Alpha Rowan Vs The Moon Goddess

Luna River stirred.

Cassie held her breath. She was the only one in the room with her mother. Lisa and Rose had long gone by Cassie's request.

"Ow!" Luna River winced when she tried to lift her head. Since Cassie didn't want to wake her up. She let her sleep in one position.

She will heal. Those were Lisa's words.

"Honey." Luna River said, her voice groggy.


"What is wrong?" Luna River asked trying to sit up. Cassie used her right hand and stopped her.

A smile appeared on Luna River's face, "are you nurturing me?"

"I am, mother. How are you feeling?"

The role has reversed. Cassandra suddenly was the mother, while Luna River was the baby.

"The headache is killing me."

"I am sorry. Can you stand? You need food, water, and a shower."