Honor The Deal


"You know they were not wrong when they said that birds of the same feather flock together, right?"

Alpha Reid said nothing.

Alpha Sunny slumped next to him and shuffled his hair.

"Fucking fuck. Do you always have to do that?" Alpha Reid grunted.

"Not that is the voice I always want to hear. So, talk to me about how is the pack going. How are you? A mate perhaps?" Sunny ranted with a broad smile showing off his perfect teeth.

"Mate my ass, stop smiling you are attracting the ladies, I don't have the energy to tell them my rehearsed line." Alpha Reid said.

"Are you sure you are not the one attracting them, you know with your good looks and the bad boy vibes?"

"Jeez, fuck! Are you sure you weren't born before your time? Because you act as a moron most of the time." Alpha Reid said.

"You are the baby here, look at your face. So manly and yet…"

Reid threw a towel at him, "don't say it. Don't…"