Don't Forget

Cassie sat on the bathroom floor, she never thought she would appreciate taking a cold shower that much. She closed her eyes and focused on the water falling on the bathroom wall, adoring the lines it made.

She groaned when the focus broke when Rose laughed and asked Lisa, "Hey, did you see how Alpha Rowan stared at Cassie?"

Lisa chuckled and said, "if I was not busy supporting Cassie, I would have taken a video. That would have a very nice clip to make a joke to uncle Ro."

"True. But wait, Luna River's expression was something else, she opened and closed her mouth like a fish."

They laughed as they remembered how everyone reacted when they walked into the packhouse. Just like a pro, Cassie tried her best and used all the energy she had left and waved at the wolves smiling just as Lisa has suggested.

Rose on the other hand was the one who kept telling everyone to move out of the way and that Cassie needed a moment alone.