No Plan

Noises were heard outside, Delta Francis walked faster and closed the door. They had to discuss what they were going to do, they all turned at Alpha Rowan who was rubbing his head while walking.

He could feel like a headache was on its way. He closed the door of his room, sat on the bed, and looked at the three faces who were eagerly waiting for him to speak.

"We need to come up with a plan," he began. Luna River, Beta Jean, and Delta Francis looked at him waiting for him to continue. Alpha Rowan had no plan, and if there they didn't come up with one fast they were all doomed.

Alpha Rowan started moving to the screen and moved and moved.

"What is he doing?" Delta Francis whispered to Beta Jean.

Luna River heard them but choose to ignore them, she was busy gaping at her alpha who kept moving forward to the screen. Luna River turned at the beta and the delta, they were back to staring Alpha Rowan.

"Hun, why don't you get into your phone," Luna River said and Alpha Rowan stopped moving and asked, "how now Luna?"

Luna River continued, "like, remove your clothes, and then wipe yourself clean, and I don't know like get some gumboots and then open the door of your phone and then get in. Easy Done!"

They were not sure why they burst out laughing like some stupid boys but they couldn't stop, Beta Jean and Delta Francis were busy laughing so hard that Luna River had to push Beta Jean so he could stop.

What was that?

Alpha Rowan stared at her Luna, he still didn't get why his beta and delta were laughing. And then he moved again to the screen.

"By the goddess Rowan get your head into the damn phone." Luna River said and beta Jean and Delta Francis laughed again.

Was Alpha Rowan a fool or what? Why wasn't he getting that his wife was being sarcastic?

Someone knocked on his hotel door, he forgot that he wasn't at home and said, "please come in." The door didn't open and Alpha Rowan stared at his Luna and said to her, "give me a minute hon." and placed the phone on top of the bed.

Luna River answered which Alpha Rowan didn't hear because he was already going to see who was at the door.

"We have all the minutes in the world?" Beta Jean asked shaking his head. They had tears in their eyes, for a minute there the delta and the beta forgot that they had something to deal with. And it felt good.

"Yes, it is not like my daughter is roaming in the forest all alone. And the man is busy moving closer to the screen and he doesn't even realize it. I swear sometimes the man is as clueless as they come and also can you…"

"What is that?" Alpha Rowan asked.

"Hello Sunny." Luna River, Beta Jean, and Delta Francis greeted at once among all the alphas who normally met with Alpha Rowan, Alpha Sunny was the best and they loved him dearly because of how much alive he always was.

"Luna, miss me?" Alpha Sunny said moving closer to Alpha Rowan so they would all fit on that small screen.

"Not now Sunny," Alpha Rowan said and Alpha Sunny said, "grumpy old man."

Luna River smiled at him, she knew the alpha was only trying to make the aloha worry less, but nothing would work and they both knew that. Beta Jean looked at Delta Francis and they had one thing in mind, "are we going to be told a plan any time soon?"

Alpha Sunny waved at Luna River and stood, he was heard asking Alpha Rowan if he needed a shoulder to lean on, Alpha Rowan shook his head. Of course, he needed a shoulder to lean on but the one person he needed to lean on was far away and was gaping at him.

"Okay, you can call me when you need me, Rowan." Alpha Sunny said and left the room.

Alpha Rowan stood with the phone and closed the door, he came back and sit down and went back to stare at the three people who were waiting for him to say something.

"Hun?" Luna River called.


"You do know this is not just any calls. You are the one who called and you mentioned earlier that we need to come up with a plan."

"A plan?"

They looked at Alpha Rowan surprised, the alpha had finally lost his damn mind. Like why is he asking what plan? He is the one who first said that they needed a plan and so they have been waiting for someone who had already forgotten that he needed to give a plan.

"A pla-? Oh, shoot! Right, we need a plan, Luna, Luna, River." Alpha Rowan remembered the plan and started calling for Luna River who decided to stand up, she needed to think and think fast because, from the look of things, her husband was not going to give them anything.

"He has nothing." Luna River thought and she knew she need not blame him because she had to understand him. That was not how Alpha Rowan was, he was always someone with ideas and plans.

She knew the alpha was lamenting himself for not being there by her side at that moment and so she had to go easy on him. She heard Alpha Rowan still calling her name and didn't answer him. She didn't mean to be rude and she knew she had to apologize later to her husband.

She walked to the window and looked down. The sight was beautiful. The person who had decided to make the pack house as it was had been one hella good architecture because they made sure each room had a vision directly to the garden outside.

It was refreshing.

Beta Jean and Delta Francis looked at one another and then back at Alpha Rowan who was still calling for his Luna, they stood up and joined Luna River.

"Guys, I swear to the moon goddess…" Alpha Rowan began and didn't finish as the call was cut.

The Luna, beta, and the Delta turned to the screen, and when they see it was black. Luna River looked at them and said to them, "oh, you guys are in big trouble."