Havoc in Dark River Pack (ii.)


Everyone went silent, there was no need for Beta Jean to repeat his words again since the alpha was not available, Luna River and Beta Jean were in charge and whatever they said was what went.

Yes, the werewolves were angry but they knew best not to disobey their leader's orders.

Every movement had stopped, no one was moving anyone would have thought they were all robots and someone had hit pause on the remote.

Beta Jean walked slowly to the front and stood there. He looked at the wolf there and pat his back. The wolf was still stuck, he turned to look at Beta Jean as if thinking, "by the goddess, I was staring at my death with my own eyes."

Asher Fay approached the wolf slowly and Beta Jean nodded at him. He took the wolf's hand and walk with him to the front seats. Asher didn't seat down and watched the beta as he looked around the meeting room.

Beta Jean said, "I expected this from the teenagers, but you parents, no."

The parents looked down embarrassed, yes they should really be embarrassed by themselves, they were the ones who should have controlled their kids.

"Go to your rooms, cook something, eat with your family, no one leaves the pack house, and NO TRANSFORMATION!" Beta Jean said and crossed his arms over his chest.

The werewolves left while mumbling to themselves and whenever they saw Beta Jean looking at them they would keep quiet. Everyone left the meeting room slowly and the only werewolves left in the meeting room were left with Beta Jean, Asher, and the wolf who had spoken earlier on.

"I am sorry for what they said to you and thank you for being that brave." Beta Jean said to the wolf and turned to Asher and said, "will you kindly take him to his room before you head to yours?"

The wolf said to Beta Jean and said, "for a minute there I was sure that moment was my end."

"Sorry for that." Beta Jean said, the wolf nodded and Asher left with him. They walked slowly to his room not even talking when they arrived at his door, the wolf nodded at him, Asher waited and when he saw he had entered his room, he left for his room.

Arriving there Asher locked himself in the room, he didn't trust the wolves at all. He was so sure they had gone to eat and they would be out. He looked at the bottle on top of the shelves and took it, he felt a headache coming so he juggled all of it down not knowing that it was a sleeping concoction.

"Well, this is what I am talking about, I feel relaxed." Asher thought as he walked to his bed, he laid down smiling, he could feel his eyes closing off, and he welcomed the sleep.


Inside Alpha Rowan's office, Luna was no longer pacing she was sitting still in the chair, there was no need for her to pace as it was not going to help anything. The pack was in great chaos and she was the one who was supposed to assure them that everything was going to be okay, but was it really?

She was not so sure and staring at Beta Jean, she was sure there was no way 'everything was going to be okay.'

"Thank you for doing that." Luna River thanked him for going to the meeting room and calming the wolves.

"We need to come up with a plan Luna, I have managed to stop them but trust me, it won't last even an hour."

"I know." Luna River said and looked at the book in front of her, it was a list of the names she had down if anything that ever happened, they were the names of the people she was sure she could call and they would help her with anything.

First thing first, she needed to call the transformation teacher, she needed to get to the bottom of this, she looked at Beta Jean and told him, "please go search for Mr. Albert."

Beta Jean nodded and left.

An hour passed, with Luna River only staring at the wall, she didn't know what to do other than that. The only thing she had in mind was to talk to the transformation teacher and after that, she hoped she would be inspired.

She heard a knock, she stood up and unlock the door, "you did good by locking the door, things are not good outside here." Beta Jean said as soon as he entered the office. Luna River nodded and looked away.

"Luna, we can't find him." Beta informed the Luna, the Luna turned to him and asked, "who?"

Beta Jean looked at Luna River and when he saw she was not joking, he said to her, "the transformation teacher."

"Oh," Luna River said, and then as if something switched inside her head, she looked at Beta Jean and said to him, "we are doomed."


Inside Asher's room, he was tossing and turning, he heard a voice, which of course he thought was a dream, it was Cassie's voice she said to him, "Asher Fay you need to inform my mother and Beta Jean that there are angry wolves in front of me with their big teeth bared out, they don't look so happy. Wait, oh, no, they are rogues, damn it!"


"CASSANDRA!" Asher woke up shouting. It was not a dream, Cassie had just communicated with him.

Asher Fay left his room and began running. Outside the corridor, the wolves were gathered, some in groups while others were pacing, he tried to push through them. He had to inform Luna River what Cassie had just told him.

He managed to push through the angry werewolves, he squeezed himself through the other wolves who were standing in front of Alpha Rowan's office, they were busy banging on the door.

Delta Francis came and asked them to move away, they moved away from the door. Asher Fay approached the Delta and told him, "I need to speak to Luna River, it is important."

Delta Francis nodded, he knew Asher Fay was someone who wouldn't bring chaos.

Delta Francis looked at the werewolves who were standing there, and told them, "if I see anyone anywhere near this door, or hear a bang, you are dead."

The werewolves nodded and moved away.

Delta Francis opened the office with a key he had, he walked in with Asher Fay, Delta Francis looked at him but before Asher Fay could say anything he stopped. Luna River was facing the window, she informed them, "there is a witch amongst us and this is my fault." Not knowing that there was Asher in the room.

"We have to find the witch immediately," Beta Jean said.

Asher couldn't help but wonder, "how was it Luna's fault and why was it a fault for a witch to be in the pack?"


Cassie heard her mother's voice saying, "there is a witch amongst us and this is my fault." She tried to call, "mother, mother." And when she got no answer she decided to contact Asher as they had just communicated to him, "Ash, can you tell my mother not to worry and that you are the witch… Ash."

Cassie got no answer, she tried over and over and stopped after she got tired of calling Asher's name. She became worried about her pack, the rogues were coming and Asher was not responding, Cassie couldn't help but wonder if the boy had heard her and he had decided not to answer her.


Far away, at the Sunshine Hotel, the firefighters were trying so hard to put off the fire, they walked out with people screeching in pain, some alphas were missing, Alpha Walker walked to an alpha who was on the stretcher, he asked him, "where is…?"

Before he could finish his sentence, there were shootings. The firefighters took cover, what were they supposed to do, save themselves or save the people remaining in the building?

Where was Alpha Rowan?


The pack was a mess, the werewolves were going up and down.

Luna River, Beta Jean, and Delta Francis were hiding as they tried to wait for the pack to calm down.

The rogues were coming and Luna River and the pack were not aware, the only two people who knew couldn't say.

Cassie was inside her wolf.

Asher was scared to inform Luna River. He feared that Luna River would realize he was the witch. Now there was only one person who knew the identity of the witch and she was not in the Dark River Pack. How was it Luna River's fault that there was a witch amongst them?

Is this the end or just the beginning?

Was Dark River Pack going to fall before it even saw the reign of their first cursed alpha female?