Boy Next Door (iii.)

He was all alone on the floor and wished he had someone who would hold him and in return, he would cling to that person and told them how much he thought the moon goddess hated him, and then they would all cry together.

Asher started fidgeting with his fingers, he was about to cry, and he squeezed his eyes shut. He could feel his heartbreaking as he thought of how alone he was.

He hated the feeling.

He relaxed and touched his face, and started laughing at himself. There were no tears yet he had felt like he was going to cry. He touched his face again and thought, "even the damn waterfall hated him, they won't show support when I want."

He stood up and walked to the clothes which have been there for the past year, waiting for him to transform and wear them. He unfolded them and read the tag on them, "Asher Fay." He smiled as he remembered Cassie telling him how the name belonged to that of a lady.

Yes, he had been thinking that forever, since he knew how to say his name. Who the hell gave him that damn name, like were there no any other names apart from the one they gave him.

Fay? For god sake, everyone knew that was a woman's name.

He had no one to ask and he had concluded that name belonged to his grandmother or something or maybe it was her mother's name. Whatever. He just needed to come to a conclusion or he would have gone crazy thinking of it,

Asher Fay was an orphan and a witch.

He was also a werewolf.

Ask him which parent side belonged to the werewolf or the witch and he will laugh at your face telling you that he didn't even have a clue. He was not even sure whether he was any of that.

Like he was not sure at all.

Yes, sure. He could mix some concoctions here and there, but that was easy. Anyone in the pack would mix the concoctions if they wanted to it was something easy as it was not like the concoctions would be used to treat any big scary diseases.

Most of the time he would make sleeping concoctions, headache concoctions, and stomachache concoctions.

Easy like that.

Mostly he couldn't even make the concoctions without following the recipe in the book he had found in Dark River Library. He would read them and follow them step by step. So you see, easy and anyone would do the same, anyone would take the book, go out to the garden or the forest and come back with the required potions of ingredients.

And voila! They would have themselves a perfect concoction.

Asher Fay was not someone special and he knew that.

After he had learned that he came from a witch lineage, he had tried to look for another witch member and he had turned out empty-handed. He had hoped that he would, he was sure that he was going to find even one person.

The reason he was optimistic about that was that in the library there were books that had everything related to the witches.

One time he had been looking at the books on the shelves and he had been surprised that he had gotten a book with the title. "The Witches Family Tree." He had been so happy and had run to his favorite seat in the library and opened the book happily and had looked for both his names.

And just like that, his heart had been broken.

He had tried every way possible, from Fay Asher to Asher Fay, from the name Asher alone to Fay alone. And still nothing. The next day he had stayed in the library reading through the book while searching for any names he could recognize a name from Dark River Pack and still nothing.

Do you hear about someone feeling devastated, exhausted, heartbroken, alone, lonely, sad, depressed, curious, optimistic, pessimistic at the same time? That was how Asher Fay had felt at that moment and the next month after that as he turned the page over and over, reading it to find out if he had missed something.

It was bad.

But why was he so sure he was a witch?

Why keep looking and searching?


After years passed, Asher had let it be and had decided to stop searching and wait to see if anyone would approach him and asked him if he was a witch he would have said yes and moved on, his heart had been broken and he didn't need to be broken more.

He had had one hope and one hope only.

He was damn sure that if he failed to find the root of him being a witch then he was going to get his wolf and after knowing what his wolf looked like he would try to ask around if anyone had ever seen a wolf that matched his and then he would finally know whether it was his mother or father who was a werewolf.

He needed something to hold on to, he needed something to wait for, he needed something he could use. He needed something which would make him feel like he belonged somewhere.

He had waited for years, patiently and yet eager.

Asher Fay had counted the years, marked the calendar, and finally, when the year arrived he had been so happy that he was going to get to meet his wolf and they were going to figure out together who he really was.

He had gotten the surprise and the shock of his life when he had waited and waited the whole night and the next day and nothing had happened. He had entered the transformation room as a hopeful Asher Fay eager to meet his wolf for the first time and he had left the room as a dejected and pessimistic Asher Fay.

He felt like the most cursed person in the entire Dark River Pack. A boy, sixteen years old, an orphan, no werewolf, no magic tricks here and there.

He wasn't so sure if he was really a witch or a werewolf.

Asher Fay might as well have been a human being living amongst the supernatural beings.