Boy Next Door (vi.)

"I am ready I was born ready, I have got this." Asher Fay told himself, he really loved the pep talks and he loved it since they always worked.

He sigh, the pep talks were no longer working and he hated to think that he had no one else to give him the pep talks.

"I have been answering the same questions for the past two years, it is not that hard, and after I tell them, my only answer will be like, yes, no, uhm, eh!" And after that, he would be on his way to his room and sleep for a whole week.

"Oh, if only I can make a concoction that powerful." Asher thought as he looked into the transformation rooms and when he found no one he closed the doors. He was trying as much as possible to slow down the time.

"It won't be that hard." Asher thought, he was almost done with closing the doors.

He remembered when he had not transformed when he was seventeen and when the other werewolves heard that, they never mock him, they were understanding and most of them had told him it was okay and he would get his wolf when the next year came.

Asher Fay had looked at the wolves surprised, he didn't think they would accept them.

He had scolded himself for thinking the werewolves would be that cruel and call him the omega and even other unpleasant names. He had been scared for weeks and by the time the month ended and still, no one mocked him and called him weirdo he could relax and stopped talking and walking on eggshells around the Dark River Pack.

He had asked Cassie if he knew anyone who didn't transform when they reached seventeen and Cassie hadn't given him a direct answer. Since Cassie was born she had never seen that and she was not going to tell Asher that.

His seventeenth year went by in a blur, he was stressed sometimes and other times he was okay and by the time his eighteenth was around the corner, he felt like he was going crazy. And when the same thing happened, when his damn wolf didn't show, he had stayed in his room for weeks and he would only allow Cassie to come into his room.

Cassie would bring him food and they would talk for hours and when Cassie leave he would go back and curl in his bed. Cassie had promised him that he need not worry about school as she had spoken to the principal about his condition.

Asher never asked what Cassie had meant by that 'condition' and he never asked, what had mattered at that time was that he was healing his wounds of disappointments.

By the time he left the room, the other kids had forgotten about the fact that he didn't have his wolf yet, or maybe they hadn't and had not asked. Asher Fay didn't want to know and had been grateful that no one asked him about it, he didn't really want to hear the same things as he have been hearing the past years.

You will soon transform.

Don't worry.

One year of waiting is nothing.

We understand.

And a few weeks ago, when he had turned nineteen. The plan to celebrate the first-timers had started, Asher Fay had been hopeful and for the first time, he had gone to the moon goddess and had addressed her with respect and a little bit of neediness in his voice.

Asher Fay had hoped the moon goddess would hear him. How would he have known that the moon goddess was not going to answer anyone's needs on that full moon, she had prepared something special for all of them?

Making their first future alpha female turn a year earlier.

No one knew, and there was no way Asher Fay would know.

He collided with a wolf who was walking faster without looking where he was going, "watch where you are going, will you?" The boy said, he sounded angry and Asher Fay nodded. The boy stopped and said, "I am so sorry Asher, I am just sad."

Asher asked, "why?"

"What? Don't say you have not heard yet." The boy said and Asher asked, "what?"

The boy shook his head wondering how in the world Asher didn't know what was going on. "Let's go to the meeting room for you to see and hear for yourself."

Asher nodded at the boy and then walked to the meeting room, arriving there Asher looked around the meeting room and everyone looked so tired that Asher felt sorry for them. And for the first time since he could remember, he walked to the middle of the room, found himself a seat, and sat.

Everyone was still in shock, and Asher heard someone say behind him, "I was ready to meet my mate and now here I am, my hope has been crushed."

He squinted his eyes, how had he forgotten that no one didn't get their wolves and only Cassie did? Well, it was possible since for a minute there he thought he was going crazy and he had been focused on reliving his past life.

He looked around and the parents had their hands in their chins but their thoughts were so much different from the teenagers who were supposed to transform.

While the seventeen-year-old teenagers were afraid that they were going to wait for another year to meet their mates, the parents were worried, reality had finally hit them. The beginning of their worry had started a year earlier, they were now thinking of how they were going to sleep as worried and woke up the next morning super stressed.

And it will be like that for each night before they went to sleep and each morning after they woke up.

The werewolves behind him were still talking and Asher heard one of them asking, "where is the alpha when we need him, by the goddess, where are Luna River and Beta Jean?