According To The Witches, Luna River Is Incompetent

The wrath in their eyes showed it all. They wanted an answer and even if it meant chanting for the whole night then that was what they were going to do. It didn't matter if some would see them as lunatics. 

"The ancestors must be crazy." One of them muttered with anger laced in her tone.

The silent and the eldest one cleared his throat, every attention went to him, he said, "I don't think we should call them crazy yet. Maybe wait to see if we can get an answer, after that, you can all shout into the city how you think they are crazy."

The one who spoke looked down embarrassed. She couldn't believe she has just lamented her ancestors. 

To the witches, the ancestors we very important and should never be disrespected. Just as the moon goddess was to the Dark River Pack.