Daughter amongst Men

{The Day of Cassie's First Transformation}

"Good morning my beautiful Luna." Alpha Rowan began.

"You are way too happy this morning my love." Luna River said to Alpha Rowan who was smiling broadly.

"It is your face honey." Alpha Rowan said.

They talked about how their night was and once they were done with love Dovey stuff, Alpha Rowan asked his Luna if they had everything under control or if he was supposed to fly back home and take care of everything.

Luna River assured him that she had everything under control and the beta was capable of handling things while he was gone.

"Jean told me the same thing yesterday. You two have something on me?" Rowan asked his wife. Luna River smiled at that knowing her husband was only joking. They continued talking and Alpha Rowan asked if they would talk later, he had to get ready for the meeting.

It would be bad for him to arrive late and the alphas were there because of him. "Ok love, have fun." Luna River said and smile at her husband.

"Have fun?" He asked himself and went to take a shower.

After showering he walked to where his bag was and smiled at what his luna had packed for him, they were all comfortable clothes, Luna River knew the meeting was going to be long and she didn't want the alpha to wear something which was going to be uncomfortable.

Alpha Rowan wore his clothes, carried his briefcase, and walk out of the room. He walked to the lift where he met Alpha Sunny, "good morning Sunny?"

"Do any of you alphas know my real name?"

"What? Sunny is not your name?" Alpha Rowan asked smiling.

Sunny was not his official name and the alphas knew that but they loved calling him sunny because of how he was. Alpha Sunny was always happy and teasing everyone and it also looked like the pack had gotten its rightful name. Sunflower Pack.

The werewolves at Sunflower Pack were always happy, warm, and welcoming.

Alpha Sunny laughed and looked at his phone. "The meeting will be great, it is still early. And any morning I wake up, I know in my heart the day is going to be bright and shiny like me." He told Alpha Rowan poetically with a smile.

When the elevator dinged, Alpha Rowan looked at him and said, "wow! This is the fastest lift I have ever used." Alpha Sunny looked at him and smiled, he was proud of himself.

"I come up with good things, I promise this day is going to be a success, we will find a solution." Alpha Sunny said. If only anyone was to tell him that his 'good' things were not going to be that good on that day, he would have kept his mouth shut.

They saw some alphas sitting, and they walked to where they were. The alphas were the early risers, or maybe they didn't sleep at all. Alpha Rowan greeted them and served himself the breakfast he knew he wasn't going to take.

The alphas who were hungry ate and once they finished and Alpha Hunter asked for the cheque, but before he could finish his sentence Alpha Sunny cut him off and said, "as if you paid yesterday, this is on the house."

"Wait, no one paid yesterday?" Alpha Blue asked.

They all looked at each other and when no one replied, Alpha Hunter, said, "Sorry, we were all tired, we are not planning on bringing your hotel down, Sunny love."

"Yeah, can you imagine that? And it is just starting." Alpha Sunny said and they all laughed. They stood up and walked quietly to the lift and the ones who were with Alpha Sunny in one lift commented how the lift was fast.

They arrived at the conference room which had a big circle table and Alpha Sunny welcomed them inside and said, "Alpha Rowan that is your chair, mine is that one. Everyone else sits wherever you want."

They nodded and took their seats.

The meeting was beginning and Alpha Rowan felt his heart pounding, he was about to find out what the alphas had found since their last meeting. He stared at the alphas and felt happy, at least he had them.

They were supportive.

They had left their pack to come to this meeting, he hoped that in the future when he was no longer the alpha, his daughter would continue with the meetings, and also the sons of the alphas wouldn't mind joining.

The meetings had become their safe place, they would talk about their packs, their fears, and it was the place they shared ideas of how they were going to make the werewolf world a safer world with no rogues or outside world enemies or even the curse.

One picture stuck inside Alpha Rowan's head though, the picture of his daughter sitting in the same chair he was sitting at. She would be the only lady in the room.

Alpha Rowan smiled at the picture in his head and said, "Hi, thank you all for coming. Let's begin. Alpha Hunter."

"Thank you, first of I want to tell you the idea you gave me the last time we were here worked, my warriors now are all capable of handling anything thrown at their ways."

Continued Alpha Hunter, "I have found one way and…"

They all listened to Alpha Hunter who told them what he had found out and it went like that around the table and by the time lunchtime came, Alpha Rowan felt like he would have sent Beta Jean instead of himself coming.

There was nothing important from what they have been saying.

Lunch was brought to them and they were asked to move to another room which was set for them to use, it was one of the perks of being at Alpha Sunny's hotel. They ate fast and went back to the conference room.

Alpha Rowan stared at the alphas as they took turns in sharing what they had in mind. He wanted to stand up and scream to them but stopped himself, they had made an effort. He looked at his watch and he wasn't sure of what he felt.

"I am sure seventeen-year-old werewolves back home is already turning for their first time." He thought as if on cue, his phone rang, and all the alphas looked at him, it was his Beta he picked it up, and before he could say anything Beta Jean started talking.

"Something has happened alpha."