Boy Next Door (iv.)

Asher Fay stood and fold back the clothes as they were, as much as he wanted to dwell on his past and his fucked up being. He needed to move along, he didn't transform, so what?

It was not like he died, right?

"I am nineteen and I can wait, I have been waiting for my whole life and I am still alive. Yeah." Asher told himself and nodded. The self-talk was not that bad.

It was the same pep talk he had been giving himself all his life and it had to work because he had nothing else he would say other than that and yes, Cassie Harrington had been telling him how everything was going to be okay.

As she had told him when he was sixteen and he hadn't transformed, he had been surprised that a thirteen years old would speak such wise words and they had comforted him. But where the hell was that thirteen years old?

Where was Cassie when he needed him again?

He was nineteen now, and Cassie was sixteen, how he wished he would run out of the pack house and scream out loud that all he wanted was Cassie to tell him again that everything was going to be alright.

"Cassie where are you when I need you the most?" The nineteen-year-old boy thought to himself and touched his face wishing he could find tears streaming down his cheek. And there was nothing.


He wanted to cry so he could feel something, so it would help him focus on the fact that a nineteen years old was crying his eyes out like a baby. "Cassie, where are you? Come use those exact words you used when you told me when I didn't turn for my first time, this is the third and I have no idea what is going on. I am lost. Cassie."

Asher called again out loud, "Cassie."

He was being silly and he knew that Cassie was nowhere to be found as he was there when the beta had asked everyone to go back to their rooms and Cassie had transformed then.

He walked to the door and opened it, he might as well go out and scream at the top of his lungs and Cassie would come back and assure him that it was okay and he would wait another year, and then he would get his wolf.

She would answer him and tell him that a year was not that long and even if he would be twenty at that moment, it would be the best feeling ever. It was what he wished for and as much as he knew wishes were not on his side, he still wished.

He place his hand on the handle of the door, he was ready to go out. Ready to face Dark River Pack then he stopped still when he heard a voice, "Ash."

He stopped opening the door and turned around, he called surprised, "Sie?"

"Oh come on, you are the only one who decides to call me that? Others call me Cassie, Cas, alpha's daughter, future alpha, and others even by my full name, and here you are, Sie? Come on, dude? I am talking to you."

Asher was looking around the room, he was finally going crazy, oh how he wouldn't wish that for someone, he was going to go crazy and he would be forgotten and just like that he won't even know his parents.

"Asher Fay, I am not on the floor or camouflaged to the wall you know."

"Cassie, okay I am going crazy."

"Crazy? Uh, what about me, I am going nuts like waaaa." Cassie said and Asher could imagine Cassie showing how crazy she was going.

"So, sup?" Cassie continued.

"Nooooo," Asher said and sat down, the last string has broken, finally, he was going to go crazy and be known as the boy who didn't have a wolf, a family. "I am going mad, moon goddess please give me one last chance to talk and say goodbye to Cassie at least I can thank her before I forget about my existence."

"Ash, as much as that is funny, I don't want to laugh, I would love to come to you so you would say goodbye and all that, but unless you have noticed I transformed, my sixteen ass wolf transformed. Like I am sixteen and here I am, I have a wolf. Darn! In case you were wondering yes it is not cool I am all alone like a lost puppy. This sucks Ash."


"Okay, if there is nothing else which will come from you apart from Cassie, Cassie then bye I am gone."

"How is this possible?" Asher asked, stood up, and started pacing in the room.

"Oh, make me more anxious Asher Fay, why don't you go to the corridor even to the garden, and pace there. God damn it wolf! What are you doing, aaaaargh!" Cassie said.

There was silence for a minute and Asher let out a sigh, he run to the mirror and stared at himself, "oh, I almost lost it. That was so close, if the voice would have…"

"So, as I was saying…" The voice came back and Asher hit jumped and fell, hit his head on the floor, he groaned and said, "by the goddess, are you planning to kill me, do it quickly."

"Oh, come on. That was fun to see though," Cassie said to him and giggle. She continued, "okay, sorry Ash you do know I will never laugh at you, right? So as I was saying, I was busy thinking to myself, Cassandra Harrington, what the hell are you doing here, with a wolf, as sixteen years old, this is madness, I am sixteen years old, I had one more year to enjoy my life, and then boom before I could finish how this is not okay for me to have my wolf yet, there came a voice."

Asher stood up and groaned, he was definitely going to have a headache. He rubbed his forehead, he heard Cassie say, "oh, that is nothing dear witch, you can go and make a concoction, drink and you would be as good as new."

Asher Fay looked at the mirror, his eyes going wide, he found himself asking, "you know?"

"Yope! Anyways that is not why I am talking to your head, I wanted to ask you, what's up?" Cassie asked.

"What's up? Sie? How about you ask me what is in?"