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"I am not. He failed; Cassie left. He wanted the pack to fall and it hasn't. Maybe he will realize that he has lost. The rogues would never win because the pack is strong. He should let go of this hatred towards the pack. The man is old, everything is so outdated. By the goddess, why is he still fighting some old fight?"

Snickering, Clancy had a disappointed look, "if it is old news, then the alphas going on a quest is a myth."

"Sorry." Asher apologized and began to hum. Asher knew Clancy was right. If he wanted to help the pack, he should try to think with the witches and not with Indigo.

The man was a lost cost. At least now they have won, what will happen next time? What if Indigo realized there was a loophole in their magic and used it against them? What if next time, they would be late, and then the rogues would enter the pack and attack?