Havoc in Dark River Pack (i.)

"Where is Alpha Rowan when we need him, and where are the luna and the beta?"

Asher wanted to turn around and inform them that there was no need to act as if they didn't know where the luna and the beta were. They all knew that they were somewhere thinking of what they were supposed to do to the Dark River Pack werewolves in the absence of Alpha Rowan.

Talking of Alpha Rowan how many werewolves knew where he was and what he has been up to for the past years?

Asher wanted to ask them to shut it, they were acting like a bunch of idiotic boys. How were they going to handle their wolves and find their mates if they already complaining?

It was no one's fault that Cassie turned earlier, and the moon goddess was the only one to be blamed.

"This is Luna River's fault, after all, she is Cassie's mother." Asher heard a girl behind her say to the others. He wanted to ask how, but the girl's friends beat him to it.

They all asked at once, "how?"

"Well, if she had given birth to a boy, we won't be having so much problem right now, you know a boy can do anything, now look she gave birth to a girl and we grow way too fast, look at Cassie since she is the alpha's daughter she grew up faster and she has gotten a wolf before us. Why does this have to happen to us? Why?"

"Well, the girl's point is stupid and shallow, seriously, she is a girl and I expected her to support Cassie and her transformation, we all are supposed to, and who does she think she is to blame the alpha and the luna for giving birth to a girl child?" Asher thought.

He was feeling better that he was not the only one who had not transformed.

Asher was tired of listening to the werewolves talking like that, he turned around he wanted to ask them to stop acting like ten years old kids and instead should focus on what was important, "the future alpha female had transformed and they needed to start worrying about their future."

"Hello, Dark River Pack." A wolf greeted them.

Asher turned to look who it was and found it was a wolf who he saw sitting next to him.

"I have been sitting there," The wolf began and pointed to where Asher was sitting.

He continued, "I have been listening to those kids talking and I have to say I am disappointed, first of all when you get pregnant you don't get to choose what gender your baby is going to be, that is the moon goddess' decision and secondly, if you don't have anything to speak about, you should all go to your room and sleep. And leave it to us the adults to think what we are going to do."

The wolf stood there waiting for the teenagers to leave and oh, how wrong was he to think telling them that would make them go, it was not going to work. Teenagers don't like to be addressed as small kids and the wolf should have known better.

The teenagers were angry and they wanted an answer, the answer to which there was no one to answer them.

The meeting room was silent, and Asher Fay was hundred percent sure that the wolf who had spoken had been heard.

And then all of a sudden as if the evil spirit had entered the werewolves in the meeting room they all started to talk at once. They were all shouting, Asher looked around in the hopes that the parents were not shouting too, lo and behold, the parents were the ones who were shouting more even.

"Oh, bloody hell." One werewolf shouted.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Oh, are you calling our kids stupid?"

"You are the one to talk you don't have a kid."

"Ouch! That hurts!" Asher thought and looked at where the voice came from and he was surprised to see it was a mateless wolf, he looked at him and mumbled to himself, "way to go buddy, blame him that he doesn't have a kid, at least he has a mate, maybe they will get a pup soon and what about you?"

"I need my wolf mother." A seventeen-year-old girl shouted, Asher, looked at her with raised eyebrows and shook his head smiling while thinking, "just a day without a wolf and you are complaining, ask me now. It's been ages and do you hear me shouting? Of course not."

"Go to hell."

"My wolf."

"The pack is doomed."

"This is the end."

The voices were too much for Asher to handle, he was so used to the quietness. He looked around in the hopes of seeing Lisa and Rose but they were nowhere to be found.

The wolves were beginning to stand up and Asher stood up too, he didn't want to be stumbled on, with the lack of sleep and since he had not taken his breakfast he was not so sure he was going to get up if anyone even dared step on his toes.

He walked faster to the front, he aimed to get to the wolf who had spoken who was stuck in front of them. Asher knew the wolf didn't know what to do.

Clothes were heard being torn apart and the yelling was still in process, Asher looked back hoping what he thought was going to happen didn't happen because if it did then he was sure as hell there was going to be bloodshed in the meeting room and then dead in the Dark River Pack.

Asher shouted the wolf's name, he wanted him to look at him, but his name was being shouted by other wolves too, how was he going to know that Asher wanted to ask him to leave the room.

Asher Fay was almost reaching the front and then the door was yanked open, an angry Beta Jean came in. With a loud booming voice, he shouted,