Don't Cry My Beloved

Even though his last conversation with the alpha turned out bad, Alpha Rowan didn't treat his death lightly. He ensured that he got the burial he deserved. There were good memories and that was what mattered. Elder Staline had been a friend since before he became the alpha.

The pack mourned for the death of the lost warriors, well, not so many died and at least that was something. The celebration the pack had arranged had turned out to be a memorial service.

Alpha Rowan's friends came and went. They made sure to come after three days, well, not for Alpha Sunny who seemed not to want to leave Alpha Rowan. He kept saying he wanted to protect his friend no matter what.

Beta Jean even joked how Alpha Sunny didn't want the alpha ship and he would grab at anything he could to be far away from his pack.

Even though Alpha Sunny's meeting with Cassie wasn't how he wanted it to be, it went well. Cassie liked Alpha Sunny, he joked now and then.