Please, Look At Me

Luna River almost stumbled on the chair as she run to pick up the call. She sighed heavily as she said, "are you outside, my love?" 

Alpha Rowan chuckled, making Luna River close her eyes. She loved the sound of her mate's chuckle, she felt tingly and it didn't help her case when all she could imagine at that moment was Rowan's face smiling.

You know that chuckle that makes your insides tingle and all you could think is the other person's lips on you? Yes, that kind of chuckle.

"My beautiful Luna, you miss me that much?" Alpha Rowan asked. 

"You have no idea." Luna River asked with a broad on her face. 

"I miss you too. To answer your first question, love. I am not outside, the jet had to land, there is a storm coming and as I have been told, the pilot said it was unsafe." Alpha Rowan explained, his voice changing from happy to sad. 

Luna River groaned, "so, I almost broke my legs and you are telling me you are not outside??
