Unexpected Occurence

Asher's body was burning up, so they had to go back. 

The situation worsened when Cassie received a call from her father that she needed to get home. She left Asher and her friends behind but not before promising them that she would return for them if she finished with her father and they haven't yet.

A few minutes later, Cassie sprinted to the packhouse, nodding along at the wolves who waved at her. She met Livia and Ruby on her way to her father's office and before she passed them, Livia told her, "in her room."

"Thank you," Cassie said.

One knock and the door opened, it revealed a rugged Alpha Rowan, Cassie's face contorted in wonder, what has happened to her father? How could a man age in less than an hour?

"Don't worry about this." Alpha Rowan said and circled his index finger around his face.

"Where she?"