"Has he called the dragon Balerion?!" she asked to herself aloud, unable to understand why her nephew was calling the one who was clearly his dragon the same way as the Conqueror had done.
An amused tongue click and a giggle to her right reminded her that she was no longer alone and that now there were people paying attention to her. Trying to keep vertical while the dragon took a couple of clumsy strides, to propel itself towards the sky with a powerful beating of wings with the third stride, Dany grabbed onto Ser Jaime as best she could, while this one looked at her with some amusement.
"Oh! That! You see, my royal sister, here our nephew Aegon is not the Sixth of His Name, since he has already been, is being and will be the First of his Name. Hence, The Dragon Reborn, my princess. That dragon is the fucking Black Dread and that one there that is going to deprive the Khal of his head, the fucking Conqueror, Your Excellence.”
I did not write this novel only posted it here for better reading
The story is very confusing, it has notes on pages after paragraphs in High Valyrian that lead nowhere because there is no translation. The story tries to have a mysticism that only makes it more confusing to understand. Characters come back to life for no apparent reason after years of being dead. Honestly, it is very frustrating to try to read the story.
Am enjoying so far, though I am only on chapter 9. The only truly frustrating thing for me is that there are footnote markers with each of the High Valyrian phrases but I can't seem to locate the place with the corresponding footnotes. And there doesn't seem to be any translations given for those sections which is dreadful because it is so critical to the plot.
Wth is going on.. don’t even make sense… mid story btw…
This is a story for an amateur of any otherworldly mysticism and similar nonsense, too much here is tied to mysticism, which in my opinion is very poorly associated with the Game of Thrones, and therefore it is very difficult for me to perceive this story