack?"

"Rowan, you have been gone for what, a minute? Come on. Just a day and you are already worried. Remember what we used to say when we were young? A beta can rule too." The last part was a joke they used to tease one another, but Beta Jean was right, the Alpha had no reason to worry.

Beta Jean had everything under control.

"I hear Cassie, Lisa and Rose are taking care of the transformation rooms. Those kids are full of life. I recall when we were of the same age, not that we were of any important use during the transformation period, but I remember the energy we used to have, where did we take the energy, Jean?"

"Rowan say, 'I'. For me, I have no problem, I still got the energy."

"Come on, I wanted us to go down the memory lane for a little bit. You are such a bummer. Good night, make sure no one dies. If they die…"

"I run." Beta Jean said and they laughed together.

Alpha Rowan felt good, he had spoken to two of his best friends, and while they were speaking he felt like a normal Alpha with a normal pack.

But the feeling stayed for just a few minutes, and sadness crept in, alpha Rowan was no way close to being a normal alpha with a normal pack.