
"What do you mean my daughter has transformed?" Alpha Rowan asked, he had listened to what Beta Jean had explained to him, but he couldn't believe his ears.

"Yes, like in front of us, there were bones breaking and…"

"Jean, I get it." Alpha Rowan cut him off, and continued talking to him, all the alphas in the conference room were all staring at him, bewildered.

"Isn't she like what? Sixteen years? Luna is our daughter not sixteen? She was born in let me count, Sunny hold this for me, one-two…"

Alpha Rowan was losing it, and everyone saw that. What the hell was he doing counting using his fingers to know when his daughter was born, no one dared to stop him. Even Luna River on the other end of the phone was quiet.

They waited and when he finished he took the phone from Alpha Sunny and said, "it's sixteen, honey are you sure it was Cassie?"

Luna River gave a weak yes, she didn't call her husband so he could freak out on them, she wanted his help.

She had asked Beta Jean to call alpha Rowan so he could tell them what they were supposed to do. But now Luna River knew there was nothing he was going to help them with, the Alpha had to count and confirm that truly their daughter was sixteen years old.

Luna River had to deal with the situation by herself back at Dark River Pack.

"I am coming right away." Alpha Rowan said.

"Well, you can't pal. You see it is snowing outside." Alpha Hunter said in a low voice, they didn't know what to do for their friend

"Don't worry yourself, love, I will take care of everything. Jean." Luna River said and when she said Jean's name the call ended.

Alpha Rowan looked at the men in front of him who were all looking at him as if they were all ready to tell him that it wasn't his fault. And of course, it wasn't his fault, he didn't make his beloved daughter transform one year earlier.

"My daughter will kill me one of this day." Alpha Rowan said.

"Let me give my witch friend a call, I will have to tell her she has to work a bit faster." Alpha Hunter said and walked out of the room while dialing his phone.

"The number that you have dialed…" The alphas heard. Alpha Hunter didn't turn back and walked back to the conference shaking his head. The damn witch had switched her phone off, again!

"I will try her later." Alpha Hunter said. They were all staring at Alpha Rowan who was still trying to get the fact that her sweet sweet sixteen-year-old daughter had just transformed and to make it worse he wasn't there.

The moon goddess was playing a joke on him.

And to make it worse he hadn't handled it well as he was supposed to, even if he was all way across the world, he would have handled it way better like a man, not like an Alpha. "But no, my mind had to go and count how many years my daughter has." Alpha Rowan said.

"Yes." The alphas in the room answered looking at Alpha Rowan who had unknowingly spoken out loud.

He looked at them and finally he managed to move from where he was standing, he walked to the window and looking outside cussed, Alpha Hunter wasn't lying, snow was falling. He cussed again and walked back to his seat, and then stood up again.

He was a hundred percent sure the moon goddess was not on his side as the alpha of a cursed pack, but what about the weather? What had he done to it?

It was like everything was out there gunning for him.

"What if we hide her?" Alpha Blue asked. They all turned and stared at him, was he crazy? Hadn't he been listening to what they had been discussing for the past three years?

"Sorry." He said and looked down.

"Your phone alpha." Alpha Sunny said and they all touched their pockets, "sorry, I mean Alpha Rowan."

It was a video call from Beta Jean, he was at the door "we have a problem, what are we supposed to do with Luna River? She isn't calming down, and I am out of options, what am I supposed to do? Can I sedate her?" Beta Jean asked.

Beta Jean was very much serious and before Alpha Rowan would ask him if he was out of his mind, Luna River opened the door and took the phone out of Beta Jean's hand.

"Rowan, hello everyone." Luna River began, some of the alphas' faces were seen on the screen, they were crowding over the phone.

Luna River carried on, "you don't have to worry…" "Honey I am coming by foot, I don't care about the snow." Alpha Rowan said before Luna River finished her sentence.

Luna River found herself laughing, coming by foot? He had lost his mind, he would have said he was going to run across the world in his wolf's form at least it would have been possible, there were dangers, yes, but at least it made sense.

Anyways, Luna River asked his husband to calm down and asked the alphas who managed to squeeze themselves into the video call to make sure her husband didn't do anything stupid. And then she ended the call.

"Sedate me? Seriously Jean? You are the one to talk, you are the one who needs it." Luna River said to Beta Jean and with one disappointed look, she walked back into her bedroom and closed her door.

"Wow, that is one…" Alpha Sunny began.

"Sunny, not now." Alpha Blue said and they all looked at Alpha Rowan. He didn't know what to do.

"Meeting adjourned." Alpha Rowan said and walked out of the conference room. The alphas looked at him and Alpha Sunny was dying to tell a joke so everyone would relax but kept quiet and it was the best decision.

He knew if he said that, the alphas would have carried him and thrown him out of the window.

Alpha Rowan arrived at his room in Sunflower Hotel, he was useless to his pack at the moment. and breaking the things in the room was all he did.