Green River With Angry Tree

Behind them, the huge trees stood, shielding them from seeing their pack. It was inevitable, they were aware of that. However, they couldn't help but desire for it to prolong. There was something about seeing the pack, even though it appeared as a dot, in the trees near the Dark River Packhouse.

Thinking of the same thing, they both turned around at the same time.

Nothing. Goodbye home! Welcome to reality.

Automatically, they spun around and continued walking. They could have been further if it wasn't for the adamant rocky terrace that they encountered after the forest with the vengeful snail. It had confused them, there were lots of shrubs growing peacefully in the terrain. Since their luck ran out before they were even born, the shrubs had been full of spikes and they had a hard time figuring out their way.

It took an hour to figure out, they couldn't risk it. The last thing they needed was to hurt themselves on the first day of their journey.