You Scared Me

"I am truly sorry Lisa." 

"It is not your fault," Lisa said broadly smiling, she looked like someone who wasn't in a cell.

Hesitantly, Delta Francis looked around, he didn't think it was Lisa's fault either. He turned to Lisa and ask her again, "you will be okay?" 

Lisa chuckled and answered him, "yes, just go godfather, before dad comes back and locks you in here with me. Not that I will complain and also, I am sure dad will come back to his senses soon and release me."

Delta Francis nodded and yet unmoving.

"Okay, off you go," Lisa said and pushed Delta Francis a little bit. 

"Go," Lisa said again and looked at Delta Francis fumbling with the cell keys. Once he finished he looked at Lisa, apologies written all over his face, Lisa smiled again and told him, "dad will come for me."