Daenerys Targaryen was marrying Khal Drogo in fear, amid barbarian splendor in a field beyond the walls of Pentos, for the Dothraki believed that all important things in a man's life should be

done under the open sky.

Drogo had called his Khalasar to attend and they had come. Forty thousand Dothraki warriors and countless women, children and slaves. Outside the city walls they camped, with their vast herds of horses, erecting palaces of woven grass, eating whatever they saw, and making the good people of Pentos more anxious with each day they passed in sight of the city gates.

"My fellow magisters have doubled the size of the city watch." Illyrio told them the night before, as they passed trays of duck with honey and orange peppers, lulled by the rumbling of thunders in the distance, at the manse that had been owned by Drogo. The Khal had joined his Khalasar, leaving his property in the city, given to Daenerys and her brother until the wedding

"We'd better get Princess Daenerys married quickly before we have to hand over half of Pentos' wealth to mercenaries and brave men." joked one of the magisters present at the banquet.

Magister Illyrio chuckled slightly through his forked beard, but it didn't even bring a smile to Viserys.

"He can have her tomorrow, if he wants," said Dany's brother. He looked at Dany and she lowered her eyes. "As long as he pay the price." Her brother coldly sentenced.

'Don't look at him, or cry, or you'll wake up the dragon' Dany thought with terror to herself, forcing to hold back the tears that welled up in her eyes,

Illyrio waved a languid hand in the air, rings glittering on his big fingers.

"I have told you, everything is settled. Believe me. The Khal has promised you a crown, and you will have it." replied the obese magister.

"Yes, but when?" her brother asked impatiently.

"When the Khal chooses" Illyrio replied "First he will have the girl and, after he is married, he must make his procession across the plains and present her to the dosh Khaleen in Vaes Dothrak . After that, maybe. If omens favor war."

Viserys was seething with impatience.

"I piss on Dothraki's omens. The usurper sits on my father's throne. How long should I wait?" asked between desperate and furious Dany's brother

Illyrio shrugged.

"You have waited most of your life, great king. What are a few more moons, a few more years?" The accompanying Magister, who had traveled as far east as Vaes Dothrak, nodded.

"I advise you to be patient, Your Grace. The Dothraki are true to their word, but they do things in their own way. A lesser man may ask the Khal for a favor, but should never presume to reprimand him."

Viserys bristled at the comment and Dany knew better than anyone that the magister had awakened the dragon.

"Watch your tongue, magister, or I'll take it out of you. I am not a lesser man, I am the rightful Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. The dragon does not beg."

The magister lowered his eyes to the table, while Illyrio smiled enigmatically and plucked a wing from the duck. Honey and fat ran down Illyrio's fingers and dripped down his beard as he nibbled on the tender meat.

'There are no more dragons.' Dany thought, trying not to look at her brother, although she did.

However, that night after the banquet she dreamed of one. In the dream, Viserys was hitting her, hurting her. She was half naked, awkward and with fear. She tried to run away from him, but a strange red-furred animal stood in front of Dany, allowing Viserys to catch up with her. As he did so, he struck her again. She stumbled and fell. "You woke up the dragon," he yelled as he kicked her. "You woke up the dragon, you woke up the dragon." Visery's hands were stained with blood. Dany closed her eyes and groaned. As if in response, there was an awful ripping sound and the crackle of a great fire. When she looked again, Viserys was gone, great columns of flames rose up around, and in the midst of them, the dragon appeared. It turned its big head slowly.

When the dragon's molten eyes met hers, she woke up, shivering and covered in a thin layer of sweat. She had never been so scared ... Until she remembered that this was her wedding day.

The ceremony began at dawn and continuing even near dusk. An endless day of drinking and feasting and fighting.

A mighty land ramp had risen between the grass palaces, and there Dany was sitting next to Khal Drogo, on the boiling sea of Dothrakis. She never saw so many people in one place, nor such strange and terrifying people. The horselords could get rich fabrics and sweet perfume when they visited the Free Cities, but opencast kept the old ways.

Both men and women wore vests of painted leather over bare chests and horsehair breeches encircled by belts of bronze medallions, and the warriors greased their long braids with grease from the extraction pits. They gorged themselves on honey-roasted horsemeat and peppers, drank themselves blind with fermented mare's milk and Illyrio's fine wines, and spat jokes at each other through the fire, their voices harsh and strange in Dany's ears.

Viserys was sitting just below her, looking splendid in a new black wool vest with a scarlet dragon on the chest. Illyrio sitting next to him.

The place her brother occupied was a place of great honor, just below the Khal's own bloodriders, but Dany could see the anger in her brother's lilac eyes. Viserys was not amused to sit under her and was enraged when the slaves offered each dish to the Khal and her first, or when they served him from the portions they refused.

Dany could do nothing but take care of Viserys' resentment, so she barely took a bite to give all she could to her brother. However, she could see how her brother's mood turned blacker as the hours passed with each insult to his person.

She had never felt so alone as sitting in the middle of that vast horde. Her brother had told her to smile, so she smiled until her face hurt and the tears came spontaneously. Dany did her best to hide them, knowing how angry Viserys would be if he saw her cry. Terrified of how Khal Drogo might react.

They brought her food, roasts of steaming meat and thick black sausages and Dothraki blood cakes, and later fruits and sweet herb stews and delicate cakes from the best Pentos cooks, but she refused it all. Her stomach was upset, and she knew she couldn't keep any of that in her body.

'Also, so Viserys doesn't feel insulted by me.'

There was no one to talk to. Khal Drogo was shouting orders and joking with his bloodriders, who were laughing with him, but barely looked in Dany's direction. There was also no common understanding between the two. The Dothraki was incomprehensible to her, and the Khal knew only a few words from the Bastard Valyrian of the Free Cities and none at all from the Common tongue ofthe Seven Kingdoms. She would have even welcomed Illyrio and her brother's conversation, but they were too low down to hear her.

It seemed that the only being that was paying attention to her, was the gigantic gray eagle that did not stop circling in the sky.

So she sat on her wedding silks, drinking a glass of honey wine, afraid to eat, talking silently to herself.

'I am the Dragon's blood. I am Daenerys Stormborn, Princess of Dragonstone, from the blood and seed of Aegon the Conqueror.'

She repeated like an inner mantra all the time.

The sun was only a quarter of the way up to heaven when Dany saw a man die for first time.

Drums sounded in cacophony as some of the women danced for the Khal. Drogo stared at them blankly, but his eyes followed their movements, and every now and then he would throw a bronze medallion for the women to fight for it.

The warriors were also watching. One of them finally stepped into the circle, grabbed a dancer by the arm, pushed her to the ground, and rode her right there, like a stallion rides a mare.

Illyrio had told her the night before that that could happen. "The Dothraki mate like animals in their herds. There is no privacy in a Khalasar and they do not understand sin or shame as we do." Were the words of the obese magister.

Dany looked away from the copulation, scared when she realized what was happening, but a second warrior stepped forward and a third followed and soon there was no way to look away.

Later, two men picked the same woman. She heard a scream, saw a push, and in the blink of an eye the arakhs were out, long sharp blades, half sword and half scythe. A dance of death began as the warriors circled and slashed, leaping toward each other, swirling swords around their heads, yelling insults at each clash. No one made a move to interfere.

It all ended as fast as it started. The arakhs collided faster than Dany could keep up, when one of the men missed a step, the other swung his sword in a flat arc. The steel bit into the flesh just above Dothraki's waist, splitting him from spine to navel, spilling his insides into the dust. When the loser died, the winner got hold of the closest woman, not even the one they had been fighting for and possessed her there and in that moment. Slaves took the body away and the dance resumed.

Magister Illyrio had also warned Dany about this. "A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a boring affair." she had told her.

Dany's wedding must have been especially blessed; it was not dark and a dozen men had died. As the hours passed, terror grew in Dany, until all she could do was not scream.

She was afraid of the Dothraki, whose forms seemed strange and monstrous, as if they were beasts in human skins and not real men at all. She was afraid of her brother, of what he might do if she failed him. But most of all, she was in utter panic of what would happen tonight under the stars, when her brother would hand her over to the hulking giant who sat drinking beside her with a face

as still and cruel as a bronze mask.

'I am the blood of the dragon.' Dany said inwardly again.

When the sun was finally low in the sky, Khal Drogo clasped his hands and the drums, screams, and banquets suddenly stopped. Drogo stood up and pulled Dany to him. It was time for his bride's gifts.

And after the gifts, she knew that after the sun went down, it would be time for the first trip and the consummation of her marriage. Dany tried to put the thought aside, but couldn't.

She hugged herself to try not to shake, while her brother Viserys gift her three maids.

Dany knew they hadn't cost her brother anything; Illyrio had undoubtedly provided the girls. Irri and Jhiqui were copper-skinned Dothraki with almond hair and eyes, Doreah a Lyseni girl with blue eyes and blond hair.

"These are not ordinary servants, sweet sister." her brother told Dany as they were led one by one.

"Illyrio and I personally selected them for you. Irri will teach you to ride, Jhiqui the Dothraki language and Doreah will instruct you in the feminine arts of love." Viserys smiled slightly, and then said. "She is very good. Illyrio and I can swear to it."

Magister Illyrio murmured an order and four burly slaves rushed forward, carrying between them a large bronze-bound cedar chest.

When Dany opened it, she found stacks of the best velvets the Free Cities could produce, and resting on top, nestled in the soft fabric, three huge eggs.

Dany gasped. They were the most beautiful things she had ever seen, each different from the other, stamped in colors so rich that at first she thought they were set with jewels and so large that Dany took both hands to hold one.

She lifted it delicately, hoping it was made of fine porcelain or delicate enamel, or even blown glass, but it was much heavier than that, as if it were solid stone. The surface of the shell was covered with tiny scales, and as she turned the egg between her fingers, gleamed like polished metal in the light of the setting sun.

One egg was dark green, with flecks of burnished bronze that came and went depending on how Dany turned it. Another was pale cream in color, streaked with gold. The last one was black, as black as a midnight sea, but alive with scarlet waves and eddies.

"What are they?" Dany asked, her voice low and full of amazement.

"Dragon eggs, from the Shadowlands beyond Asshai," Illyrio said. "Eons have turned them in to stone, but they still burn bright with beauty."

"I will treasure them forever." She replied.

Dany had heard stories of such eggs, but had never seen one, 'nor did I think of seeing one'.

It was a truly magnificent gift, although she knew that Illyrio could afford to be generous. He had amassed a fortune in horses and slaves from his part in selling her to Khal Drogo.

When it was time for the Khal's bloodriders to present their gifts, the atmosphere seemed to change


The huge gray eagle that was flying over the wedding, let out a tremendous and high-pitched screech, to then descend vertiginously in the direction of the seashore, causing almost everyone present on the land ramp where she was, to look in the direction of it.

As Dany turned again her eyes to the front, she noticed that something was happening. Dany did not understand what the voices were saying, but they did not seem happy and euphoric, but rather concerned and as if warning of something. The distraction caused by the eagle produced that few people, including her, saw what had happened, but at the bottom of the human sea that was attending her wedding, something seemed to happen.

Sharpening her gaze in the direction in which the commotion seemed to have taken place, Dany could see that it was close to where the herd of more than forty thousand horses was located. There, a pair of horses seemed to have started riding in circles almost frantically. When she blinked and reopened the eyes, there were already more than half a dozen horses, some of them as if glued to the other, continuing to turn eccentrically a hundred meters from where the rest of the equine herd was.

Before any of the horselords could finish reacting to the event that was happening, more than half of the herd began to gallop as a single body in the direction of the horses that did not stop turning around an invisible axis, causing a deafening noise of hooves. A deafening noise which was joined by the sound of thunders in the distance.

'But I don't get it, there's not a single cloud for leagues around.' Dany thought internally, adding even more panic to what she already felt.

To the general amazement and enormous confusion in the Dothraki s, including Drogo, in a few moments, the more than forty thousand horses of the horde were galloping in unison, performing the same turn over and over again. Although they seemed to slowly move away with each turn they made around the invisible axis to which they seemed attached.

Descending from the dirt ramp to catch up with the others, Drogo growled a series of orders and some of his bloodriders, along with other warriors of the horde, took a brisk walk in the direction of the herd of horses.

Seeing the group of nearly a hundred men approach the herd, Dany understood that the Khal had commanded them to regain control of their mounts.

To Dany's revulsion and disgust, the attempts to control the horses proved utterly ineffective. The horses did not stop before anything or anyone, crushing those braves who tried to approach the equine mass. Soon the hundred men had turned into shapeless remains stuck to the ground, being crushed over and over again by the horses.

She, her brother Viserys, and the magister were still on the ramp, as well as all the Dothraki were watching the scene with some paralysis and astonishment. She wanted to scream and run out of there.

Dany knew something was going to happen.

'Something unique is happening here' Dany thought seeing the abnormal behavior of the horses.

'The Dothraki are supposed to be the best riders and horse tamers in the world and their own horses have crushed a hundred of them as if they were part of the terrain. But who or what can

have more control over these animals than their own masters?' Dany wondered, but was interrupted in her thoughts by a shrill screech that seemed to echo throughout the Pentosi esplanade.

The continuous, high-pitched screech was going to make Dany's ears bleed, and as she glanced around, Dany could see that even the Khal seemed uncomfortable with the situation.

Before she could better assess her surroundings, a deafening roar caused even the very ground on which she was standing to tremble. The roar seemed to never end and many men had put their hands to their ears, trying to stop the noise that seemed to make her tremble even within.

However, it concluded.

And when it did, the setting sun stopped giving off any heat or light. It seemed that night had suddenly fallen.

Dany, like the rest of those present, turned her head in the direction in which the eagle had descended before and where the sun should have been on the sky. 'And where the Sunset Kingdoms are. Where my home is.'

Instead of the sun setting on the horizon descending over the Narrow Sea, what Dany saw was an image that would remain engraved on her until the day of her death.

A gigantic creature, black as shadows, with infinite wings and eyes of fire protruding from its monstrous head, swooped down from the heights of the sky towards the grass palaces and the furs pavilions. At the distance Dany was unable to identify anything else, but at the base of the serpentine neck something seemed to shine.

"IT'S A DRAGON!" Her brother's shrill, amazed, marveling voice brought Dany out of her reverie.

'That monster is a dragon?! It is impossible! Dragons died over a hundred years ago. Viserys is the last dragon.' Dany thought, pondering what her brother had always told her about their family and the magical creatures with which they were once bonded.

However, said creature was closing the distance with great speed. Each flap echoed like the crash of thunder and began to cause small currents of air.

Screams, growls, voices impossible to understand and sounds of people moving frantically engulfed her. Yet Dany seemed unable to tear her gaze away from the incredible black creature that was getting bigger and bigger. As she turned her gaze forward, Dany could see that the horde seemed to have gone into a total frenzy of activity, although no one seemed to know exactly what that activity was for, overturning furs pavilions, grass palaces, and stumbling over each other in the process.

'If that really is a dragon, it can take down the entire horde, Pentos and Essos if it wanted to. I don't think the arakhs, or the bows they are drawing, will do anything to it.'

Although Dany must have been even more terrified than before the appearance of the legendary and gigantic creature, a kind of inner confidence that she did not know she had, seemed to come out to her.

'I am Daenerys Stormborn, the princess of Dragonstone. From the blood of the Forty and old Valyria. The blood and descendant of Aegon the Conqueror. I am also a Dragon.'

Being less than a thousand meters away and lowering it altitude, the sun shone behind the dragon,

making the day again. When Dany's eyes adjusted to the light behind the gloom they had just suffered, she turned her gaze back to the dragon.

Trying to cover her mouth to contain, unsuccessfully, a sigh of surprise, Dany fixed her eyes on what was undoubtedly a person perched on chains at the base of the terrifying dragon's neck.

Dany's sigh must have caught her brother's attention, for he also noticed what she was looking at almost in a trance.

"IT IS IMPOSSIBLE! I AM THE LAST DRAGON! THAT BEAST IS MY RIGHT AND IT CORRESPONDS TO ME." her brother practically shouted loudly, while the obese magister, who was now at the base of the ramp, translated for Drogo.

Drogo seemed to say something to Mopatis, who addressed Dany's brother in a loud but trembling voice.

"Your Grace, the Khal ask if you know the one who rides the beast."

"I have no idea and I am not interested, Mopatis! Whomever he is, he is usurping something that is

rightfully mine!"

Her brother Viserys roared at Mopatis, who immediately translated to the Khal. Drogo frowned and tensed, glaring at her brother and lustfully at her, then replying to the magister with dry, harsh, threatening growls.

"The Khal says that if that beast does something to his Khalasar, you will be the responsible." the fat cheesemaker translated shakily to Viserys.

Watching her brother's reaction, Dany saw that Khal had awakened the dragon. 'Viserys does not like to take responsibility for anything or to be threatened. Less by a savage Dothraki.' Dany knew.

"I don't care what happens to these savages. With that dragon, I don't need armies to recover my... "

A new, deafening roar silenced her brother and all sounds that did not come from the winged creature passing just above them. Dany could even feel the heat it gave off and recognized that the person in armor that was on the dragon was undoubtedly of Valyrian heritage because of his silver hair.

Before anyone could even realize it, the black dragon opened its enormous jaws, letting out an infernal torrent of dark, almost black fire, raising a wall of fire on its way through the center of the Dothraki camp. After which, with a powerful beating of wings that knocked down those structures that were still standing and some people, the dragon rose in its flight.

Where a moment ago there were hundreds of people, grass palaces and furs tents, now there was only a trench more than twenty meters wide and ashes to where the field ended.

The ocher stench of burned flesh, hair, and skin, the ashes that seemed to float in the air, and the suspended smoke, were too much for her and her condition. Not thinking about what Viserys or the Khal might do to her, Dany leaned forward and released everything she had on her stomach.

By the time she was finally able to straight again, the Dothraki Sea was now a tide of people in utter panic, moving from side to side without knowing quite where they were going. The horses had decided to stop circling and as one man they had marched in an easterly direction, abandoning their masters.

The moment the dragon returned to the height that its Dragonrider had deemed appropriate, it turned at an angle to drop from the skies, practically plummeting onto the field. At a distance of less than thirty meters from the ground, the enormous black dragon leveled and reopened its gigantic jaws to let out a torrent of fire that created a veritable wall of fire between the escaped horses and the field where the Dothraki were.

When it finished passing, the dragon rose again. But this time it did it at high speed and with a few beats of its powerful wings that raised veritable whirlwinds of air, stoking the fire in the process. In just a few moments the dragon with the scales typical of a starless sky had ascended a few hundred meters.

Dany was totally mesmerized by the dragon. Unable to take her eyes off the creature, despite the terrifying scene that was taking place before Dany.

Truth to be told, she was not at all mourning the death of the Dothraki or the destruction the dragon was causing.

'I may be frightened by the violence, repulsed by the smells and the daunting images before me, but in the end, I'd rather be raped by a descendant of old Valyria than by a savage.'

Knowing that without a doubt that would be the end of her. Something that was undoubtedly better than what she would have expected if the gigantic dragon and its master had not appeared.

"Princess, run fast, we have to take refuge in my manse!" the terrified Mopatis yelled towards Dany, snapping her out of her trance with the black creature.

Mopatis was totally pale and with a layer of sweat all over his body that stuck the ashes to his greasy skin. Illyrio's eyes were lost and he gave the impression of having aged twenty years at once.

Viserys, still next to her at the top of the ramp with his back to the sea and facing the scene, had a face of fascination and his eyes shone with a sparkle as she had never seen him even when Dany woke up the Dragon. Viserys seemed totally in a trance and unable to take his eyes off the dragon and the destruction it was causing, to the point that Dany was sure he hadn't even registered the magister's words.

Drogo, like almost all of his bloodriders, had expressions that mixed fury and thirst for revenge, with genuine dread. If Illyrio seemed to have a blank stare, Drogo definitely had it fixed on one point. In the huge trench that had once been crammed with people, grass palaces, fur tents and objects that was now a five meter deep and twenty wide ditch filled with ash.

Dany knew that the Khal was burning with desire of revenge and possibly before falling prey to the dragon, he would try to do something to her, if the dragon wouldn't finished with everyone in the field and then Pentos before Drogo could do anything to her. Which made the magister's suggestion useless.

'The best thing is that we stay and wait for the Dragonlord to be revealed.' she affirmed to herself.

'I am the Dragon's blood. I am a Dragon. A dragon does not harm another dragon.' Dany wanted to think with hope of what to cling to, knowing that her brother did harm her despite being both dragons.

A new roar marked the beginning of a new descent on part of the enormous dragon. It seemed to be descending at high speed and in a straight line towards the ramp where Dany was standing.

'As if it going to land here.' Dany reasoned quickly.

To her right hand, it seemed that Dany's brother had reached the same conclusion, as Viserys

snapped out of his trance to practically launch himself down the embankment of the ramp.

Yet Dany seemed stuck in place, unable to move a single muscle in her body or to take her gaze from the dragon and the figure looming on the huge creature. Figure which at times seemed to dazzle and at other times to be completely covered in black.

"Andal!" Drogo growled loudly, tensing his entire body as he looked with rage and fury in Dany's direction, but really towards her back.

As Dany turned around, she felt panic, hope, excitement and joy, all at the same time. Dany's knees almost gave out and she could barely breathe.

The dragon's flapping sounded closer and closer, but she had no eyes for anyone but the two figures before her. Her heart was pounding so hard it seemed like it was going to jump out of her chest and its beats were pounding in her ears. The sound of screams, groans, and howls of pain that enveloped her, seemed far away, as did the screams, insults, and threats that were hurled by the Dothrakis.

"Princess, if you don't mind getting behind me, it will make my job easier. Also, if something happens to you now, His Grace will not be amused. We have come expressly for you." said in common tongue whom undoubtedly must be a westerosi knight with a notable Westerosi accent, with certain urgency in his voice, while his gaze pointed towards Dany's back.

'His grace? My brother has not come expressly for me, he has always been with me. That means he serves another king. But my nephew was killed by The Usurper's dogs.' Dany was thinking, not understanding anything.

For this reason, she decided to observe both of them carefully before take an action, despite the fact that the screams of panic became more and more pronounced and the thunders of the beating wings became closer and closer.

The man who had speak was about thirty days of his name, taller than Viserys by almost a head and considerably wider in the shoulders than Dany's brother, though still slender. Perfect skin but somewhat tanned from the sun. Emerald feline eyes but with certain sparks of a color that Dany could not quite identify with the light of the setting sun. Full lips and straight nose. High cheekbones and pronounced jaw. On the man's head a black helmet open in the shape of a T on his face, topped by a three-headed dragon in gold and from which hung a white plume. The man was dressed from head to toe in black steel and on his back fell a snowy cloak made of exquisite cloth. Between the two gauntlets hands he wielded a sword that was undoubtedly taller than Dany herself. The blade of dark and shiny steel, with ripples in the temper. In the center of the knight's dark armor, etched into the steel, the three-headed rampant dragon of house Targaryen seemed to emerge from the chest of whom that without doubt, from all the descriptions her brother had given Dany, was a Kingsguard.

Beside the man, a boy a little shorter than Dany herself, in chain mail and breastplate, on which rested a black woolen livery with a rampant white dragon spitting a scarlet flame on his chest. In the boy's hands he held a crossbow.

The unsettling of the boy who had a tangle of copper for hair, it did not come from the fact that he was using a crossbow with less than twelve days of his name

'If he reaches that age.' Dany thought as she contemplated him carefully.

The boy, with a pale complexion and long features, lacked of his left eye, under which a kind of tear of blood seemed etched on the boy's cheekbone. His right eye appeared crystal blue and seemed to reflect an absent gaze. But as the boy moved his gaze in Dany's direction, Dany thought she saw the boy's eye color change from turquoise to red, from red to white, and from white back to a crystalline blue, which this time did convey full presence in the gaze.

"Your Excellence, heed to Ser Jaime's words. We are here to protect you." The boy spoke to her as they exchanged glances between them.

Dany's eyes almost popped out of their sockets, when she looked again in horror at the knight, who had just made a face of disgust barely concealed by the revelation of his name, while looking at her with some apprehension.

"Ser ... Se ... Ser Jaime La ... Lannister?" she asked terrified of the man who was supposed to be dead and who had murdered her father because of Tywin Lannister's greed, condemning her brother Viserys and her to the exile and the dangers of the assassins hired by the Usurper .

The Knight loosened his posture a bit, looked behind Dany again with some urgency, made a face of resignation and replied.

"Lately I answer to Ser Jaime Waters, Lord Commander of His Grace Aegon Targaryen, the Dragon Reborn. Although yes. That I am, or was. And this boy whom doesn't know when to close his beak, is Brandon Stark, the cousin and squire of his grace and mine, among other things, my princess." Ser Jaime concluded looking askance at the boy, while twisting his mouth.

"The late murderer of my father and the son of one of the usurper's dogs have come to rescue me? ¿Aegon Targaryen the Dragon Reborn ? Shouldn't Aegon be the Sixth of his Name in case he really was my nephew?" Dany asked with just a thread of trembling voice, between incredulous, scared and curious.

"Murderer!! Kingslayer! Oathbreaker!" Viserys yelled over the increasingly menacing Dothraki voices.

Dany's brother seemed to have momentarily forgotten the fear of the gigantic dragon about to descend on the place where they were, and from the corner of her left eye, Dany could see how he tried to climb the embankment of the ramp to where she, the Stark child and the murderer of their father were.

However, neither she got an answer, nor did her brother finish climbing the side embankment of the ramp. The desperate cry of hundreds of people, the noise of people running behind Dany's back and a great impact on the earth, followed by a tremor that almost threw her, accompanied by the sensation of immense heat behind her back, confirmed that the dragon had landed.

Raising an eyebrow, while pointing with his head and looking behind Dany, Ser Jaime replied.

"If you want it that way, when His Grace is finished with the Khal, you can ask him yourself. I am

quite sure that His Grace wants to tell the whole story for the umpteenth time."

When she rolled over, Dany nearly loosened her bladder. Dany's legs seemed made of jelly and she

was barely able to stand.

A few steps from her, sniffing the chest with the eggs, were the enormous jaws of the black dragon. Row after row, after row of sharp black teeth that were twice her height, crossed between

each other. Between the two jaws, four like Dany herself could fit, one on top of the other. And in width it was impossible to her for calculate.

'Each huge red eye must be almost like me in size.' Dany thought totally amazed and somewhat terrified at the Black Dread before her.

The gigantic creature seemed to register her, for its neck wriggled the distance between them, to rest its head at ground level as it sniffed Dany from head to toe. She could feel how the air that the dragon exhaled was ridiculously hot and a terrible emanation came from its jaws that was a mixture of the stench of the sea and rotten meat.

'By all the gods, it could suck me in if it is not careful.' Dany thought somewhat scared by the magnitude of the dragon compared to her.

However, it did not show any hostility towards Dany. Rather, the dragon seemed curious. Not knowing which gods possessed her, Dany extended her right arm and carefully, as if touching it would break it, placed her hand on the scales of the lower jaw. The heat it radiated and transmitted was practically unbearable, though strangely pleasant. The feel of the skin was not like what she had imagined. The scales were smooth and dry, like the best quality tanned leather, but rough.

Suddenly the dragon withdrew from contact with Dany's hand, emitting a murmur that could almost be understood as a purr. Its mouth opened and closed in an instant, letting a puff of smoke come out against her, after which the black dragon lowered the whole body to the ground, causing another small impact on it.

Gliding elegancy and gracefully between the left wing and the side of the creature's mighty neck, the previously outlined figure was now clear before Dany's eyes.

The Dragonlord was a boy a day or two of the name older than her. A little shorter than Ser Jaime, but at least a head taller than Dany's brother. Lean and agile, well proportioned. Hair more silver than Dany's own, not too long but tied with a small braid falling down the left side of his neck. Neck from which hung two thick gold pendants that were lost under the surcoat and armor. Around the head of the Dragonlord, a marvelous band of a steel similar to that of Ser Jaime's sword with huge square rubies set in it.

The boy's face was ethereal yet marmoreal at the same time. His face was long and severe, but possessed an out-of-this-world beauty and delicacy. Full, fluffy lips seemed to be folded into a stern, firm line. On the eyelid of his left eye he had a scar from a small cut and his sparkling eyes, which depending on the moment appeared to be totally black, purple or silver, seemed to glow, oscillating between different shades with each blink. The gaze of whom was undoubtedly the greatest exponent of the old Valyria that she had ever seen seemed to be fixed a thousand meters from where they were actually looking at that moment. At her.

From neck to foot he was clad in a mighty armor of the same steel as the band on his head, though different at the same time. Above the black leather surcoat with red trims around the neck, which seemed to be made of dragon scales, a chain mail coat on which the breastplate and the back plate rested. The three pieces seemed to change color according to the incidence of the light. The steel looked smoky black or dazzlingly polished, continually oscillating with each step the boy took in the direction Dany was pinned. In his hands he wore gauntlets of black steel, matching the kneepads and greaves that he wore over black leather riding breeches similar to the surcoat, encased in black steel boots with spurs also in black steel.

'It looks that he likes the black color.' Dany thought to herself, as the stranger approached her.

Crossed from the boy's right shoulder to his left hip and tied at his waist as a sash, a scarlet and black silk cloak folded in a line, spanned the young man's chest. Covering part of the exquisite engraving in the incredible steel of the breastplate, where the rampant three-headed dragon of house Targaryen stood proud. Each head had a brilliant jewel for eye, Dany being able to observe a brilliant red ruby in the center and a deep blue sapphire on the outside. Above the right shoulder of whom must undoubtedly be a relative of hers, a black hilt peeked out with a huge rhomboid ruby finishing it off.

"[Princess Daenerys Targaryen, right?]" The Dragonlord boy asked her with certainty regarding Dany's identity, when he was a few steps in front of her and to the side of the gigantic dragon's head. With a certain closeness and apprehension in the tone of the High Valyrian of the unknown Targaryen, appeared out of nowhere on the back of a gigantic black dragon, with Ser Jaime as Lord Commander and the son of a Stark as squire and cousin.

Dany affirmed slightly, as no words came out of her mouth.

She didn't know whether to be scared or relieved to find more of her family. Although Dany had no idea where this family of hers had come from, or who exactly the one in front of her was. Dany was unable to process anything that was happening.

'Since I found out, I've been praying to all the gods not to marry Drogo, to be able to escape, to be able to be safe. And now that someone appears in front of me to rescue me, I don't know how to react, or what to say.' Dany cursed internally.

It is seen that the young man noticed the confusion in Dany's gaze, as his eyes seemed to really focus on her for the first time. Looking at her with certain warmth and doubt, he addressed Dany in common tongue with certain accent that she did not quite know where in Westeros he came from, but that he undoubtedly came from the west of the Narrow Sea.

"I am Aegon Targaryen, the Dragon Reborn. Only male son of your brother Rhaegar, born to Princess Lyanna Targaryen. Your nephew, my princess. A pleasure to meet you, my lady aunt." he said with melodic but iron tones.

"As your rightful king, I demand that you give me your dragon, your jewels, your armor and your sword at this time, half-breed bastard. Because of your whore of mother and your stupid father, my father lost his throne and I have had to carry with this stupid and useless girl all my life. I am the Dragon !" Viserys suddenly appeared beside them, screaming, eyes feverish, his mouth hanging open, spitting as he screamed.

In less than it takes to blink, even before the gigantic dragon could unfold its neck like a whip towards Dany's brother, the expression of her self-proclaimed nephew Aegon changed from an air of a certain absence, to an attitude and gesture of absolute fury.

Aegon's eyes seemed to sparkle, his gaze had closed on Viserys, his jaw had clenched, and his body was in motion.

Swift as lightning, Aegon caught up with Dany's brother and brought his right iron fist into her brother's face.

Dany gasped, unable to do anything else, but she could perfectly hear a sick cracking sound at the contact of the steel-gloved fist with her brother Viserys's jaw, turning her stomach, again.

"If you ever say again that about my mother, instead of not speaking for a couple of moons, you will never speak again in your life, do you understand? You are not a Dragon. You are a pathetic

worm who has been convinced by the father of a Blackfyre to sell a descendant of the Forty to a wild horse-fucker. Your father was mad, but at least he knew the worth of Valyrian blood. You are a disgrace to the dynasty." Aegon spat at Dany's brother with disgust and fury linking his metallic tones, before Viserys lying on the ground, completely lost consciousness.

'So that really is to wake the dragon.' she though inwardly with awe and certain reverence, comparing what she had just seen before her eyes, with Viserys' abscesses of fury that she had been subjected to.

'But I don't understand why he says my father was mad if he's a Targaryen. According to my brother that was gossip invented by the usurper and his dogs . '

Without Dany being able to react, nor really register what was happening in front of her, Aegon had returned in front of her, had reached down and took her hand to kiss her on it. After that, Dany's alleged nephew released her hand and straightened up again.

"May you be at peace, princess, because you are safe and secure now. I can promise you that nothing will happen to you, that we will take care of you and that you will not marry the Khal unless you want it to. Do you want to marry Khal Drogo?" Aegon reassured her and asked with unexpected tenderness after her nephew's recent display.

"No." she answered in a shaky thin voice as she shook her head.

Aegon nodded, contemplated her for a moment and continued with what he wanted to say to Dany.

"I assure you that when we are done with this matter," said her nephew with some disgust, while he opened the left arm to indicate the place where they were. "You will be free to do what you want once you have heard everything that the three of us have to tell you. But I ask you for the moment to let Ser Jaime and Bran protect you." Aegon spoke to her, while pointing with his right hand towards the direction of the two people behind Dany's back.

"I have pending accounts with Illyrio Mopatis and Drogo, as well as a pending conversation with Viserys. I assure you that his life is not in danger where he is and that he is only unconscious. Although it is very likely that he has the jaw broken." Dany's nephew concluded coldly and severely with a tone of steel.

She did not quite understand what he had meant before when he said to Viserys that Mopatis was the father of a Blackfyre. 'Supposedly the line is extinct.' Dany reflected in the little she knew through her brother. But that was not Dany's only doubt regarding her brand new nephew. Nor did she have any idea what to say to him about her brother Viserys. She hoped he wouldn't do anything else to Viserys, but Dany had suspicions that if Aegon knew about Viserys' treatment of her, breaking his jaw would be the least Aegon would do to him.

The only thing that she could understand clearly was the anger towards Khal Drogo. Although she wasn't sure if it was because of her being the one who was going to marry Drogo, or because of the blood running through her veins.

'He certainly doesn't seem very excited to meet his aunt, lost for all his life.' Dany mused to herself, with a certain sadness and disappointment that she didn't quite understand.

The harsh voices of the horselords could be heard getting closer and more aggressive and even though there was now a wall of muscle and fire hiding them, they couldn't stay like this all day. Nodding her head again, unable to utter a word, Dany took a couple of steps back to stand to the left of Ser Jaime.

'By all the gods, he's going to think I'm simple of mind.' Dany feared for an instant after her first contact with Aegon, as she watched him interact with the gigantic dragon as if it were a pet.

Raising the right hand to the muzzle, her nephew Aegon addressed the dragon in the most exquisite High Valyrian she had ever heard

"Sōvegon Balerion. Arghugon isse embar se isse. Lo nyke jorrāelagon ao eminna ao gīmigon." "Has he called the dragon Balerion?!" she asked to herself aloud, unable to understand why her

nephew was calling the one who was clearly his dragon the same way the Conqueror had done.

An amused tongue click and a giggle to her right reminded her that she was no longer alone and that now there were people paying attention to her. Trying to keep vertical while the dragon took a couple of clumsy strides, to propel itself towards the sky with a powerful beating of wings with the third stride, Dany grabbed onto Ser Jaime as best she could, while this one looked at her with some amusement.

"Oh! That! You see, my royal sister, here our nephew Aegon is not the Sixth of His Name, since he has already been, is being and will be the First of his Name. Hence, The Dragon Reborn, my princess. That dragon is the fucking Black Dread and that one there that is going to deprive the Khal of his head, the fucking Conqueror, Your Excellence."

Ser Jaime answered Dany nonchalantly, although with a certain playful tone, as he pointed with his head in the direction of the dragon soaring up, and towards her nephew Aegon. Leaving Dany totally stunned by what she had just heard, unable to process a single thought.

It is seen that what Ser Jaime had said had caused to the Stark a lot of fun, because the boy could barely hide a laugh that took Dany out of her astonishment.

"Either you are mad or you are mocking me. Why should I believe my father's late murderer? And why are you calling me sister? You are the son of the seven-time damned Tywin Lannister. The person responsible for the fact that today a Dothraki almost raped me and for living my whole life in exile persecuted by the assassins of the usurper." Dany replied indignantly and with a fire that she did not know she possessed, focusing exclusively on the knight, while ignoring the Stark whom was now letting out a small laugh.

"What more would I like, sister. King Scab, in the hells of his madness will be, was my sire. As far as I know, that makes us at least half-brothers and His Grace, my nephew. Regarding our sanity, or lack of, we are two men, a boy and a dragon attacking a Dothraki horde to rescue the beautiful princess from the evil savage. You'll tell me what you do about that, Your Excellence." Ser Jaime replied with resignation and disgust when mentioning in a derogatory way Dany's father whom Dany wanted to defend. But the sarcasm mixed with sincerity at the end of Ser Jaime's words, left her completely paralyzed.

"The Lord Commander speaks the truth, my princess. Aerys and Joanna are the parents of Ser Jaime and my cousin after dying, lived in the skin of the Dragon. A ri ... "replied the boy with a voice that Dany did not even know where it came from, because when she looked at the Stark, he did not move his lips with the sound of his voice and it seemed to come from the beyond the grave.

"Raven leave the explanations for later. You know what you have to do." Ser Jaime interrupted the one-eyed boy dryly and sharply.

The Stark narrowed his eye, which seemed to throb red in the same way that the tear of blood was doing under the empty eyelid socket. The boy's body tensed and seemed to gain height. He cocked

the crossbow against the right shoulder, took aim, and launched the previously loaded projectile.

'After dying? But he's alive and less than twenty meters from where I am now,' Dany tried to clear something out while following the arrow with her vision.

'Why does Ser Jaime call him Raven? I don't understand anything except that they want to save me.' It was Dany's conclusion.

Fixing her gaze on the bolt fired by the one-eyed boy, Dany could see how it was heading to the left, towards the thigh of Illyrio Mopatis, who like Drogo and other Dotrhrakis had approached the ramp again, knocking the fat magister down on the spot.

Dany tried to cover her mouth to cover the isolated scream that came from her throat when the obese magister fell to the ground, but only managed to get the attention of Ser Jaime, who looked at her with some sorrow and apprehension.

"My Princess, that's Mopatis, isn't it?" Ser Jaime asked her dryly, to which Dany nodded.

"Good aim Bran! Certainly something of Bloodraven you have in you." Congratulated with total sincerity and some joy, Dany's 'half-brother?' to the Stark, who regained the tonality in the eye and lost the tension in his body.

"Now recharge and wait in case you have to use the crossbow again. Princess, I recommend that you get behind me. I do not believe that with His Grace as an easy target and after what he has done to them with the Black Dread, the Dothraki will pay too much attention to us. But you are not wearing any protection and a stray arrow can end with you shitting in yourself while dying in agony." Ser Jaime urged in the tone that she was beginning to understand as the Knight's own, while outlining a satisfied smile .

'I'm not sure if he's a presumptuous asshole or a man with too much black humor. His courtesy with me is exquisite, however he does not stop making bad taste comments'

Dany thought while she nodded timidly in the direction of Ser Jaime. The knight responded with a slight movement of the head, after which he looked straight ahead again, putting himself completely on guard and tension.

Despite the doubts and fears present within her, Dany knew that the best thing for the moment was to pay attention to the knight in black and white. Although this one, at times seems to be absolutely mad.

'Who is Bloodraven? What does a bloody raven have to do with having good aim?' Dany wondered to herself, unable to understand anything at all.

So she went after the man that murdered, whom he claimed was their father and who happened to be Dany's brother. This last thought gave her some reassurance.

'Maybe he treats me like Viserys treated me before he became a bitter person, obsessed with the Iron Throne. As Viserys was before selling my mother's crown in Myr.' Dany thought with some hope, although without being able to put aside the feelings of knowing that this same man caused her to live in exile.

Although Ser Jaime was on guard with his legs bent, he was still much taller than her. Therefore, standing on tiptoe, she decided to grab the knight's white cloak and look over the left side of her newly discovered half-brother, to see what was happening in front of them.

Looking to Dany's right in Viserys's direction, she could see that her brother was lying unconscious on the side embankment of the slope of the land, but he was breathing.

In the center of the ramp, descending slowly but surely, was Aegon 'The Dragon?'

A score of meters below her nephew, Drogo and a few Dothraki had approached, shouting insults and threats in the direction of the figure descending the ramp. The rest of the khalasar seemed to have gone terrified in all directions after the landing of 'Balerion?' To the left of the group made up of the Khal and his bloodriders, Mopatis, lying on the ground and resting his back on an overturned table, was being tended to by some of his slaves.

When Dany's nephew was within ten meters of the Dothraki, they began waving their arakhs in Aegon's direction. The horselords had positioned themselves in such a way that they appeared to form a V, with Drogo in the center. Seven were in total. Of the six men in the cohort of the Khal, three had peerless look of ferocity, long manes that could almost rival that of the giant Khal and seemed more thirst for revenge against the ¿Dragon Reborn? than Drogo himself. 'Those must be Drogo's Bloodriders. The fiercest warriors of the horde and protectors of the Khal.'

"If you are the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, wouldn't it be your duty to be there with my nephew, protecting him from those savages? He's outnumbered, not to mention that Drogo sticks out three heads and is twice of Aegon's width." Dany asked suddenly, with some concern about what might happen to her newfound family.

A laugh shook the entire body of Ser Jaime, after which in a totally unconcerned tone, he replied, "Do you see the steel of His Grace's armor?" was the question that she got as answer.

"What does it have to do?" Dany asked something annoyed with Ser Jaime's attitude.

"Everything." was the terse reply she got this time, as they both watched as Aegon put his right hand over his shoulder to draw the most incredible sword Dany had ever seen. It was somewhat shorter than Ser Jaime's, but in the same incredible steel as the armor. The blade seemed to glow with its own light, while the temper's ripples seemed like smoking shadows that danced around the gleaming steel.

Before Dany could ask Ser Jaime to explain himself further, the knight behind whose back she was clinging, elaborated.

"The armor that Aegon is donning, like Brightroar, my great sword, or the band that His Grace wears around his head and the bastard sword that Aegon just drew, Blackfyre, are made of Valyrian Steel. Not only is it vastly lighter than castle-forged steel, it is also vastly harder, stronger, and virtually non-traversable. It won't spoil or rust and the blades never dull. Forged steel plate armor like mine, or even the chainmail that Bran wears, would already give us a plus against the Dothraki .Armor is used because it is capable of avoiding the cut or the lunge, my princess. The Dothraki in Westeros would be defeated in a matter of minutes. Look at their warriors. Leather vests and horsehair is all the protection they carry. A peasant, recruited in the lordly levies, is ten times more protected than any Dothraki." Ser Jaime explained in depth now. Despite this, he had not really answered why he was not there with 'Their?' nephew.

'Where the hell did my nephew get the sword of kings?' she asked herself, as Dany watched the object of her thought flex his legs, placing the left leg half a step in front of the right. The torso of Aegon was in total tension, with the left arm forward and the right one at the height of the hip, in whose hand he carried the sword of the Conqueror. 'That of my nephew, if there is any truth in the crazy things that they have told me'

"So wouldn't it be easier and safer if you helped him too?" Dany asked her half-brother again, worried about what might happen to her nephew and outraged that Ser Jaime was not with his King, as his duty commanded.

The Stark clicked amused his tongue and Ser Jaime stopped looking straight ahead for an instant, to glance sideways at her.

"Take my advice, Your Excellence. Our nephew doesn't need any help carving a path to the Khal. It may seem like a five-and ten-days of the name boy, but His Grace has a speed and swordsmanship that would be able to defeat Ser Arthur Dayne with the left arm tied behind his back. Not to mention that he has a lot more strength than he first appears. I don't think he would enjoy what he's going to do now, but he's possibly the best warrior that ever lived." Ser Jaime told Dany with reverence, respect and pride in his tone.

Without being able to think of Ser Jaime's words, Dany's nephew's cold and iron voice seemed to echo through the field where the wedding was taking place.

"Come! Come get me! I don't have all evening!" scoffed Aegon, while with the left hand he gestured for them to approach him.

The howls and harsh voices of two of the Dothraki marked the start of a mad dash for both of them in the direction of Dany's newfound nephew. One held an Arakh in the right hand, while the other brandished a whip.

Aegon did not move from the spot, waiting for the bid of the two men who were about to converge on him.

She nearly screamed when she saw the horselord's whip to her nephew's right, blasting toward Aegon's neck, while the other savage swung the half sword-half scythe from his hip toward Aegon's chest.

Suddenly it seemed to Dany that time had stopped, but at the same time it had accelerated and that the only one moving was her nephew.

With an almost imperceptible movement of the body to his left, Aegon dodged the whip that struck the ground. At the same time, Aegon's steel-gloved left hand took the inside of the half-scythe from the dothraki to his left, removing it from Aegon's path. With a swift thrust of his sword, Aegon pierced the chest of the Dothraki carrying the Arakh. Before the Dothraki finished collapsing on the ground, Dany's nephew had already released his sword from the chest of the first Dothraki, swinging it fluently from below his left waist in an upward arc towards the right, cutting the other Dothraki from hip to shoulder. Dothraki which fell to the ground while his entrails spilled over him.

"How??!! What??!!" she wondered aloud, unable to process the ease and speed with which her nephew Aegon had just disposed of two fierce Dothraki warriors.

"Incredible, true? Far better than Aemon the Dragon Knight or Cregan Stark, I would say." the Stark boy commented in his haunting voice.

"I have not seen them in action, unlike you, Raven. But I can believe you. He's incredible. For something, in every ten duels we have, he wins me five, we draw two and I win three. That speed is impossible to beat. And his stays are perfect. He has hardly moved and has dispatched two men like nothing. Although the second if have had armor, would remain almost unscathed." Ser Jaime calmly replied to the Stark boy.

"How can you be so calm commenting on the fight? He's your family!" she exploded at the passive attitude of Ser Jaime and the Stark. She wanted them to help her nephew. Make sure they protect the family and kill Drogo at once. Dany wanted to be free and feel safe.

"Princess, be calm. Aegon himself has ordered us not to intervene except for greater necessity. He needs this fight to know how his form is and what he is missing to reach his peak. Something that in a couple of years will be very necessary. In practice and with blunt swords you do not get the same sensations and feelings as when wielding real steel in the situation where it is you or the one in front of you." Ser Jaime replied calmly, but with a certain ominosity when mentioning the future.

Dany didn't understand it. What she had just seen was practically in-human. Looking at the Dothraki, Drogo included, they seemed to show a certain respect and fear towards Aegon.

'What is he going to fight against in a few years, so that he needs to be even better than this?' Dany thought internally, seeing as now three Dothraki began to revolve around Aegon who had returned to his previous initial position.

Again time seemed to stop flowing normally, to slow down and speed up at the same time.

The Dothraki to Aegon's left lunged his arakh in the direction of her nephew's chest, while the two at Aegon's right and back swung their arakhs in violent arcs from above their heads downwards.

With a new burst of movement, Aegon grasped Blackfyre in both hands at the level of his right hip. He took a long stride with the left leg forward, accompanying the movement with a flowing sword arc from the bottom up towards Aegon's left side and upwards, as he pivoted on his heels, taking up profile. The Dothraki behind Aegon's back over extended his blow in the absence of the object to hit, severing the arm that wielded the steel of the copper warrior located to Aegon's right. Dany's nephew had meanwhile, slashed half the back of the Dothraki to his left, whose Arakh's thrust bounced off Dany's nephew's breastplate.

"That'll leave a nice bruise." Ser Jaime hissed under his breath.

Two howls later, two Dothraki were sprawled on the ground. One possibly dead and the other grasping with his left hand the stump that had been caused by his Dothraki companion, while he did not stop screaming and howling in pain. The severed hand on the ground a short distance from the Dothraki, still closed on the Arakh.

Before the Dothraki behind Aegon could finish reacting to what had happened, her nephew spun around, swinging two-handed the sword at his right shoulder level towards the Dothraki's neck. A sickly tud announced the contact of the severed head with the ground, as the headless body began to fall. Where once there was a head, there was now a splutter of blood, splattering Aegon's face in the process.

Now facing her, Dany could gaze at Aegon's blood-covered face. The stern, cold expression that seemed carved into his marmoreal features now resembled the ones he wore when Viserys had insulted Aegon's mother.

But this time the fury was not contained. The unfocused eyes seemed to glow, emitting purple sparks, on a black and silver background. Jaw and neck tense. Marking Aegon's veins between his pale complexion and the blood. His lips closed in a stern line. Arms still outstretched and at shoulder height. The sword stretched out flat in front of him, dripping blood onto the ground.

If she were not related to him, Dany would be totally terrified of her nephew. However, something in the display of power he was performing was fanning a flame within her. It was a flame that

vehemently approved of what Dany's nephew was doing and wanted to continue delighting in the dance of death that Aegon practiced.

Aegon's eyes seemed to momentarily focus on her and the two figures in front of Dany. Releasing one hand from the hilt, Aegon dropped his left arm to the side, while with his right hand he subtly waved Blackfyre, stripping it of the blood that bathed the sword, bringing Aegon's half-flexed arm to the waist. After that Aegon gave a little shrug in the direction he was facing and turned again, turning his back to them and facing the last Bloodrider and the Khal himself.

Drogo seemed absent. The fury and thirst for revenge present in him moments ago had given way to a pensive face and a closed contemplative gaze on her nephew Aegon. The remaining Bloodrider, for his part, seemed to have been spurred on in his fury by the Dragon Reborn's actions. The bronze-colored savage with a hair tail that reached above his waist began to utter all kinds of harsh and crude words that Dany had no doubt would be insults.

The Dothraki waved the curved blade in his right hand and drew a curved dirk from his waist with the left hand.

"Horselord without horse," Aegon called to the bloodrider. "Try me."

The Dothraki began a short, furious run, while cursing.

Holding her breath, Dany watched as one step away from her nephew, the bloodrider unloaded the Arakh so quickly that Dany didn't even see it. However, Blackfyre blocked it within a foot of Aegon's face, holding the steel barely flinching for an instant, as the Dothraki howled in fury. This one danced backwards, arakh spinning around his head in a bright blur, blinking like lightning as the blood rider sped forward. Aegon parried the slashes, though it was such a quick exchange that it seemed to Dany that the Dothraki had four arms.

All of the sudden, it could be heard the crack of steel against Aegon's breastplate and Dany saw sparks fly as the curved dirk snapped on impact.

The Dothraki's face was one of astonishment, while his eyes seemed lost staring at the broken dirk in his left hand. Aegon took advantage of the Dothraki's distraction, taking less than one long stride with his left forward towards the Blood Rider and another half stride towards the blood rider's left side, finishing with his right leg in front on which Aegon supported all his weight. Extending the arms above the head while wielding two-handed the sword from over his right shoulder, Dany's nephew made a fluid, violent downward arc.

When the Dothraki wanted to react, he turned desperately in Aegon's direction, swinging the Arakh to block her nephew's sword. But Blackfyre's blade cut the bloodrider blade like paper and continued to decline through skin, muscle and bone from above the left shoulder to be embedded in the middle of the chest. With a violent jerk, Aegon unhooked Blackfyre from the body in front of him, causing it to collapse inertly.

After that, Aegon who seemed completely serene in his breathing despite the effort exerted, plunged Blackfyre into the ground in front of him, while raising his outstretched left hand in the direction of Drogo. This one was in the same position as before the duel with the last of the bloodriders of the Khal, looking coldly at Dany's nephew.

"Do you understand common tongue?" asked in a loud and clear voice Aegon to the Khal.

"No," Drogo growled, as the he shook his head, causing the infinite tail of hair that belonged to the coppery Horselord to wave.

"Time to move, princess. Follow me closely and do not think of leaving me until I tell you that you can." Ser Jaime ordered her, as he began to descend the ramp, depriving Dany of the grip that until then she had had. Making her almost fall before the sudden disappearance of the body on which she had been leaning.

The Stark boy looked at Viserys for a moment in which his eye seemed to turn white, and then he looked at her with some pity.

"Princess, you don't know how sorry I am that your brother Viserys has ended up making you suffer like this. But you will see how your family is very different. On behalf of house Stark, I apologize for those actions that my paternal family may have committed. Indirectly, these actions are responsible for your suffering, which at no time was, or has been justified." The boy said with a tone of pity and trying to reassure her, to follow in the wake of Ser Jaime without giving Dany the option to even respond with a gesture.

"Can someone translate the Common Tongue into Dothraki for me and for the Khal!?" asked her nephew in a loud and firm voice, which could be heard even on the Pentos docks.

Leaving her unconscious brother behind, trying not to think too much about how the one-eyed boy knew something about what her brother could have done to Dany, or how he could have that air of wisdom and knowing all, Dany continued her descent until return to her place behind the back of Ser Jaime.

'My supposed half-brother and confirmed murderer of our father, who in a while has shown more concern for my well-being than Viserys in the last four years.' Dany thought bitterly, trying to avoid the retching that the smell of feces and death was causing her. Ser Jaime chose to stop right at the base of the ramp, less than ten paces down the diagonal from Aegon and the Khal and less than a couple of paces from the trail of bodies her nephew had left in his wake until he reached the height of the Khal.

"I can, Great Dragon Khal," a trembling voice said suddenly, coming from behind the overturned table where Mopatis was leaning.

Looking to her left, Dany could see that was the slave her brother had given her.

'Iris or Irris I think' Dany tried to remember the name of the girl that had been introduced to her just a while ago, but that with everything that had happened to her that day, it seemed to have happened in another life.

Ser Jaime tensed as the Khal took a couple of steps in Aegon's direction, framing himself with Dany's nephew. Drogo looked Aegon up and down, as if measuring him, and then turned his face that seemed to express nothing in the direction of the girl. After barking a series of words at her, which the girl answered at full speed with raspy sounds, Drogo returned his gaze to Dany's nephew and with a cold and threatening voice, the Khal addressed the Dragon.

"Andal fin tat zalat." Drogo growled harshly, something that the girl quickly translated with a certain tremor in her voice "Andal, what do you want?"

She couldn't see Aegon's face, but Dany would swear the shrug her nephew had just made was one of disgust.

"First man and Valyrian, nothing of Andal." Aegon replied in a low, cold tone that certainly showed the disgust that Dany had sensed when seeing him react.

The girl, 'Jhaqui? No, that was the other Dothraki. Or wasn't it like that either?' translated Aegon's words, while Drogo listened without lowering his eyes from her nephew's.

'The latter, I imagine will be returning him a gaze just as cold and threatening or more, according to what I have seen.' she thought.

"I want many things, Drogo. But right now I want you to understand a number of things, before wasting your life in a futile attempt to end mine. The first thing I want you to understand is that a Dothraki warlord, as long as I breathe and the bride does not want it, will never have a descendant of the Forty as a Bride." growled her nephew Aegon in a cold and threatening tone.

Nephew, who despite the difference in height with the khal seemed also much taller than he had seemed when he was in front of her. Her nephew exuded something that she did not quite fall into what it was, but that undoubtedly imposed and stirred and awakened something within her.

'He is a Dragon' she affirmed herself. 'I am a Dragon. We are both dragons. Is that what Ser Jaime, the Stark and my own nephew were referring to?' she wondered as he saw how Drogo's mask seemed to crack a bit when he heard the translation of 'Iris?'

"Fin tat yer dirge yer hash tat astat rek." the Khal replied dryly, almost hissing between the growls. "Who do you think you are to say that?" was the translation of the coppery girl.


Given the increasing number of people gathered around the scene, mostly slaves, mothers and children, she knew that this had not been said by her nephew only for the Khal, who seemed to be losing color at the translation of the girl.

Such a list of titles, more than half of them unknown to Dany, but resonated with something within her, could impress ordinary mortals. Drogo nonetheless pulled himself together and growled again in his harsh tongue,

"Rhaesh Andahli hash ajjin she eshna che yeri kin tikh jin whore. Valyria ajjin vo alikh, seris cities anna bitches. Yer laz zhorre jin hrazef rek rides jin world, vosma anha took arrekoon yer akka make jin world anni."

Gasps and strangled sighs could be heard from the crowd around them. The girl 'Irri? That's! Irri is called.' looked horrified in the direction of the Khal and then in the direction of her nephew, with even more panic in her eyes. Turning almost paler than her or her nephew, or Aegon's cousin, which was already saying

'What the hells did Drogo say to give the girl such dread?'

Aegon turned to the girl with a sparkling gaze that practically expelled flames from his pupils. "And well? What did he say?" asked dryly and coldly, with an iron and imperative tone difficult to reject.

Dany could observe that the girl swallowed, affirmed to herself a couple of times, tried to speak a couple of times without a sound coming out of her mouth, before with a trembling voice translate. "Great Dragon Khal, these are the words of the Khal, not mine. The lands of the Andals are in the hands of another, which is seen in your relative being sold as a whore. Valyria is nothing and the Free Cities are her bitches. You can have the stallion that rides the world, but he can take it from you and make the world his own."

A thunderous roar was suddenly heard in the distance, as her nephew Aegon stiffened and stared back at Drogo.

"Drogo, Horselord without horses," Dany's nephew exclaimed aloud, as he spread his arms and directed a furtive glance in the direction the herd of horses had fled, while in the background Irri translated for Drogo and for anyone who wanted to listen.

"I give you three options. The first is that you accept your defeat here today. Gather your faithful warriors, throw down your swords, free the slaves and anyone else in your khalasar who prefers to join the Freehold of Valyria and House Targaryen, and then return to the depths of the Dothraki Sea. I will give you a quarter of the horses that are now in my possession and that will serve me to conquer this continent, as almost three hundred years ago I conquered the lands beyond the Narrow Sea. I don't care if in a year or two you come with all the Dothraki at your back to get revenge. On my honor, from warrior to warrior, I promise you that no one will do anything to those who march with you to the east. You know that if I had wanted to end all your Khalasar, I would have done it in a few moments with my dragon. So you know that at least, I don't feel in the mood for senseless massacres. Also by now, you will have realized that you are no match for me and that I could dismember you before you know it. The second option I propose is that you and all your khalasar renounce the Dothraki ways and customs, for then join the Freehold of Valyria,abiding by its laws and enjoying its many privileges. There is always room in my army for great warriors, whom I reward generously. I have no doubt that with some practice and armor tailored to your needs, you would be on a par with the western knights. The third option is to end it all here and now. You against me and the gods decide who's the best. What do you say to me Khal Drogo, Horselord without Horses?"

Aegon expanded in serious and firm metallic tones. Sometimes cold and threatening, in others receptive and even attractive. At other times, her nephew's speech exuded a certain air of superiority and arrogance, but he had with what to back it up. The final irony and appellation were the culmination of a sweeping proclamation, which at all times had been translated simultaneously by Irri in a loud voice so that it could reach the greatest number of people.

Many of the Dothraki warriors, slaves, women, and girls, soon began whispering and commenting among themselves. Soon a general murmur seemed to invade everything around the two figures whom were standing fully upright, their eyes glued to each other. The picture of the Khal was imposing, but Dany's nephew Aegon seemed out of the old songs about her family.

At times she could not deny that whoever really was in front of her, Dany's nephew might be able t o conquer Westeros without problems. He had shown himself to be honorable, gracious, magnanimous, generous, and just. He made a show of power, then stretched out an olive branch with the Khal and his people, offering them outlets that did not involve more victims, apart from the thousand or so victims that the attack with dragon fire would have claimed. Aegon had shown commitment and the importance he placed on those of his blood, because he was first in the field outside of Pentos to save Dany. And although she was unable to understand why, Aegon even gave the option of having the Khal and his warriors retreat to the depths of Essos to prepare a future revenge against Aegon.

"Wow, now there will be a chant about The Call to the Dothraki. His sister has undoubtedly helped Egg to be more diplomatic. Ser Jaime, you should have seen and heard the speech beyond the Wall to the free folk... " The Stark whispered to the Knight behind whose back Dany was sheltering, to Dany's total incomprehension.

'The more they talk among them, the less I understand.' Dany was beginning to get exasperated at being unable to understand almost anything that Ser Jaime and the one-eyed boy were talking about. And what she thought she half understood was truly madness to her.

'But they are protecting me. They have rescued me and they are family. Compared to Viserys, Aegon seems an improvement without a doubt.'

Ser Jaime clicked amused his tongue and replied softly to the Stark,

"Raven, your brother doesn't know the meaning of diplomacy, but he knows about wars. That's why he let Nys take care of the Andals. He would have burned each keep to ashes and be done with it. You know it, I know it. In this case, Aegon knows perfectly well that even in the best of his dreams, the Khal will never accept the second proposal. If it is the first option, we win thirty thousand horses and a few thousand more citizens for the cause, saving the princess and ending the Blackfyre plot in one fly. I'm sure it's the option your brother prefers. May Drogo return to the Grass Sea gather all the khalasars under his sole command, and at that time, Aegon would break them for eternity. The third option, even the princess knows what the favor of the gods will be. If Drogo has suicidal impulses, there he has it. "

Dany was even more confused after that conversation between her two protectors.

'Nys ... will she be my late niece Rhaenys? Rhaenys my niece is alive? If Ser Jaime supposedly died with her and he's alive, it cannot be ruled out. Have they conquered Andalos? When? What else have they conquered? Citizens and Freehold of Valyria? Why does Ser Jaime refer to the Stark as my nephew's brother? Why do both Aegon and Ser Jaime speak of the escaped horses as something of their own?' Dany's head ached of thinking, not understanding anything, of nerves, and exhausted of emotional swings of terror, panic, disgust, joy and hope that it had been her wedding day, that it would not be her wedding. A day that seemed endless, and endless for Dany.

Trying not to think of anything, she fixed her gaze on Drogo's face. He had his coppery mask on again, which seemed to express nothing. The Khal barely seemed to blink, as he glared daggers at Aegon. Whom, from his back at least, looked unflappable and equally defiant.

Quick as a flash, the Khal averted his gaze over Aegon's right shoulder for an instant, before turning to look at Dany's nephew with a sadistic smile.

When Dany wanted to realize it, Ser Jaime had stopped of being in front of her, taking his place the Stark. The black and white shadow who appeared to be the tall knight, glided with feline agility over the field.

"Head down Aegon! I got your back!" Ser Jaime said between a deep breath of air, while sped fast as a flash, to be one step away from the bloodrider without right hand, still alive, and with a dagger in his left hand aimed at the back of Aegon's.

At the same moment Drogo launched himself forward with a long powerful stride, extending swift the right arm with the Arakh gleaming in his hand.

Possibly, Dany would be unable to explain what she was seeing even under threat of death. In an instant, her nephew ducked, narrowly dodging the arakh's savage bow that threatened to decapitate

Aegon, and threw himself to the ground and to the left of the giant Khal, so that he fell backwards and could grasp with the right hand the hilt of the sword Aegon had nailed to the ground in front of him. With lightning speed, Dany's nephew swung out his right arm and wrist as he fell, severing the back of both of the Khal's knees.

The copper giant roared in pain and fell to his knees at the same time Ser Jaime beheaded the one- armed Dothraki, whose head came to rest in front of Drogo.

Ser Jaime was about to launch himself against the Khal, but Aegon, still on the ground, lying behind Drogo's back, stopped him.

"No! He's mine." Aegon roared in a cold and dangerous voice.

Drogo would not understand common tongue, but even she could see the jump that the Khal's entire body gave at the tone used by Dany's nephew. Using his sword for support, Aegon rose again behind Drogo's back, now towering over the prostrate Drogo.

Dany's nephew directed a look with a certain sweetness mixed with sorrow in her direction that seemed totally strange in this situation. After that, Aegon returned to acquire the sparkling and fierce look that had possessed him since the fight began.

Looking at Ser Jaime, Aegon nodded, a signal that the Knight took to retreat a couple of steps back, returning almost to the level of the Stark boy and Dany herself.

Then Aegon looked around, as if watching faces and taking the pulse of the environment. Turning his head to the right, Aegon addressed Irri, "Translate to the Khal what I am going to say." he ordered without much preamble and with total naturalness, to which the girl nodded as if her life depended on it.

"With all your Khalasar as a witness, I gave you worthy outings. You could keep your life on two of the three offers I had made you. And if you wanted to fight me, you just had to have said so. But resort to betrayal and a stab in the back? Where is your pride Oh Great Khal Drogo, the horselord without horses, nor Khalasar? Do you see someone around us lift a finger for you? You have never had loyalty from anyone except those closest to you and because it was convenient for them. You have only had the fear of those who were under your command. Fear and maybe some respect. But what respect can you have for a coward who instead of choosing to fight like a man, face to face, waits for a treacherous attack from behind to launch his own attack? I would say none." Aegon rebuked and embarrassed the Khal in front of everyone present. He pronounced some words practically spitting them out and others with irony and mockery. But the tone at all times was cold and threatening, all the while the dothraki girl translating Aegon's words.

Then Aegon moved to the left side of the prostrate Drogo who seemed resigned to his fate.

"Khal Drogo, I, Aegon Targaryen, the first of my name, the Dragon Reborn, King of the Andals, The Rhoynar and First Men, Lord of the Valyrian Freehold and Protector of the Nine, I condemn you to die for attempted murder on me in the middle of a parley. What are your last words?"

"Jin zasqa havazh tikh nakho ma yer." growled harshly and with some darkness the defeated Khal. Aegon looked in the direction of Irri, who understood what Dany's nephew intended, "The Ghost

Grass will be your end." the coppery girl said with trembling voice.

The phrase seemed to affect her nephew for a moment, and even the Stark in front of her seemed to give a little tremble.

"Wise and possible words, Khal Drogo." was Aegon's surprising reply with a certain dejected tone, translated by Irri.

After that, Dany's nephew seemed to roll his eyes for an instant, and then a deafening roar and the thunder of Balerion's flapping wings took over the esplanade outside Pentos walls'. Drogo seemed to tremble, fearing that his end would be the creature that was no doubt approaching again the Dothraki field of the now broken khalasar.

Without anyone being able to even react, Aegon closed his two hands around Blackfyre's black hilt, raised it above his head and like a flash of lightning, a glowing, smoking arc severed the head from the rest of Drogo's body.

Gasps, including her own, could be heard from several of those present. Others had expressions of disgust. Although a majority showed what Dany believed was respect, some fear, reverence and awe. The way one would look at a God.

"Girl, what is your name?" Aegon asked to Irri nonchalantly, as if what had happened hadn't just happened.

The dothraki girl overcame the shock as best she could and replied to Dany's nephew, "Jhiqui is my name, Great Dragon Khal." replied the girl with a firmer voice than before, but still trembling her tone.

'I've been totally confused as to which of the two was which. Irri was going to teach me to ride, Jhiqui to speak the tongue.'

Aegon smiled a half smile that did not reach his eyes, but seemed to reassure the girl.

"I am not a Khal, nor do I pretend to be. Although since we were children, my little sister called me the Dragon, so I am used to be called by that name. As I have said before, my name is Aegon Targaryen and since you are not my subject or citizen, you can refer to me as such. Or if you like it better, the Dragon would do. I would like to ask you to continue acting as my translator for a few moments. Maybe you are interested in what I am going to say, maybe not. After that, you are free to do whatever you want with your life." Now with a certain melody, within the tones of steel inherent in him, the voice of Dany's nephew sounded again.

Jhiqui nodded with a shy smile and some color on her cheeks.

"Dothrakis and slaves. Fathers and mothers. Men and women. Children and warriors. Andals, Rhoynar, First Men and Valyrians. Everyone has always fought each other and between each other at the same time. My family and I want that to stop. We want each person to be able to do with their lives what they do best or can learn to do, as long as they respect our laws, in exchange for land and wealth."

The voice of Aegon seemed to reverberate through the esplanade, expressing himself with the most emotional voice Dany had heard of him in the short time she knew him. A thud behind her back, accompanied by a tremor in the ground that threatened to throw Dany off balance, heralded the return at the top of the ramp from Balerion, the heat of which had been immediately apparent.

"I offer you the same three options as I've offered Drogo. The first is simple. Admit your defeat, throw down your swords, and march on foot with one horse for every four of you into the deepest part of the Grass Sea to plan vengeance against me. Or leave to where you want that is not in my lands. If you choose to march, apart from weapons, you must know that you will leave behind every slave and human possession you have. All your slaves and serfs are free to do whatever they

want with their lives and if you have a problem with that, my dragon will take care of you."

Dany's nephew concluded coldly as he rolled his eyes again for a moment. The answer was a deafening roar from the Black Dread, accompanied by several strident shrieks and the irruption of the monstrous and enormous head over Dany, the Stark boy and Ser Jaime.

"The second option is for you to accept citizenship in the Freehold of Valyria. Currently comprised of The Forest Under the Shadow in the North of Westeros, and all the lands north of Pentos, from the Narrow Sea to the Qhoyne. The Lost Daughter, Valyria on the Rhoyne and The Daughter of Steel, formerly known as Braavos, Ny Sar and Qohor, are now provinces of the Freehold of Valyria. Norvos, Lorath, and the North Kingdom of Westeros are allied and federated to the Freehold. In exchange for citizenship, you will receive land, political voice in assemblies, gold, silver and an occupation with a salary. But to access it you must swear yourselves to the Freehold of Valyria and house Targaryen, as well as sign a binding contract in perpetuity with the Freehold of Valyria at the moment in which you are given gold and land. If you are citizens, you must comply with the established laws. There is freedom of worship, as long as it does not include human sacrifice. Slavery is persecuted in any of its forms and each citizen must be registered by the Free Bank of Valyria. There is a permanent army of the Freehold, to which can enlist all men and women older than fourteen days of the name and less than thirty-five days of the name, for fifteen years in exchange for six golden dragons a year, booty and lands in a province to be chosen by the soldier at the end of the service, according to their campaign history. You will stop being nomads, or at least in the sense that you are now. You will have home and house. You will have jobs, food and protection."

Aegon proclaimed with a passion that Dany thought was impossible that the rigid and stern Dragon could have, completely surprising her with his words.

"The third option, you also know it. Face me one against one and may the gods decide." Dany's nephew sentenced coldly now, while Jhiqui translated with a voice as vehement or more, than that of Aegon himself.

So engrossed was Dany by her nephew Aegon's speech that she had barely relapsed into the fact that out of every ten people present, five or six were now on their knees. Yelling euphoric, chants of harsh words that seemed to be saying Dragon, pounding on their chests and in the case of some slaves, crying with happiness.

Her nephew seemed to take advantage of that moment to pass his left hand over the blade still impregnated with Drogo's blood, after which he seemed to bring the sword almost to his lips and began to intone a kind of silent prayer. Instants later, a dry snap was the herald of an almost black magical flame that began to dance around Blackfyre's blade. At that moment, the few who had not dropped to their knees threw their swords to the ground and ran south.

"Are you with me?" roared Dany's nephew and roared the Black Dread, for then sending a black flame into the sky.

As one person, Ser Jaime and the Stark knelt in front of her, a gesture that she herself repeated without knowing why, but felt it was necessary.

In the midst of a deathly silence, she could only hear the thud of thousands of knees leaning in unison on the earth and ashes. Only the badly wounded and half dying Mopatis, still leaning against the fallen table, was the only person on the esplanade who was not on the knees.

Dany was unable to begin to understand the scope of the undertaking her nephew was carrying out, but it was clear to her now that when Aegon had referred to the title of Lord of Valyria, he had not

done so in vain.

'He is rebuilding the Freehold without slavery.' Dany thought in wonder at what she had heard. Viserys's plans and thoughts were incomparable to her nephew's. The comparison was unfortunate for Dany's brother.

'Maybe Aegon is right and Viserys is a worm. Aegon for sure doesn't force me to marry who I don't want to. So that would save me from Viserys. And now my brother, he is not the last Dragon. In fact, I don't even think Viserys is a dragon. But I am a dragon. And a King needs a Queen, just as a Dragon needs another Dragon.'