After feeling as if she were crossing an infinite abyss, Rhaenys, when she opened her eyes again, found herself facing a dazzling sun and in a place that she was unable to identify but that felt strangely familiar.
She was at the access to a kind of huge inner courtyard. The square that formed it was surrounded by black and high walls, with a large gallery arch on one of its sides, which seemed to emulate a lying dragon. Said stone black-like-night dragon rested on huge columns adorned with dragons, griffons and strange creatures that Rhaenys was not able to recognize.
In the center of the courtyard was a water well, while on the other side, in front of a huge and threatening curtain wall, four practice targets were arranged in parallel line.
Facing one of these stuffed adversaries, stood a boy of about six or seven days of the name,
frantically striking the straw and sawdust enemy with a short wooden sword. The boy's silver hair fell below the shoulders, barely distinguishable from the pale complexion of his back. For only clothing, the boy's wore black baggy pants adjusted to the waist by a cord of the same color and wore small riding boots that reached almost to his knees.
Said kid would barely exceed five feet tall. Yet from where she gazed at him and Rhaenys's perspective, the kid looked like a giant. He was slim in build, but showed promise to broaden his back and shoulders in the future.
Rhaenys had never seen him, nor did she recognize the boy. But something inside her told her that this boy and she would be united for life. Something was drawing her to him, as if it were natural to be in the kid's presence.
Before Rhaenys could stop to think about the situation she was in, and that she couldn't understand 'Me? My body of its own free will?' began to walk in the direction of the mysterious boy, whose bodily attitude seemed to convey anger with the world and a lot of tension.
Although Rhaenys had not yet seen the kid's face, the situation and the person were extremely familiar to her.
"[Egg, no matter how much you hit a straw dummy, that way you won't be able to beat Senya.]" said suddenly 'Me?' to the boy in High Valyrian, with 'My voice?' childish, somewhat strident, quite loud and with a mocking touch. The questioned person turned round on himself to fix his gaze on Rhaenys.
The boy had eyes as black as night, crossed by raging purple streaks, making them look like pools of black liquid that drank in the sunlight to make them glow. It was as if they absorbed the light, then returned it to the outside reflecting fury. The kid's face with fine features, had a fine pointed nose and high pronounced cheekbones, accompanied by a mouth with full lips that were at that moment totally pursed.
"[Tell me! Why won't it help me defeat her at once!? I'm sick of her put-downs. Some of the men say that she would be a better head of the family than me ... not only because she's the first-born, but because of the fact that I am unable to defeat her..]." The kid complained vehemently, in a voice that reminded Rhaenys a lot of her father voice but more childish, vibrant and sharp, although his tone was fading towards the end of the complaint
"[Ahhh but that's your problem Egg. You intend to defeat Senya by crushing a straw dummy that does not hit you back. Every time you fight with her it's always the same.]" Rhaenys said mockingly, as if she had all the answers to the dilemma that the stranger kid posed, while she put the index of the right hand under her eye and stuck out her tongue.
'Am I the one doing all this? What's happening to me? Where am I? Why can't I control what I say or what I do?' Rhaenys thought desperately, increasingly anguished by the incomprehensible situation.
However 'My body and mind?' seemed to know exactly what was going on, where she was and who the boy was.
"[It is not a question of strength, because you already have much more than her. Nor is for lacking of quickness, although you should accept that you will never be as fast as her. No. Your problem is that our sister lets you get angry with her continuous evasions, which makes you lose your composure and try to crush her ... How has that strategy gone for now brother?]" Rhaenys said. Totally sure of what she was saying to the boy who apparently was called Egg and was her
'What a strange name' Rhaenys thought, as she tried to understand something of the situation that she was 'Dreaming? Living?' she wondered, without getting any answers, or being able to control anything that happened in the body and mind in which she seemed to find herself. Rhaenys had the feeling of wearing clothes worn by someone else, but which were definitely hers.
"[You may be right on that Rhae. Sometimes I let my temper take over me and bring out the worst in me. The Dragon's blood is strong in me, as I see it...]" the boy began to say in an exculpatory and somewhat pompously tone.
"[Without a doubt Egg,]" she said with a certain mockery, interrupting him"[You are quite a Dragon, when you have yet not bonded with any real dragon.]"
'Bonded with a Dragon? There are Dragons? Why did father and mother hide from me that there are dragons?' Rhaenys was trying to understand internally the words that seemed to have been spoken by her.
"[I have already explained to you a thousand times, that if I do bond with a dragon, I want to do it on Gaemon's dragon. If I am the last of Valyria, I must be bonded to the last dragon born in Valyria. It is a matter of pure logic Rhae.]" the boy replied presumptuously, now more relaxed in his posture, with a softer look and mischievous smile.
'Rhae? They call me Rhae...' thought Rhaenys Targaryen, daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen and Elia Martell, suddenly. Current heir to the Iron Throne, who must have been dreaming or dead. For Rhaenys's last and terrifying memory was being under her father's bed, while the city burned on all four sides and bad men came for her.
The same childish voice that had addressed the boy was now directed inwardly toward her, making her feel as if she were in a container already occupied by someone else.
'That must be because you and I are two people and one at a time, or at least that's the feeling it gives me. And the one in front of us is my brother: Aegon Targaryen, the last of Valyria and heir to Dragonstone.' the other person in Rhaenys said with affection and 'love?' The one with whom was she 'sharing body and soul with?'
Not even being questioned by the Old Gods, the New Gods, or the Mother Rhoyne herself, Rhaenys would know what was happening at that moment, or where she was. Far from it. She was even incapable of conceiving the mysterious and temperamental child, with her brother.
'I never had a brother' she thought bitterly and sadly to herself, remembering that whatever it was she was experiencing, she must been lying dead in her father's rooms at the Red Keep. 'The Arryn, Baratheon, Lannister, Tully and Stark did everything in their power to make that happen.'
Upon having said thought, the body that she was now inhabiting suffered a chill that Rhaenys could feel, at the same time that she felt within herself a feeling of infinite sorrow.
'Calm down Nys. Whoever it is who have hurt you, we will take revenge. You will see. My brother seems haughty and over-tempered, but deep down he's a love and an honorable person. And when you meet Senya, even if she's a little scary, I assure you that she is the most faithful person to our family that exists.'
It seemed that she herself was right, as Aegon seemed to notice the sudden change in her mood, changing the attitude in him towards Rhaenys for one of tenderness, some concern and a helpless
puppy look.
"[Hāedar, are you okay? You are even paler than usual. Did I say something that has upset you? I wasn't mad at you and I really wasn't mad at Senya either. I was frustrated by my inability to defeat her, not by her ability or your advice...]" said in defeated tone Aegon.
It seemed that Rhaenys did not feel like explaining to her brother the conversation that the two of them had just had inside Rhaenys's soul, so she quickly returned to show an exuberant disposition. Disposition very similar to her own and changed the subject, while grabbing arm in arm with Aegon.
"[Let's go to the Dragonmont to see how Axes is growing.]" after said the which, Rhae tried to start a race towards the destination she had marked. It was impossible for her to move, for her brother was pinned down, staring at her.
"[Rhae, I love you more than my life, I never want to see you feel bad and I will always do what is in my power to ensure your happiness and safety. I will always do what you ask, but in return I ask you to trust me and tell me what happens to you, if something ever happens to you.]"
After that, the boy detached himself from Rhaenys's arm, to go to the corner of the courtyard where purple orchids grew, which with the morning dew looked like amethysts. When the boy was in front of the flowers, he grabbed a bud in between the hands, smelled it, and proceeded to pull it off the stem.
With the flower bud secured, the shirtless boy, with the cascade of silver hair blowing in the wind, retraced his steps to face Rhaenys again. Possibly a head and a half taller than her, so she had to look up to see Aegon's face.
Aegon's eyes were fixed on Rhaenys's own, piercing her soul, while it seemed that his colors were turning up. The left foot did not stop still, as he assumed an awkward position and hunched shoulders.
"[Whenever I see purple orchids I will remember your eyes. Let me give you this to remind you of that.]" Aegon said in a way that seemed like an oath, in a voice that was certainly honeyed, although not exempt from the steel that seemed inherent in it.
Once those words were said, the boy seemed to lose all insecurity and discomfort that had possessed Aegon, to outline a sweet bright smile as relaxed his body.
In that moment, it felt like there was something inside Rhaenys and inside the person her soul was in, that seemed to actually make them two and one at the same time. That something, it was a sensation that she with her almost four days of the name did not understand, but it was like a strange sensation in the stomach. As butterflies flying in her insides. Was weird, but not bad. A sensation of attraction and dependence towards the boy, which Rhaenys was not able to understand. A sense of security and joy that comforted her soul and was making Rhaenys forget how she had gotten to where she was in first place.
"[I love you too Egg. I promise that I will always be by your side, helping you in whatever way I can. And there is one thing I know for sure I can help you do: your dream of being one with Balerion. My Axes is her friend! So now we are also going to be with the dragon of Gaemon. Come on! Follow me.]" said singsongly 'herself?' with all the tenderness Rhaenys could muster, sealing in turn the oath that 'her brother?' had done.
After that, Rhaenys started a race towards the huge double gate that was half open and from which
a path drilled into the side of a black mountain seemed to start.
When the body she was in reached the exit of the courtyard, Rhaenys was able to process everything she had seen, heard and 'felt?' reaching a conclusion. 'Balerion? Aegon? ARE YOU THE DRAGON'S SISTER!!!!?' she knew perfectly well who Balerion and Aegon were. She had seen the skull of the Black Dread hundreds of times and had named her cat that. She had been on the Iron Throne forged by Aegon and Balerion. It was impossible.
'The Dragon's sister? That's what I call him sometimes and how he call my sister and me. How do you know that?' Rhaenys Targaryen, the Dragon's Sister, answered with intrigue. To be exact, she was the woman, at that time the girl, for whom Rhaenys was called the way she did.
'Without a doubt I am dead, living a dream in the afterlife' Nys thought with certainty. At the same time that she began to feel as if an infinite free fall began, as she watched the life of the Dragon's Sister pass before her.
12 BC Dragonstone, Blackwater Rush, Westeros.
After having been flying in Meraxes for a while the dragon's sister had decided to return to Dragonstone to carry out the promise that she had made the day Nys had arrived in her body, eight year after.
Today was the day that the Dragon would bond with the dragon with which it would be associated until the end of days. Today at last, Aegon Targaryen would take possession of his greatest inheritance. Balerion, The Black Dread.
Having descended from Meraxes, Rhae headed for the path carved into the side of the volcanic mountain, which on Nys first day in the body of the Dragon's Sister, had ascended. Shortly after starting to walk, Rhaenys recognized in the distance the person she was looking for.
This one was in his black leather riding breeches, his leather boots and nothing else. 'He may have been taking a bath after training.' Rhae addressed internally to her.
'It's possible. Although he may also want to make his first time with Balerion more dramatic. You
know how he likes to show off sometimes ... and of course body has for it. Our lēkia is the best built man on the world.' answered Nys to her alter ego of the 'Past? Future? Present?'
With almost three and ten days of her name, physically Rhaenys had already blossomed. And both, Rhae and Nys, had also done it on a mental level, being victims of a deep infatuation with their brother, which was reciprocated by him. Something that aroused certain desires and curiosities that were not present in the past and that the secret kisses between them only helped to increase.
When they reached less than thirty paces away of Egg, they could see that the Dragon seemed thoughtful and with a totally marbled face. He looked like an authentic sculpture of great realism carved out of the white marble. Except for Aegon's eyes and the long hair blowing in the wind, the only things that seemed to have life in her brother.
'It looks like Egg is practicing how to put on a neutral face and a blank look. In the end it only took him eight more days of his name to learn to control his character.' Rhae commented after observing the gloomy and somewhat moldy expression of their lēkia. It was the same face Nys had seen for the last eight days of the name, although with a more neutral and less tense countenance.
Although as Rhaenys got closer, what really seemed like had changed about Aegon on his tenth and fifth day of the name was Rhaenys's brother gaze. Aegon's two deep pits of darkness, streaked with raging purple streaks, now seemed to glow, ejecting a supernatural light of their own. Light appearing to be silver.
'Of course if Aegon look at Visenya like that after losing to her, none of the men on this island are going to consider tickling Aegon again. And after he bonds with Balerion today, even less. It seems that you are right Rhae.' Nys answered internally to the Dragon's sister. Meanwhile, her body, shared between the two, began to happily descend the path drilled into the side of the Dragonmont, going out to meet the Dragon.
Suddenly, Aegon appeared to emerge from the stupor in which he seemed to be immersed and began to walk in Rhaenys's direction. Observing her as if Aegon was seeing her for the first time. In Aegon's eyes apart from love, there was reverence and they were totally captive in her.
'It seems we're not the only ones growing up.' she said jokingly to Rhae, whom Nys knew if she could have seen her from the outside, would have noticed her blush a little.
Seeing that Aegon was almost reaching them, Rhae chose to try to ignore the comment Nys had made her, to address the object of the comment, with Rhaenys typical exuberance and honeyed tone.
"[Egg !! Today is the fifth and tenth day of your name. Your gift today is that you will bond with Balerion]!" Rhae said in singsong way with her lofty High Valyrian, and velvety voice.
Saying those words to their brother, something seemed to change in Egg, because The Dragon suddenly tensed, looked around and for a moment it seemed that he was about to lose consciousness. Sweat broke out immediately on his forehead and that new silver glow so unbecoming in his eyes, but that felt right in them, seemed to fill the entire iris of Egg's eyes.
As soon as the Dragon had lost the composure, it seemed to return to him. As in less than a blink, Aegon closed the distance between them, to grab Rhaenys tightly around the waist and stick her to his muscular body.
With his steely, but warm voice and with a certain hint of sarcasm in it,Egg replied, without moving his gaze from Rhaenys's own "Rhaenys, you know better than anyone know how long I've
been waiting for this day."
Aegon's arm seemed to squeeze Rhaenys even tighter towards him, causing her to feel his typical aroma that was a mixture between smoke, sulfur and salt, intoxicating both Rhae and Nys. 'The Smell of a dragon calls another dragon Nys.' Rhae shuddered as she said what Nys was also feeling.
"[Besides, I'm not like you. I don't want to be flying all the time.]" the Dragon finished with his mischievous half smile, so typical of when Egg was provoking her.
'But this time it will be us who will provoke him Rhae.' Nys told the owner of the body she was in. This one undoubtedly read her mind, because before Egg could react, Rhaenys closed her arms around Aegon's neck and began to kiss him with a passion that she had never done before.
It was a kiss that tasted glorious, that felt like the most correct thing in the world and damn those who thought that only Senya could marry Egg. She would also be by his side until the end of time, even if she had to die a thousand times more to be with him and would fight against anyone who opposed the union between her and her brother.
2 BC A Dream of Winter to Come
Rhaenys suddenly woke up in a darkness that caused the hairs on her body to stand on end. A cold wind that seemed to blow from the north, made the trees seem to whisper like living beings. She felt totally out of place and like something was looking at her. Something cold and unforgiving, that didn't love Rhaenys in the least.
"Where I am?" Nys's voice rang out, too loud for the whisper that had escaped her lips, in the twilight forest looming between dark shadows. Her breath seemed to turn to frost as she breathed. The temperature of the gloomy forest seemed to drop further.
Nys began to feel cold like none she had never experienced in her life, entering her body, depriving her of practically all her body warmth. Protected only by her baggy silk and tulle nightgown to sleep on, Nys was so cold that she felt as if her body was on fire.
If something was clear to her, it was that Nys was no longer in her Dragonstone bed along the Dragon. Nys also had the impression that she had recovered her body and that Rhae was no longer sharing this one with her. For the first time in almost eight and ten days of her name, Nys felt completely alone. And that scared her.
'And not only am I alone, but I don't even know where I am or how I got here.' Nys thought quickly, trying to make sense of the sinister situation she was in now.
After whatever happened the night of the Sack, Nys was half able to understand how she had come to her new life and adjust to it. 'But what is happening here, I cannot attribute it to Valyrian sorcery, much less to Senya. I do not think that in Senya's nightmares makes this cold.' Nys tried to understand.
"[Although it may be that it's cold between her sheets.]" resounded out of nowhere a voice that seemed to come from everywhere and none at the same time. Answering a question that Nys had not even expressed. It was a feminine voice, soft and velvety. But with a cold tone that froze Nys 'heart?.' The one she hadn't felt like her own in a lifetime.
'Now I'm really scared. Where is Egg? Why do you say that about Senya? Isn't she happy being the
head of the family in practice?'
"[Tsk, Tsk, Tsk...So many millennia have passed that my offspring cannot see what is happening before them? Girl, you are not only breaking the Pact, you are causing our return and the breaking of the Dragon's blood.]" Said the unearthly voice, which Nys was now realizing, spoke in a High Valyrian very similar to the primitive dialect, only used by elites.
"[Get out of there!]" Rhaenys yelled in no particular direction. Nys's voice trembling and shrill, as she ran in the opposite direction from where the wind was coming. In the distance in that direction, a gigantic White Wall seemed to be outlined in the sky that seemed to be exclaiming Safe Place.
In that direction Nys quickened the pace even more if possible, through the increasingly twilight forest, amid what was beginning to be a light snowfall. Nys had to dodge rocks, roots and sinkholes hidden just below the bark of these, where she almost fell a couple of times. Increasingly exhausted, terrified by the situation and gripped by the cold, Nys felt that could barely breathe and that the air that she managed to get inside her lungs, was burning her with how cold it was.
Rhaenys decided to stop and look in all directions, feeling that she really had not practically advanced from the place where had awakened. Resolving to face the terrifying presence that Nys had felt since the first moment in that strange place and stepping up her posture, she went back to the dark, increasingly snowy and gloomy, forest.
Speaking with her most authoritative and cutting voice. "[Who are you? What relationship do you have with me and why do you accuse me of things that I don't even know what you mean by them?]" Nys demanded.
Nys's voice seemed to be drowned in a sea of ice crunches. The echoes of which formed a cacophony similar to that of cruel and macabre laughter. A laugh that contained evil and coldness in enormous quantities. A laugh that augured pain and tears, hooting in the moan of the frozen wind that ravaged Nys.
"[Leave now that the powers under the Wall have not yet been awakened. Leave now that there has not yet been a fight between brothers. Disappear before there is a Dance and the lineage of Old divides. Get out of here before the blood of the rubies desecrates the waters and the Dragon has to hide in the Shadows. Your place is not this. Leave now!]" the cold voice rang out again from everywhere and nowhere. Its tone was now totally threatening, accusatory and reproachful, charged with fury and anger.
'It's as if the bearer of that voice hated me with all its soul.' Rhaenys tried to keep running towards the White Wall, but couldn't make it anymore.
Nys was exhausted and was beginning to not feel her bare feet covered in snow. The snowfall was now a veritable curtain of snow that closed the view more than two feet in front of her. She was scared, freezing and did not know how to get out of where she was or how to get to the Wall that she constantly saw in the distance, but without changing her closeness to it.
'If Egg were here, he would save me' Nys thought.
Suddenly the twilight deepened. The sky until that moment completely covered with clouds, was suddenly partially uncovered. Revealing a circle through the dense cloud cover, the which reflected a sky that seemed to be dyed in an intense purple color, the color of an old bruise. Then it faded to black and stars began to appear in the sky. Before Nys could realize it, a gigantic star of reddish light materialized out of nowhere high in the sky. Throwing a bloody light that seemed to cast the shadow of a gigantic black reddish dragon cutting through swirling snow.
When Nys lowered again her gaze to the front, the vision she encountered filled her with dread, paralyzing her completely.
'There is no longer any escape to any possible safety.' Nys stated to herself, shuddering from the certainty in her thought.
The snowstorm now seemed to dance around an imaginary cone. Cone which was closed by two rings at its base. One was a reddish light ringed circle that hovered over her, of which she and the axis with the reddish light in the sky were the center. This ring was compressed by an outer ring composed of a formless infinite tide of decomposed beings, reanimated corpses of all kinds and skeletons, that once they must have been some kind of living being with some skins on them. They all had in common a spectral blue glow in their eyes. 'Or what were once eyes.' for some of these creatures did not even have and yet, from the empty sockets the bluish glow was emitted.
Thirteen tall, emaciated figures with milk-pale flesh formed the second inner ring closest to her, closing ever closer to her surroundings. The armor of these beings with inscrutable features seemed to change color as they moved slowly; in one place it was as white as freshly fallen snow. In another, black as the shadow of the dragon that was beginning to descend on Nys position. Everywhere mottled by the deep blood red that the strange light in the sky cast. The eyes of the pale wraiths were blue as the deepest blue and bluer than any human eye. They were a blue that seemed to burn like ice when they landed on Nys.
One by one, these terrifying beings drew their swords, which seemed to ooze blood at the reflection of the red star. They looked like a translucent material, like a shard of glass so thin it seemed to almost disappear when viewed on its edge. There, with a dim glow, a ghostly reddish light played around the edges and somehow made them look like living objects.
The dark reddish shadow of the dragon settled between her and the inhuman beings whom were advancing in unison at a slow pace. But closing in around Nys and the enormous misty projection of the dragon that had appeared apparently to protect her.
'Of course Axes is not. Not even Balerion is that monstrously big! This dragon is the shadow made fire.' Thought that Nys soon saw confirmed, when a dark jet reddish flame suddenly flowed like a waterfall of lava through the gigantic jaws of the dragon.
The flame seemed to merge with the snowstorm outside the cone, forming a gigantic whirlpool of snow and fire, resembling a terrible battle between the two elements. The clash of flame and ice produced an almost deafening and insane roar.
'It is like the noise of a thousand saws cutting down trees at the same time. It's going to drive me crazy.'
When everything in the in crescendo of the titanic struggle between elements aimed to reach its climactic point and with the arrival of this, take with it the little sanity that was left in Nys's head, the most absolute silence that she had ever witnessed was made.
The silence was barely disturbed by the faint sound of the ethereal long strides of one of the pale beings. With an infinite silver mane waving at it back, the specter moved ahead of the rest, placing itself less than twenty paces from the dragon and thirty from Nys.
Behind Nys, to the right, to the left and all around her, the remaining twelve spectral observers stood patient, without definable faces, silent. The changing patterns of their delicate armor made them look like dancing ethereal tears of blood, almost translucent at times. They seemed exceptional observers of an expected moment, not making any movement to interfere between the
being that was approaching the dragon and in Nys's direction.
Fear, incomprehension and helplessness in the face of the situation had completely paralyzed Nys, causing her to barely perceive the tremendous heat given off by the opaque reddish shadow of the dragon. Nys's body was totally numb from the cold had suffered and that seemed to have stolen the very breath from her chest and frozen her insides.
The leading figure fixed its cold blue eyes on Nys, causing her to tremble like a blade of grass tossed through the air. Its lips began to move making a sound that could only be compared to the crunching of ice on a winter lake.
"[You have brought the Darkness. It will return and be defeated, but an Empire where it will always be dawning, will dominate everyone.] " came out of the being the voice that Nys had heard before, but as on previous occasions, it seemed to come from all directions.
"[The Song has been sung. The Music has ended so it can have a new begin. The Equilibrium has been broken and there will only be light.]" the voice uttered ominously, at the same time that the being emitted what could be described as a diabolical laugh, but that resembled the collision of large blocks of ice.
At that moment, the twelve spectral observers, at the same moment launched their swords, which at some point had mutated into long spears. Their target was the gigantic shadowed dragon in front of Nys. When the magical weapons seemed to make contact with it, the shadow dragon disappeared without a trace. The sky became completely overcast, the red star and its brightness disappearing. The snowfall fell heavily again as the cold seemed to shoot up. Nys was unable to feel any of her limbs anymore and her teeth wouldn't stop rattling between them, from the shivering she had.
The infinite silver-haired being that had come moving forward again in Nys's direction. Wielding its translucent sword in its right hand, it raised its left arm skyward, spreading its palm and bony fingers in a way that seemed to caress the snowflakes that flooded everything.
"[The Gods will rule and humans will bow down before them for life. The age of Blood until the end of time will last and you and yours will see it. You will know neither death nor full life, and you will have to carry your burden forever.]" said the voice that belonged to everywhere and nowhere, at the same time that the being violently lowered its extended left arm against the ground, causing what resembled a gigantic ice blast.
After that, Nys drowned in infinite darkness and cold, feeling herself die again. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
'Where I am? I'm alive?' Nys wondered, making herself a real skein of tears, as she huddled on a damp stone floor.
'BY THE FLAMES OF VALYRIA WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT NYS!? Exclaimed asking her, the inner voice of Nys's habitual companion of body, absent during her recently terrifying experience.
'Wet stone floor?' Nys wondered to herself. As she watched around her, while uncontrollably sobbing, Nys realized why she was over wet stone floor. 'I'm alive and in Dragonstone, but it can't be. It just can't be,'
When Nys focused her gaze, she saw the Dragon and Senya in front of her, staring at Rhae with a shocked faces.
At that time, the only thing that both, Rhae and Nys were able to articulate was what they repeated
to their family.
"Ice creatures, with sky blue eyes, staring at me as a snowstorm engulfed me ..."
10 AC. Over Hellholt Castle, Dorne, Westeros.
Under the blazing Dornish sun, as she soared through the skies on the back of Meraxes, Nys could not help but remember her husband and son.
Due to a tragic and unexpected defeat, Rhae decided to leave her husband in command of the construction of Aegon's Fort and the rest of the works of King's Landing, as well as the care of the son of the Dragon. The quiet little boy, who would be in charge of continuing the mission they had started.
A prince who promised to end the return of darkness should it appear during his lifetime. Aenys Targaryen, who Nys loved more than her own life, or whatever it was that she had been experiencing for thirty days of her name.
Possibly one of the happiest moments of both herself andRhae and perhaps, the most unreal experience lived by Nys during the thirty days of her name that she had cohabited within the Dragon's Sister. The labor and birth of Aenys. This experience was the one that convinced both of them that they were really the same person, since they both felt the same pain in those moments.
Not even when cutting the connection between them, a distressing experience for both and to which they resorted only in very intimate or special situations 'Generally due to the difference of opinion between the two', Nys could be abstracted from what was happening to her other self, Nys reflected.
'I told you from the first time. We are two and one at the same time. We are the same soul, but from different lives. Remember what Senya told us about the ritual of the Doom. Surely something like this happened and instead of extinguishing you, you returned to your original place. To me. That I am you.' Rhae contributed internally, trying to explain as a maester their situation.
Both had always kept the secret and not even Aegon knew that his sister-wife, were really two people in one. But from time to time, taking advantage of the turn towards the arcane, the blood magic and the sorcery of Valyria on part of their Mandia, they asked indirect questions in reference to the situation they were living.
'The best thing was when Melony answered us with her daydreams that as blood of the Forty we were descendants of their God and therefore immortal like this one. Ha! When mother died, I did not see Valaena return from her pyre.' Rhae reminded Nys of the conversation with the former slave, now Priestess of R'hllor.
'For her sake, I hope that in Asshai the Shadowbinders will take away her nonsense about Azor Ahai and Melony's obsession with fire. What would be lacking is for her is to spread Senya's theory that king's blood has special powers. In that case I could imagine Aegon being harassed by R'hllor Zealots and leeches.' Nys replied. She, unlike Rhae, Senya or even Egg, could never tolerate the former slave of the Freehold.
'Exactly my point. You're right. The only ones who can extract something from Aegon are us.' Rhae
replied seductively.
Her alter ego from the past had always blamed Nys's revulsion towards the priestess as a matter of jealousy. And if there was one thing that the Dragon's Sister was not, it was being a jealous person. Rhae knew that her brother would take his own life rather than cheat on her. And both of them knew it too and professed the same love for Aegon.
But Nys was never able to explain exactly the reason for her rejection of the priestess. There was something about the way Melony's looked at her and at Aegon, that made Nys nervous. It seemed as if Melony knew something about the two of them that not even they themselves were capable of knowing.
'You must admit that at least about the Great Other and the return of the Darkness, she knows a lot. Although her description hardly resembles to what you dreamed. ' Rhae replied, exonerating Melony in a certain way.
'Look, there in the distance we can already see the castle.' Nys said to the owner of her soul, for distract Rhae from the subject she was entering.
Even though they had accomplished the Conquest in the name of her dream, save for the night it happened, Nys tried to suppress and block any memory of the terror she 'dreamed? Experienced? Imagined? Rave?' Nys could never know for sure and the truth was, she didn't want to know.
Rhae respected her decision, as did her sister and brother, who never asked her directly about the dream again. Much less did they make public their reasons of why his brother left his Fate and Destiny in the Lands of the Eternal Summer, to fixate his gaze on Westeros. They simply took advantage of the political and social instability of the kingdoms, having the best existing military command between her uncle, her brother and Orys. And they had something that nobody else had and where she was riding now; dragons. Fire made flesh.
Although except for her during the Battle of the Wendwater and in The Last Storm, as well as her brother at Harrenhall, they never directed the fire of the mythical creatures directly against enemies. Their deterrent power after the favor the lords did them in the Field of Fire, allowed them to carry out a relatively bloodless and simple conquest.
Dorne's submission on the other hand, was turning out to be another matter. And that was because of the proud descendants from Nymeria and Garin, whom battle by unfair means and don't bend,
bow or broke. Not like the Stony Dornishmen, descendents of Andals and first men who had already recognized the sovereignty Targaryen. So they were forced to use dragons as a tactical weapon against the salty dornishmen. And according to the Dragon, these battles were being the ones that most reminded Nys's brother of the wars in Essos, due to the death toll between both sides.
And now it was Rhaenys turn to intervene in Dorne. Again.
Practically from the first moment and paradoxical as it was to Nys, Rhae had thrown herself on the mission to subdue Dorne. And at the moment it was not going well. They had reached temporary truces, but the attack on his brother at King's Landing shattered any cordial entente. Or at least maintain a neutrality with respect to them.
Rhaenys's mission in this campaign was simple and was to last less than two weeks. The day of Aegon's name would be lost to her, but both hoped that they would finally bring Dorne down at last.
'How else do you explain that you are the descendant of a union between Targaryen and Martell? It is clear that sooner or later we will beat them and I doubt that someone other than me can do it. Senya and Aegon's diplomacy is nefarious, sometimes not knowing when to be cordial and even false.' Rhae reaffirmed to herself.
Although most of the sandy and salty Dornish nobility seemed to have been swallowed up by the sands and coastal waters of the southern kingdom, House Uller continued to dare to challenge their brother's reign openly. According to Senya, the assassins who attacked Egg and Rhae's sister were trained and paid by this house, to ingratiate themselves with house Martell. In their lands, moreover, the disastrous defeat of the host under Harlan Tyrell had taken place. Their crimes against the blood of Valyria could not go unpunished.
'The Rhoynar still haven't learned that they can't mess with dragons, Nys. It seems like last year's Aegon and Senya campaign didn't do them any good. And it seems that they have forgotten very quickly the defeat of The Sorrows and Garin The Great.' Rhae told Nys with her typical arrogance every time she brought up the history of the Forty.
If there was one person who was the epitome of the Freehold of old, it was Rhae. Sometimes haughty and arrogant. In others close and accessible. The most beautiful woman on the planet and the wife of the most powerful man on the it. Dragonrider in her own right since she had four days off the name. Skin that looked like porcelain and mane that seemed to be the reflection of the full moon on a dark night. And above all, a tremendous pride in whom she was and from whom she descended, just as Rhae's possessed an unbridled passion for certain things.
The Dragon's sister was a person who did not know in-between points and was sometimes an extremist. Something they both shared, although Nys managed to temper many of Rhae's worst impulses. 'Although not all them and you know it. Because you also like to give in to them sometimes.' the owner of the body reminded Nys.
Nys traditionally preferred to refrain from getting into any discussion regarding the Rhoynar, or towards some of Rhae's unbridled passions, which although shared, she tried to curb.
But the comment Rhae had just made filled Nys patience on the first topic. If they shared something, it was also pride. And Nys was extremely proud of her heritage from the Fourteen Flames and Mother Rhoyne.
'Rhae, the Ullers are descendants of Andals not form Nymeria or Garin. They wouldn't know how
to do water magic even if their lives depended on it.' Nys said with more irritation than she first intended, causing Rhae to give a little jolt with the body.
Meraxes seemed to notice her Dragonrider's discomfort as the neck and head rocked back, causing tension in the saddle chains.
"[Easy girl. We were having a little internal debate and as you know, I can be a little rude to myself sometimes. In a while we will make a show of force and return to Aenys and Balerion, is that okay?]" Rhae addressed the silver and lilac dragon, apologizing to Nys in the only way the Dragon's sister knew how. Without saying it explicitly, but dropping it.
'Don't worry, Although we always have our differences regarding certain issues, you know that I am nobody without you, Rhae. Now we're going to finish this and go home.' Nys responded internally to the apology poorly offered, but which she knew came from the heart of herself.
The reply of their dragon, in the form of a deep roar, followed by several strident screams that transmitted happiness, announced the binomial formed by Rhaenys and Meraxes. From the height and in the decreasing distance, she could see the many scorpions located on the castle towers, and even protruding outside the walls, preparing to welcome her.
These contraptions, imported from the Rhoynar fights against the Freehold, were more of a nuisance to her than to Meraxes. The serpentine dragon skin was tougher than the Dragon's armor, especially on its belly and underside. There the skin and scales seemed to be impossible to penetrate. If hit there, the projectile would bounce like arrows on Nys brother's armor. The key to being successful in the attack was to always attack from the height and in perpendicular to the targets, making it impossible for them to aim at her.
The sensations produced by acquiring an almost horizontal position with respect to the vertical, was one of absolute freedom and adrenaline. It seemed that the two of them and the huge dragon were the same being.
Three souls thinking and acting as one. 'In one word; Magical'.
It was time to unleash the radiant flame of Meraxes on Hellholt, the grim castle in the middle of
nowhere in the Dornish desert.
"Draca ..." the Dragon's sister tried to utter, but was interrupted by an explosion of blinding white light.
Also blinding Nys, the sudden, unfamiliar burst of light seemed to have silenced all her senses, including the connection with Rhae. All of sudden, Nys felt nothing, saw nothing and heard nothing. There was only white light engulfing everything and everywhere. The desert, the castle and Meraxes had disappeared. At that moment Nys doubted even her own existence.
But a whisper, uttered by a familiar voice in high Valyrian, began to echo from all directions. Even from within Nys herself, even though at that moment she was just a drifting soul.
"[When the hammer falls on the Dragon, a new King will live in the shadows, die and rise. He will put out the flames of Valyria, restore the Glory of the Old Freehold and no one will oppose him, for he will bring the Dawn.]"
The blinding whitish light and the absence of any sensation suddenly gave way to a daunting scene, which if Nys had been alive would have made her lose her mind.
Nys was back on Meraxes, plummeting down over the seven times accursed dornish castle. But she
was engulfed in a whirlwind of flames that were consuming her and her dragon. Flames that appeared to be Balerion's own.
Nys began to feel an unspeakable pain. Her skin seemed to be melting on her body at the same time that Nys's insides seemed to be being consumed by the very flames of the Fourteen Flames of Valyria.
"PLEASE! STOP THIS TORTURE! BY ALL THE GODS, MERCY! IF IT IS NOT FOR ME, DO IT FOR MY SON; DON'T HAVE HIM TO KNOW WHAT IT IS TO GROW UP WITHOUT A MOTHER!" Rhaenys Targaryen implored, yelling at the dark firestorm that danced around her and her dragon. The which one seemed to be decomposing, melting into a self-consuming fiery ball.
Someone or something seemed to hear her plea, as she began to feel how all pain and sensation left her, giving place to a peace like she had never felt.
'This is my end.' Rhaenys Targaryen clairvoyantly thought.
There was no longer Rhae or Nys, there were and had been two and one. They would die as one and two at the same time, without knowing where one began and where the other ended. They were both herself.
As that happened, the voice resounded again, promising a comeback and a return in a firm and ominous tone that seemed to come from within the whirlwind itself. It was like a continuous pulse, a heartbeat that wouldn't stop ringing.
"[When the Red Star bleed and Darkness reunite, The Prince who was Promised, the son of Ice, the son of Fire, the Dragon Reborn, The King in the Shadows, will be reborn amongst ice and fire, amongst smoke and salt, awakening the Dragons from the Stone to bring the Dawn.]"
282 AC. Blackwater Rush, Westeros.
"Rhaenys, you are safe. I will not allow anyone to harm you. I am here to protect you." The voice
of Ser Jaime Lannister, someone whom she practically saw as her older brother, brought her out of the trance of whitish light and nothing where Nys was in.
She was no longer in the hell of black fire that she had 'dreamed of?' Nor was Rhaenys under her father's bed, trying to hide from the damned who was trying to hurt her. Rather, Rhaenys was being carried by her Kings guard towards a rock near the water where they were.
'It was all a nightmare, nothing was real. The shock and fear made me pass this right?' Nys
thought, realizing that her inner voice was nothing like the voice she had when she was a child.
However, Rhaenys was again in the body of a girl of almost four days of the name. 'The fear and the hit against the wall must have made me delirious.' Nys thought, thinking that maybe she was cursed like her grandfather Aerys.
A voice that Nys believed impossible to ever hear again and that according to everything she had before her, never existed, answered her thoughts. 'I don't think so, because I'm here and I've lived the same thigns as you, to return to the body of a girl. Again. But if you want to keep the illusion, I will try to disturb as little as possible, Nys.' Rhaenys Targaryen told herself.
Although Nys could not see it, she knew that from the outside she must be seen as a totally absent person.
'How can I explain this, if not through madness!? It can't be that I was the dragon's sister. There has to be another explanation. Either I have gone mad like my grandfather, or I have been delirious from the pain of the blow to the back.' Nys wanted to convince herself.
But Rhae didn't seem to want to accept out what Nys had just thought.
'Is it so complex to think that we have died twice? How do you explain the dream you had? Because I imagine that just like me, you will remember it. Or our feelings on our first time with Aegon? Or the memory of the birth of little Aenys?' The Dragon's Sister accused her directly, bringing to light irrefutable evidence of what she said.
But Nys didn't want to admit it. It couldn't be. That meant that she somehow have died more than two hundred and seventy years ago and was back among the living. And it meant that Nys had also died in this life and had come back to life again. 'None of this is possible. You are my imagination!' Nys internally denied what seemed true.
'This smells of blood magic and Senya from leagues away. It must be related to the dream and the Others. Remember what we heard above the Hellholt. Remember the whispers and the pulse of the whirlwind of fire. Someday I will be able to prove what now I say. Meanwhile, consider me your partner in life, as you were in mine.' said reproachfully 'Herself? The Dragon's sister?'
'IT CAN'T BE! GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT OF ME! YOU ARE NOT REAL! NOTHING YOU SAY HAPPENED! GET AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!' Nys screamed internally, trying to block out all thought.
But the only thing she managed was to enter in a kind of trance. Trance in which before Nys's eyes the infinite hosts of ice demons paraded over and over again, while their terrifying laughter echoed in her head and to then relive one and another time the macabre whirlwind of fire.
Rhaenys could not say how long had passed since she entered that terrifying stupor, but just as suddenly as Nys entered it and without knowing how long later, or where she was at that moment, the trance disappeared when Nys saw how Ser Jaime was hit by a man with an oar.
Ser Jaime's assailant was a thin man with brown eyes and an ordinary face, which seemed eroded by the elements of the sea. The beard and brown hair seemed to have seen better days and was dressed in a sailor's garb, gnawed and mended in various places.
For the first time in what Nys had felt was a lifetime ago, Rhaenys Targaryen spoke again, feeling her throat slit as she did so. "Please! I implore you, don't kill Ser Jaime. I have no one else in this life!"
Thirteenth day of the seventh moon of 297AC Braavos, Essos.
Rhaenys awoke breathless in her room in the Green Eel, unsure if she really was there or not. At that time, she did not knew if something she had dreamed of or what she thought remembered was real or not.
Unlike other times, this time, she was able to remember the dream for the first time so vividly, as if it had really happened. She felt as if she had truly awakened after living two entire lives and now her third life was beginning.
But unlike the other times, when Nys woke up this time, she felt that maybe it was not madness. 'Maybe it's all true. Maybe it's true that I lived inside the dragon's sister and I fainted when I saw
him again.' Nys thought as she focused her eyes on the environment.
It looked like it was dawn, given the light that was beginning to filter through the curtains of her window. Grandmother was not present in her bed and it seemed that the bed had not been touched
since the day before.
Nys for her part, continued to wear the same dress that she had 'Worn? Dreamed of wearing?' to see her 'Father and Brother? And the Conqueror's dragons?' Nys tried to collect her thoughts, realizing that she was about to go crazy, because she was unable to understand anything.
"[Your Grace, are you really telling me that the return of grumpkims and snarks is the motivation behind all the plans you just laid out for us?]" Nys heard Ser Jaime's forced high Valyrian from the other side of her room's door, coming from the inn's solar.
Before processing what Nys just heard, a new voice that she had not heard before, except on one occasion during this life, spoke in an exquisite high Valyrian, with steel and a certain sarcasm linked in its vocalization, a phrase that convinced her that she was neither mad nor that it had all been a dream.
"[Look Ser Jaime, if it weren't for those damn ice demons and what they could do to humanity, two hundred and ninety-nine years ago I wouldn't have had to spend seven days confined with my two sisters in the Dragonstone Sept. It was more difficult for me to get out of there alive than to carry out the Conquest ...]" there was a kind of deathly silence in the solar next to her room, which Nys took the opportunity to bolt out of bed and go to the door.
As she carried out this action, the one who was undoubtedly the Dragon's Sister, echoed proudly, seductively and arrogantly within her. 'Five and ten days of the name I had been telling you and you were ignoring me. When I took you in my body, I was a far better host than you. I hope you return your discourtesy with interest. Remember that the one on the other side of the door is also my husband. Don't even think about cutting off the connection at the times with him. That would be a good first step to reconcile, Nys'
Hearing that inside her, Nys stumbled and nearly hit the doorknob. At that moment the same voice from before, which she would sworn was the voice of her brother, or that of her brother, The Dragon, sounded again. This time the steel in the voice was laced with a certain darkness and gloom.
"[And if not for my squire, His Excellence Branraven, one of those grumpkims and snarks would have killed me, Balerion, and himself. My mother and father have come back to life. The Conqueror's dragons are flying over the city. My Hāedar and my father have dreamed of them. In Westeros we have proof of them. And after all this and the plans that we have explained to you, plus the things that we have told you that we have already done, can you still not believe that everything we are going to have to do is because we are facing a Second Long Night?]"
Never in her life had Rhaenys moved so fast as hearing those words. She yanked the door open, almost hitting herself with it as she pulled.
On the other side, everyone present seemed to turn at once to focus their gazes on Nys. Davos, Marya and their children, were standing in the left corner of the solar trying to go unnoticed, it seemed, away from the central table. Davos was in a somewhat rigid posture, as not knowing how to act. While his three sons seemed to be exposed before one of the Old Gods, for their reverential expressions.
'Now that I fall, what is that mass of white, gray and brownish gray furs that is clustered in the right corner of the solar, just below the large window?' Nys asked herself when she fixed her gaze on the other corner of the solar.
Something in that ball of fur seemed to be listening toNys internal question, for out of the
shapeless mass of fur, a gigantic dog, though much more ferocious-looking, shot out in her direction.
It fur was white and gave the impression of being fluffy. The eyes were of an unfathomable red, which seemed to show intelligence and recognition of who she was. Before she knew it, what must have been a middle-aged wolf now that she was looking more closely was lunging at her.
In the blink of an eye she found herself full of drool up and down. While the wolf seemed satisfied with his work, for with the tail swinging in joy, the white wolf marched under the large rectangular table that presided over the room.
Looking back in the direction the white wolf had come, Nys saw that the rest of the furball was made up of two other wolves, somewhat smaller in size, but equally fierce in appearance and intelligence.
Two small figures, in which Nys had barely relapsed, were one over the other, both on a pair of mats, looking at her in diametrically opposite ways.
One of the figures was a girl of approximately eleven days of her name. Slender and who promised to reach if not Nys height, not stay very far. With deep gray eyes that seemed dark, and dark brown hair pulled back over his left shoulder. The girl gazed at Nys with a hostility she didn't understand what had done to deserve.
The other figure, was a boy about ten days of his name, with long auburn hair covering the entire left side of the face. The uncovered eye was a crystal blue that reminded Nys of the waters of the Arbor. That eye looked at her, piercing Nys with curiosity, while pretending to know what all her secrets were.
'Something about that child makes me uneasy Nys. There is something that I do not know how to explain it, but that terrifies me of that child.' And that was something in which Nys fully agreed with the Dragon's Sister.
'It reminds me of the Senya from before Hellholt. The boy seems to distill magic around him.' confirmed internally Nys the sensations of her life partner.
As Nys focused her gaze on the table, she could see a multitude of papers spread out on the table. Among them, she was able to identify contents that were traditionally sealed in her and her grandmother's chest; Her grandmother's and Nys herself birth certificates; the marriage annulment of her parents; the one of the wedding of her father and Lyanna Targaryen; as well as the birth certificate of Arthur Rivers, the son of Ashara Dayne and Brandon Stark who was posed as her brother and which had such a tragic end.
When observing the occupants in the six chairs around the table, Nys could notice different emotional and tired states. From the appearance, it seemed that they had been engulfed in conversations all night.
'And from what I have heard, in plans of conquest and in the fulfillment of my dream.' thought that made Nys have an immediate chill that did not go unnoticed by her brother, who made a move to get up, but stopped short when Aegon saw that was being totally ignored by her.
Nys knew he was Aegon, although with somewhat changed features, slimmer and less broad in the shoulders. But for now she did not want to look sideways at her brother's face, because she was afraid of what her reaction would be to him.
'Easy, I am not going to do anything inappropriate in front of the whole family Nys. Remember that we think and feel quite the same.' Rhae told her, who was doing her best inside Nys, to go and throw herself into their brother's arms. But Egg was not the only one present at that table.
On one side of the table, Nys's grandmother, Gerion Lannister and Ser Jaime were sitting. Her grandmother was dressed the same as the day before, in a dress identical to hers, but less low-cut and tight. Her body expression was relaxed and seemed overflowing with happiness. Grandma seemed to have an unnatural shine in her gaze, while a smile from ear to ear seemed plasticized on the face. Her eyes were red from crying, but they had a spark of hope and joy that Nys had never seen in grandma.
'It's like a new person who is in my grandmother's place.' Nys thought, analyzing her carefully.
The warm look she shot Nys had the effect of reassuring both her and The Dragon's Sister. At the same time that her grandma showed an infinite love for her as she had never done before. It seemed that she was looking at Nys for the first time in her life and she was Rhaella's greatest treasure. The one which she had to protect at all costs. There was steel in her grandmother's gaze that she had never seen and that was dislocating her.
'Since when does your grandmother have the look of my mother Valaena?' Rhae asked inwardly surprised to something that Nys would never know how to answer. 'Like you, I know Valaena's gaze well and I had never appreciated it on my grandmother. That look of a mother dragon with her hatchlings, had never been present before.' Nys replied internally to Rhae.
On either side of her grandmother Rhaella, Gerion was on her left and Ser Jaime on her right. Both continued to wear their full armor and while Ser Jaime seemed to be between incredulous and totally in awe of those before him, the first of the Lannister seemed tense like a bow before launching an arrow.
Her Uncle Gerion's eyes were feverish and sweat beaded on the forehead. Nys grandmother's left hand was on the Laughing Lion's right knee, trying to reassure Gerion, but it seemed totally ineffective.
'How do you think your father will take the news? Because we know exactly the number Egg will put on him. If I were Gerion, I would be even more decomposed, Nys. Maybe because I have seen him with Blackfyre in hand and this man has not.'
The Dragon's Sister quipped, for then she added.
'By the way, I must admit that I find it absolutely liberating to be able to express myself again freely and as my own entity. There were times when I thought you were going to drive me crazy with so much doubt about our life. I now must tell you the same thing that I told you the day we met. You will always have me and I will always have you. We are one and the same, never forget it. Now let's continue observing and enjoying the attention that we are garnering. We certainly still remember how to make an entrance.'
Rhae told her with some reproach at first, but with sweetness, affection and infinite pride at the end, comforting Nys completely.
The dragon sister's comment brought a smile to Nys's face that was immediately noticed by her father. 'Yes, my real father, not the cold and distant Aerion. In this we come out winning. The memories I have of Rhaegar is that he was close, affectionate and funny in his style.' Nys commented to Rhae, who seemed amazed at the almost adolescent appearance of her father, something that she now remembered, also impacted her when Nys saw him in the Iron's Bank
'I have no doubt that magic like the one made during the Doom is before us. It was always my suspicion about the two of us and it is becoming clearer now. Your father, I'm sure, has come back to life after a ritual of fire and blood.' affirmed her alter ego with some alarm, making Nys remember the images of the whirlwind of fire that enveloped her, which was one of the last things she wanted to remember. 'The last, will be the spectral beings with inhuman blue eyes of which they were talking. I'm afraid that we will have to see them again.' Rhae added somberly.
"Rhaenys, what a joy to see you again daughter." the warm and melodic tone, but with iron laced on it, of her father Rhaegar took Nys out of her internal conversation.
In front of her grandmother and the Lannisters, a beautiful woman with silver eyes, porcelain skin, and thick full lips occupied the position at Aegon's left, right in front of Ser Jaime. She was the person closest to Nys. Her hair was dark brown, almost jet black, gathered in a very long and elaborate braid that crossed her chest from above her left shoulder.
The woman stormy eyes seemed to express doubt, guilt, and some apprehension towards Nys. The gesture was one of poorly concealed grief and her attitude possessed an air of defeat, which immediately made Nys feel bad for this girl, who shouldn't be older than her.
'After the descendants of Valyria, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. But something in her eyes when she saw us, the pain and guilt perceived in her, have torn me inside. Who can feel so bad for our fate?' Asked Rhae, whom Nys had to be put to date on all that she had blocked her or cut her within their connection, because of her denial for five and ten days of her name.
Nys could only think of one person who could feel directly responsible for her life other than her father. The smoky eyes, the pale complexion and the dark brown hair, almost jet black, finished telling her who the woman was.
'The second mother that I've always wanted to know and who died together with my brother. You're certainly right about the fire and blood magic involved in this. When her brother Eddard Stark showed Lyanna's bones to the usurper, she should not have met eight and ten days of her name.' Nys responded to Rhae. For it was Lyanna Targaryen who was just three feet away from her.
Her father Rhaegar, sitting to the right of Aegon, right in front of Gerion, addressed Nys again.
Father's expression reflected a certain fatigue, concern and bags were beginning to threaten to appear under the eyes. But except for that, Nys's father seemed to be overjoyed. He was watching her with deep, almost black eyes with a devotion that could be palpable. Rhaegar's gesture was totally open and relaxed, as if a gigantic load had been lifted from him and was able to breathe normally again.
"When you saw your brother last night, you lost consciousness. Bran,"said her father pointing to the eerie boy in the corner. "your brother's brother, has told us that you have apparently gone through something similar to what Aegon has experienced." her father Rhaegar finished with a barely audible tone and with pain in him.
'Brother? What brother does Egg have? Is this Orys? He doesn't look like...' Rhae asked her the same doubt Nys had, although the end of what her father said had totally diverted Nys's attention.
'Rhae, I don't know if I understood correctly, but I think they know that you are here with me. Otherwise, how can someone speak the same, address the same, act the same and be almost
identical to the Dragon? Do you think the silver streaks that appeared on his eyes on the fifth and ten day of his name have something to do with it?' she asked herself and to the Dragon's sister.
Placing her eyes really for the first time on Nys's brother in this life, she could appreciate a face similar to the one Aegon always had, albeit with more elongated and sharper features. Except for a small scar under the left eyelid, the same look that Nys saw for twenty-two days of the name but that in the previous eight name days they were not, remained. The streak of silver on a black and purple background that appeared in Aegon's eyes the day he bonded up with Balerion was there. Gleaming and striking in Aegon's gaze.
For a moment, the look on her brother face looked like the face of a helpless puppy, with his lips pursed down and frowning.
When Nys outlined the mischievous smile that Aegon knew perfectly well, her brother's face was transformed into one of ecstasy and triumph, lacking time to jump out of the chair and close the distance between them.
Like their father, Aegon had discarded the Dragon's armor, but continued to wear the silk cloak she once wove for him and a doublet quite similar to the Myrish ones she used to acquire for her brother, albeit without the reptilian scale pattern.
'Something that I will have to solve.' She thought to herself, before Aegon engulfed Nys in a hug that sucked the air out of her lungs as he lifted her two feet off the ground, bringing her to Aegon's height.
When their eyes met, it seemed as if a thunderstorm was taking place on the site and, before the astonished gaze of those present, she and her brother merged into a passionate kiss like the first of that type, at the Dragonmont. As in the day Aegon make the ten and fifth day of his name.
'If we've ever had doubts about who our life is, I think it is confirmed now. These are the same sensations as that kiss. There is nothing more correct and natural than the love between Aegon and us. And damned those who think differently or dare to oppose our love.' promised Rhae with a vehemence and aggressiveness more typical of Senya than her own. If it weren't for being unable to process anything and having her head half melted from the kiss that had taken Nys's breath away, she would have affirmed point by point what the Dragon's Sister had said.
"Ehem..." grandmother forcefully coughed, returning Nys to the solar and to the present. "My girl, why don't you ask your brother to introduce you to the new members of our family. Then there will be time to explain everything to you at detail. But I suppose that you have heard something from the other door and I think that you yourself have experienced something that you have never told me. I want you to know that I don't hold a grudge against you and I can even understand why you didn't. But if you had told me, you can be sure that I would never have thought anything bad about you." grandmother said tenderly.
Although it was a moment of happiness, sometimesRhaenys's character was stronger than anything. 'And your grandmother has interrupted our kiss with Egg.' Added inwardly Rhae.
"You mean, you wouldn't have thought I was mad as grandfather? Because until less than five minutes ago, I myself had my doubts about it..." Nys said with some disbelief towards her grandmother's words and with a lot of uneasiness about the last thing. Egg noticed it and didn't hesitate to grab her by the waist again, to stick her next to him.
"[Rhae I present you my mother, Lyanna Targaryen, who is this beautiful lady who is before us.]" Aegon broke the awkwardness, beginning the introductions, using a reverential tone very unlike in
his usual cold and steely voice.
'What the hells has happened to him in this life?' Rhae asked Nys internally, something she herself wanted to know too. But now was not the time for awkward questions. Better to let her husband and her father explain the situation.
"[It's a real pleasure, Your Grace. I want you to know that I am, was and will be sorry the loss of your mother. And I swear by the Old Gods that I will do everything in my power to see justice done in Elia's name. Regarding of being your step-mother... I think we are the same age...]" said her father's wife in stiffly High Valyrian and with great regret the entire first part. Eventually Lyanna's voice became rather doubtful, so Nys decided to let her continue, nodding her head.
"[I do not pretend, nor will I ever be able to replace what you have lost, but I would like you to know that you can count on whatever you want for me. I cannot, nor will I fail, the daughter of the love of my life and the sister-wife of my son.]"
Everything in Nys's father's wife exclaimed sincerity, some regret, sorrow, doubt and need for acceptance 'I think this girl would not be able to lie well even if her life depended on it. We have to give it a try. She also refers to you with the title of Queen, something that could claim for her. We certainly have a lot to catch up with.' Rhae commented from within herself.
"[First of all, let's forget about titles when we are within the family only. When I found out that my father was going to marry you, I was very excited. I loved the idea of having a second mother and a brother. I don't see why it should be different now.]" Nys answered completely sincere to Lyanna, who upon hearing the answer was excited and on the verge of tears. Her brother and father for their part, both had a dazzling smile that reached their eyes.
'It seemed as if they had been fearing the worst and seeing the best, they have rejoiced and liberated in a certain way.' She reflected, analyzing the reactions.
"[The girl in the corner is Arya Stark, my sister from a different father and a different mother. I'd love for you two to get along. Her heroine is Senya, but I am convinced that you can show Arya that you were also fundamental, without having to wield a sword.]" The Dragon said in a friendly and warm tone, again almost without some of his typical mechanical and metallic intonation in it.
The girl bowed her head and shoulders politely, plastering a false smile on her face. The Stark's girl eyes were another story, as they continued to look at Nys with barely contemned hostility. "[It is a pleasure to meet you, Sister.]" The girl replied in a forced High Valyrian with strong accent. The gesture was accompanied by a look that seemed to mix jealousy with incomprehension.
'Is she in love with Aegon? Does she idolize Senya? It seems to me that we will have to have a conversation with her and make it clear that we are not going to steal anything that we did not possess beforehand.' Rhae commented internally with some presumption.
'I don't think she's in love, or she doesn't seem like it. Rather, I think she's being overtaken by events. Let's not judge until we know the whole story behind it. From what we know so far, it Aegon's maternal cousin, so I imagine that the boy will be too.' Nys answered herself internally while answering the Stark girl.
"[The pleasure is mine, little sister. I hope you tell me all about yourself and your life with Aegon. If he considers you his sister, you are also one for me.]" Nys replied with a polite and somewhat neutral voice, at the same time she made a subtle bow with her head in Arya's Stark direction.
The Stark girl seemed taken aback by the familiarity Nys had adopted with her, lowering the
hostility in the gaze a bit, but not the Stark's distrust of Nys. The strangest thing was the frown the girl made when Nys pronouncing her brother's name.
'I don't understand, what does she have against Aegon's name?' asked the Dragon's Sister, something that Nys was unable to answer right now. Although it was a new detail to note, it gave the impression that this second life of Nys's lēkia had been complex to say the least.
Aegon took the opportunity to continue with the only presentation that was missing, although this one had already been half introduced. "[The boy next to Arya, as I suppose you can imagine, is Brandon Stark. Like her, he is my brother from another mother and another father, as well as father's and mine squire, among other things ...]"
"[It is a pleasure to see you again, Your Grace. You can count on me for everything you need.]" the Stark boy said pompously, in a High Valyrian that was even better than Nys's own. The tone was childish and detached, but something in the timbre of the Stark's voice was disturbing.
'Not to mention the veiled mention that we had seen each other before, when both, you and I, know that we had never seen him in our lives.' contributed Rhae a detail that had almost gone unnoticed for Nys.
'Without a doubt, despite the hostile gaze of Arya, it seems that the boy is someone to take account and better have him on my side.' Nys replied, thinking the weight that this brother of Egg could have about the making decision.
"[I appreciate the trust and loyalty that both you, as your sister, as well who I suppose is your aunt is, place in me. I hope I am worthy of it.]" Nys answered quite politically, with a seductive and close voice.
She was trying to be as sincere as she could be, while ingratiating herself with her husband'snew family. The tender grip of her Aegon's hand around her waist, only reaffirmed her that she knew how to read the situation perfectly.
'Nys, it's time to get back to be who we are. It's time to be a Dragon again.' Rhae urged her from within herself.
And Nys couldn't agree more. The blood from the Forty and Garin flowed through her veins. She had been a key piece in the Conquest and in the creation of the Seven Kingdoms. She was responsible for all of this situation because of her dream. And she would be the one who would help her brother to defeat it or perish in the attempt.
"[Aegon's family is my family. It was so, it is so and it will be so. I Rhaenys Targaryen, the Dragon's Sister, swear this to you; The Dragons have returned. And this time they do it with Wolves by their side. No one will oppose our mission. We will overcome the Darkness of my dream, whatever the cost.]"