
The werewolves in the meeting room stared at their Luna, they were all waiting for her to speak. Luna River looked at them and wished her alpha was beside her.

Thinking of the alpha gave her courage, she remembered how he had reacted at the news of their daughter's first transformation. If he was there at Dark River Pack, Luna River was sure he wasn't going to react any other way.

Luna River remembered how he had reacted when Cassie was born and, "Okay, River Harrington. Don't go there." Her conscious told her.

She looked at the werewolves and someone walked to her and gave her a glass of water, she smiled at the person, it was Lisa. How did she manage to keep her cool yet her best friend was out there howling in the forest?

Luna River took the water and she wished there was a pipe she would drink from and drown herself in and when she knew what she was going to say she would come back up, while she at the bedroom she was sure she had a perfect plan.

Standing there, she had nothing in her head.

Far at Sunflower Hotel, Alpha Rowan heard a cock crow, it was four in the morning. He called his wife and got no answer, he stood up and left the room, and went out for a run while it was snowy.

Back at the Dark River pack's meeting room.

"Luna River." Beta Jean called, Luna River removed the glass from her mouth, all that time she was still drinking the water? Poor Luna River.

"No one has transformed yet and it is already four in the morning." Beta Jean whispered.

"Is the full moon still up?" Luna River asked.

Beta Jean nodded moved his head slightly, meaning the moon was still up but soon they were going to enter into a new day, and then they would have to wait for the next year. Luna River looked at her watch and then back at the pack, "you don't need to worry why don't you all try to get some sleep?" She said and walked out of the room with Beta Jean.

Beta Jean asked her, "that is it?"

"What do you mean?" Luna River asked him. Yeah, did what did he mean? Did he expect the Luna to speak to everyone for an hour or what? They were all sleepy for god sake.


They walked to the office and closed the door behind them, they had to make a plan as soon as possible because from how things were going they needed one.

"We need Delta Francis here." Beta Jean said and when Luna River nodded he texted him, Delta Francis came as soon as possible, and once he entered he asked, "what is the plan? I don't think anyone else is going to transform."

"You think?" Beta Jean asked.

They didn't know what to think because if no one transformed on that day then they would have to wait till next year and the kids who were supposed to transform would be eighteen? And the one who would transform would be seventeen.

There would be two cohorts?


To shed light on that, in Dark River Pack there is only one transformation for the first-timers in a year during the full moon, it was not like other packs where the first-timers would transform in a different month of the year like just say they would transform in month four or month six or month two, whatever month the moon goddess decide on the year.

For Dark River Pack, if it happened at month two then they had to wait again for the following year for it to happen. If you asked the werewolves at Dark River Pack they would give you a list of how much their pack was cursed.

And it was true, they were one hell of a cursed pack.

It was five and still, bone-breaking was not heard from the transformation rooms. Lisa knocked on the door and once she was asked to enter she spoke, "dad, the sun is almost up."

Beta Jean nodded and Lisa left the room. Luna River, Beta Jean, and Delta Francis stared at the door they were all thinking the same thing if the sun was almost up and they have not heard any bone-breaking to imply the kids were transforming, what did it mean?

"This is the most cursed I have felt since that day Alpha Rowan had to go for the quest." Beta Jean said and took a seat, followed by Delta Francis. Luna River looked at them and wondered how they were her husband's beta and delta if they were all shaken up like that.

Beta Jean's phone rang it was Alpha Rowan on a video call, "is Cassie back and where is River?"

"Rowan do you want to die in the snow, were you serious you were going to run from there to here? Go back to your room and get yourself under the cover, I swear to the moon goddess if you call me in the next few hours saying you are sick, I will…" Luna River said her eyes blazing with fire.

She had a daughter and a pack to worry about. She didn't want to think of her husband running in the snow, they were werewolves and not gods.

"Luna, come down. I am fine. Is Cassie back… what? Don't say she has been out for the whole night by herself." Alpha Rowan said.

They all stared at him, once Beta Jean had picked the call from the Alpha he had connected it to the screen on the wall, the three of them were staring at him. Silent.

"I guess that means she is not back yet. What about the others? Did their transformation go well?"

"No, no one has turned." Delta Jean answered.

Birds chirping outside were heard, they were singing their happy song to mark the beginning of a new day. Luna River couldn't believe her ears. "Am I hearing the birds?" Beta Jean and Delta Francis nodded, yep. It was morning.

Cassie Harrington was not back yet.

No one has turned for their first time apart from Cassie.

Alpha Rowan Harrington was far away.

As Luna River, Beta Jean, and Delta Francis stared at Alpha Rowan, they knew they were going to have a very tough and long day.