Nothing Like Goodness Of...

Elder Staline wouldn't have cared less even if anyone told him that the pack was under attack. His eyes were on Asher and Asher alone. He lurked behind them; as careful as he could. What surprised him the most was the fact that they haven't realized that.

Is she pretending? That was what was on his mind. By now Cassie has gotten better with her abilities, so why hasn't she turned around?

Cassie was having the best day of her life, being out with her best friends, walking casually on the road as they chatted some embarrassing stories since they were kids and to name a few. She wouldn't even have the time to realize that Elder Staline was behind them.

She couldn't recall the last time she had been to the human village market. Just like the forests, Luna River warned the kids never to visit there.

If the pack needed anything, the assigned parent went to the village market and got them.

If the kids wanted clothes, that again was the parents' duty.