Taking Chances

"How could you be scared when my able Beta is next to you?" Alpha Rowan asked glaring at Beta Jean and then chuckled when Beta Jean raised his hands.

Raising his hand to rub his itchy hand, Alpha Rowan winced in pain and smiled at the people looking at him, he said, "don't look at me like that, I will heal. You should see Alpha Blue." 

Beta Jean shook his head and told his best friend, "Rowan, get better and get back. Actually, get back, you should be on the plane." 

Alpha Rowan nodded and shouted, "Sunny, give me a minute."

He turned at them and locked eyes with his Luna, "are you okay? I miss you." 

Luna River shyly answered, "yeah, I am fine, I miss you too." 

Someone behind Luna River cleared his throat, Beta Jean chuckled and said, "Alpha Rowan, we are happy that you are okay, Elder Staline is here."

Alpha Rowan's face changed into a serious, "okay, you said Cassie howled and she hasn't howled again since then?"