How Is The Witch Boy?

"How is Asher?" Lisa asked, astonished.

That was not the first question Lisa thought their best friend would ask once she returned. She tapped her chin and scrutinized Cassie. Cassie smiled and dropped her towel down. She giggled when Lisa looked away.

"Lisa, what the hell?" Rose asked with amusement in her voice.

Lisa faced her and ask, "Hey, hey. That is nothing, okay? Let her have her privacy."

The three best friends laughed out loud. Rose sat on the bed and pat the next space, they stared at each other, the same questions going on in their minds, "what the hell is going on with Asher and Cassie?"

Cassie finished wearing her clothes and slumped onto the bed between Rose and Lisa with a groan.

"I have never thought I would miss clothes like this, I can't imagine how people in the past used to live without wearing clothes. Thank you, inventions." Cassie murmured.