The Alpha Who Tried

Near Sunflower Hotel, Alpha Rowan and Alpha Sunny were winding up talking to the police. It was just simple. At least that was what Alpha Sunny said to his friend. 

If it was not for Alpha Rowan, Alpha Sunny wouldn't even go to the authority, all he was thinking was how his friend was going to get home safe and sound so that he could deal with what was going on there. 

"We understand this was your first hotel in town?" The police asked Alpha Sunny. 

He nodded at them, thinking, "I already stated that." He wanted to growl at them but when his eyes met Rowan's, he knew he had to wait till they finish. 

The police said, "we are truly sorry, we will get to the bottom of this."

"Thank you." Alpha Sunny replied and placed his hand on top of the table as if he was ready to stand up. Alpha Rowan gave him a side-eye; Sunny sighed and removed the hands. Alpha Rowan said, "We appreciate it."