Today it was her turn to be the petitioner again, because Rhaenys was increasingly involved in the construction of the city. Being Arya one of the rings, apart from the title granted by her brother, made her to be now the second person with most power in the place where slowly, extremely slowly in her opinion, the future capital of the new Freehold of Valyria it was beginning to be erected.

They had to create an infrastructure from raw dirt and the debris of what once was Ny Sar. They needed to bring materials and food to the site. A new road from Ny Sar towards the east, and

another one towards the north. New docks, piers and jetties in both rivers, as well as in the lake created by Nys' water magic. The growing army of men and women at the excavation and dirt movements tearing pathways through the forest, groves, glades, meadows and grasslands must be directed in their works with some resemblance to order and logic to scrape a dirt plateu where once stood a mighty city. The incoming materials by the rivers needed to be ordered and stored for its use. And Rhaenys was the best suited from the two of them for that task.

So Arya had already been sitting for a couple of hours attending to the needs, demands and requests among the citizens of the Freehold. Because Valyria on The Rhoyne was a direct fief of house Targaryen, the two-headed structure of command and government that was being imposed throughout the Freehold did not apply there. Both administration and politics matters fell entirely on house Targaryen. Here there wasn't a Mance or a Tendyris on whom they could rely to rule the politics matters from the province. Doubling the complexity in the work of the rings in the fledgling city. On that morning she had attended from problems related to the non-payment of taxes or with the monopoly in the prices and trades of the Free Bank of Valyria, to the extension or revision of grants and concessions, to requests for better lands for the grazing from a group of Norvosi' shepherds who were now citizens of the Freehold as their grazing lands had passed to the jurisdiction of House Targaryen and the subsequent yielding of these in fief to the Freehold.

As there were still no special representatives of the bank, nobody received wages yet. For that reason both Arya and Nys had to create the bureaucratic cadres and assume administrative functions such as personally registering each citizen in Nymeria's former capitol, estimating the value of their work and making promissory notes of the Free Bank according to the estimated maximum prices established by the Bank in each guild and trade.

The last petitioner Arya had dealt with, for example, was one of the many who had been offering their work and ideas to the Freehold or House Targaryen. In this case, a man who had previously been a slave and who had spent his entire life making bricks with clay. This citizen of the Freehold seeing Meraxes one day hunt some game in the surrounding groves, had the idea that if the dragon's flame could be used to dry the bricks, adding a little iron ore to the clay, they could get some large, heavy-duty brick blocks.

The offer had merit and Arya had granted the man an audience with Rhaenys for the following day, in which she will vouch for his proposal.

As the construction of barges and tugs for use on the Noyne was still slow and Norvos had not agreed on anything regarding its river fleet, the stones, boulders and noble stones quarried in the hills north of Ny Sar were arriving in an intermittent drip. For this reason, Nys was with her uncle checking the materials collection area in the south east of the site.

Few people were literate and even fewer were able to do their sums well. No more than two thousand people out of one hundred and twenty thousand. These two thousand were quickly turning into a kind of nobility. Most of them could be ranked in the census as Knights, with less than a hundred and fifty thousand gold dragons in wealth and possesions. But due to the lack of people from the top categories in the census, high-ranking administrative magistracies were being awarded and granted to them.

The difference with those who occupy the high magistracies in the rest of the territories controlled until now, was that generally, these were granted to the nobility and the archonship. And these did not receive a salary. However, those who were being elevated to those positions in Ny Sar could not afford not to have the profit from a trade that required their full dedication. Therefore, one of the most common issues that she had to resolve when it was her petitioner turn was to establish salaries for these new magistrates.

And for that reason Arya had been sitting for a couple of hours performing one of the tasks that she disliked the most from her station. Although for now her duty was moving away from the pomp and courtly play, this had not made her duty any more bearable.

The duty of posing as a perfect princess, inaccessible to everyone, but close to people at the same time. With proper manners, cloths and jewels worthy of her station. When speaking and acting she has to be dry, but without being cutting. She has to be cold, but not threatening. She has to be sympathetic, but always vigilant about what is said and how it is said.

Only the advice and help of Nys, as well as almost a month of practice, coupled with the advice of grandmother Rhaella give her in The Lost Daughter, allowed Arya to be able to bear her duty.

'Because I repeat in my head over and over again that it is my duty and so that Aegon and Nys are happy with me. If not ... Going against what one truly is ... is in a word; Exhausting. I barely have sparred in the last two weeks.' she thought bitterly as she straightened into her posture and fixed her eyes on the next petitioners.

With a wave of her right hand, she indicated to the Court Herald to introduce the following petition.

"Princess Arya, the next petitioner is Byan Votyris. Hailing from Norvos, now a citizen of the Freehold of Valyria. On the census as Knight, he is a commercial caravan captain. He is petitioning for a marriage annulment with his wife for adulteress, for which he asks for compensation or punishment, your excellence."

While spreading a scroll in his hands, the court herald, position held by Norapho Brenaar until Bran took it over again, declared. Introducing what Arya hoped would be the last petitioner of the morning petition session.

Down the dais, at Arya's right, was the petitioner. A small man with weather-beaten skin, wearing a splendid blue-dyed mustache extending from one ear to the other, in the typical Norvosi fashion. Well into the forties days of his name, he wore good quality green and gold cloths, though not too luxurious, wearing a thick gold wrist-chain on his left arm.

"The party accused of adulteress, Votyris's wife, Chyenne. Hailing from Norvos, now a citizen of the Freehold of Valyria. With no known trade, she is in the census as common folk. She endorsed the willfulness and absence of coercion in her marriage in the eyes of the Freehold. She's accused of adultery by her husband and she declares herself as not guilty, your excellence"

The court herald now introduced the accused party to the petition. Down the dais, at Arya's left, ginger with some freckles was a woman less than thirty days of her name. She wore a clean wool green tunic and dull brown wool skirts. Attractive, etched grim grin and with a blue gaze, although cold, intelligent. The woman attentive to everything that was happening in the great pavilion where it was hold the court sessions in Valyria on the Rhoyne.

'Without a doubt, she is not with her husband because of his looks. With her body, she could get more handsome men.' Arya thought inwardly.

The pavilion consisted of a huge black cloth canvas hung from the cyclopean dark green granite pillar to tall oak stakes over eight feet high, unfolded in the shape of a pentagon. From the granite pillar to any of the cloths that hung down to the ground, there would be no more than thirty meters away. A row of two-meter high wooden stakes driven along the line that followed the Cardo of the city and that crossed the middle of the pavilion, separated two of the three areas into which the pavilion was divided. The front part of the pavilion, whose entrance was oriented towards the south, served as court and courtroom. After the row of stakes, divided into two areas, the personal

family quarters and the administration of the Freehold.

The cyclopean pillar of green granite, a survivor of whatever the Gods wanted that Nys made on the day of their arrival to Nymeria's city, served in turn to wave the banners and was taken as the intersection of the two main axis of the city.

The two axis and the pillar were the only things that were not temporary. The rest of the settlement 'Settlements would be more correct.' She self-rectified, consisted in seas of tents, pavilions, and some makeshift wooden structures, protected by a ring ditch and a wall of three-meter wooden stakes set in the slope formed by the excavation of the ditch.

Although Rhaenys had some experience building a city from scratch and Arya had tried to learn the most from her brothers on the Wall, the absence of these two and Uncle Rhaegar, and even Uncle Aemon, was noticeable. The absence of giants, their woolly companions, and warg-controlled draft animals, was even more sadly remarkable.

'Forlond and Barad Suvion must be unrecognizable by now.' she thought with certain melancholy of the place where she had made good memories.

Prince Oberyn had some basic knowledge. The same was true of most stonemasons and masons from Norvos. The latter, both the manumitted slaves and free men, were, for the most part, true virtuosos of white stucco.

'Something very useful when what you have to do is build the interiors of palaces and manses. But when you have to build a city from scratch, in the middle of two rivers, with the quarrying resources in the hills north from where we are ... They are not that useful.' Arya reflected resigned.

The surviving pillar also served as a kind of throne for audiences and court. In front of the pillar a rectangular dais was made in stone. Over this, a kind of platform was erected with mortar and clay bricks. Four steps located in the center, allowed the ascent to the top of the platform, a meter over the stone dais. Dais which also was a couple of feet high, and also had two stone steps in the middle for its acces. On the left side of the dais, a cabinet where the lists from citiziens and the census were always at hand.

Over the platform covered in goose down pillows, with the pillar as a backrest, it was where Arya was sitting in her blue cotton robe, gray wool breeches and brown leather boots. The tiara with the three headed rampant dragon in sky blue sapphires on her head. On her right middle finger, one of Bloodraven's rings. Around her neck, a gold cord from where her signet hung. Nym, her ever growing she-wolf, sitting on hers hindquarters to the left of Arya and on whose fur of the head Arya curled her fingers.

Arya was the image of a princess, exuding power, presence and station. And she didn't like it very much. But duty obliges.

With the sun at its zenith, most of the people in Ny Sar were frantically engrossed in their tasks and works. That, together with the fact that today nothing especially important was going to be discussed in view that she was the petitioner, was the reason why, fortunately for Arya, today in front of her and to the sides of the pavilion, there were no more than about fifty or sixty people watching the court's proceedings.

'Fifty or so which according to Rhaenys we should start to consider them our first courtiers. They seem to be always here and are the new magistrates. Every time it's my turn to be the petitioner, I see the same faces watching me like hawks.'

The somewhat gloomy atmosphere of the pavilion, with hazy incense always in the air, was always

dense and at times suffocating.

The lamps hanging from some stakes and the sunlight coming from the entrance of the pavilion was all the illumination inside. The hundred or so people who at least were always present for one reason or another, the atmosphere of the pavilion, along with the heat and humidity ever present, made petitioner sessions a tortuous and somewhat overwhelming experience for her.

Byan Votyris was beginning to declaim his complaint, therefore Arya had to be attentive to everything.

For now it seemed like nothing more than a marital dispute. But sometimes things could escalate quickly and become complex. Especially, when the census or an offense against the Freehold administration came into play.

'If the man has proof of the adultery and Norapho thinks that despite being from the last census stratum, the woman can face a compensatory payment, that will be my verdict and at last I will be able to be free for the rest of the day.' Arya thought with joy.

"My princess, my lady, my lords and fellow citizens. Today, unfortunately, I find myself here with a heavy heart and a soul drowned in grief. After deciding between the two of us to apply for citizenship and move to this new city that we are all building, I made the first caravan route between Norvos and Valyria on the Rhoyne. I brought cloth. I brought fruit. I brought spices. And I brought more citizens to our city. But when I arrived at my tent in the northwestern settlement, I found my wife in bed with another man. Betraying both, me, her husband, and the Freehold. Three broken oaths, of the three she has taken in her life."

Votyris said dryly, feigning sadness, but actually sounding brimming with outrage. The mix between common tongue, bastard Valyrian and Norvos' own slang, made it practically unintelligible to Arya.

Nevertheless, she had understood what was necessary, and Lady Nym seemed to have as well, for she set out to question the petitioner. Nym was Arya's regular sparring partner and a woman who had many of the things she admired; Independent, fierce, a great fighter and without fear of expressing her opinions.

'The latter, something that has not won her the sympathy of Nys. Although I do not understand Nym's need to continually antagonize her. Nys also doesn't help with being somewhat haughty at times. Although I suppose that is part of the charm in both of them. Now I don't know if I'm glad to have a sister so different from me like Sansa, or if I would have preferred that she had more in common with me. Maybe the problem has always been Sansa, not our differences. Nys and I did not have many things in common and yet I love her as if she were my real sister and today we share almost everything. After Aegon and Aunt Lya, she is the person I trust the most. And that pool of heat that I feel in the middle of my core every time I awoke after sleeping intertwined with her... '

"What three oaths are you talking about, master Byan Votyris? To my knowledge, she has only broken her oath to you and her oath to the Freehold, but not her third oath to house Targaryen. Unless you count as one the double oath to the Freehold and house Targaryen, what is that third oath that your wife has broken?"

The voice of Arya's friend sounded, fortunately distracting her from the thoughts that, since she had blossomed, sometimes assailed her. 'If my mother knew of this she would see evidence of the corruption I have been subjected to by Aegon and the Targaryens ...'

Lady Nym's voice sounded smooth and cutting. Wearing her bronze rings chainmail and leather

breastplate, daggers on either side of her hips, and her long dark raven hair totally loose over her back.

Rhaenys' cousin, was standing on the dais at Arya's right side, while Norapho also on the dais, was at Arya's left. At Arya's right, down the dais, his back towards her, towering over all people in the pavilion, was Tybold. Arya's sworn sword. Jaqen H'ghar. A welcome addition to her and Nys, who appeared as Tybold in the caravan from Norvos under Prince Oberyn's command. The new appearance of the Faceless, was that of a man of more than two meters, very broad in the shoulders and chest and a face pierced by a horrible scar. Short sparse black hair, narrowed dull brown eyes, and a permanent tense jaw.

'I want Jaqen to one day show me how he can go from looking like he looks, to looking like such a fucking huge and scary man. Maybe I could also change my appearance and stop being who I am for a few hours.' Arya thought inwardly in respect of Jaqen's abilities.

Having been with Beqqo Nestoris in Lorath, Jaqen left Beqqo's entourage when this one left for Qohor. Jaqen set out for Ny Sar with the intention of meeting the column in which Nys and Arya were originally going. When he was already in Norvosi lands he heard of the appearance of Rhaenys and of the agreement reached between the Freehold, House Targaryen and the Council of Priests from Norvos. At that moment he decided to assume a new identity and infiltrate the column of freed slaves, men and women and soldiers under prince Oberyn's command.

When Prince Oberyn's column finally arrived Ny Sar nine days after she and her sister of other blood did, Jaqen uncovered his face to Nys and Arya in a private audience and brought them up to speed on the Norvos' march to Ny Sar, as well as the movements, achievements and setbacks of Beqqo Nestoris in his journey through Lorath and towards Qohor.

The following day, Jaqen under the mask of Tybold, challenged Prince Oberyn in a sparring and after being victorious, offered himself as the sworn sword of Arya and Rhaenys. In this way he could already justify his presence around both of them, without them having to reveal who Tybold really was.

In this way they had gained in security, since despite the improvements in the relationship between Rhaenys and her uncle, Nys still not trusted in the prince of Dorne. Something that was clear in the fact that she had not yet revealed the presence of Uncle Rhaegar and Aunt Lya among the living.

'If Nys doesn't trust him, neither do I. Also, although he is nice and open with me, giving me advice and training me together with his daughter Lady Nym, he sometimes looks at me with a strange face that makes me nervous.' Arya mused as she watched the scene unfold in front of her.

"Indeed, as my lady says, I consider as one the double oath. I know my wife has not broken her oath to house Targaryen, but she has broken the first oath she ever took. The oath she sworn to me when I rescued her from slavery. She swore it wasn't because of my wealth that she wanted me. She swore it wasn't my gold and her possible freedom that piqued her interest in me. She swore it was love."

Votyris venomous spat in answer to Lady Nym's question while glaring in his wife's direction. Turning his gaze straight ahead in Arya's direction, he finished answering the question.

"An oath she broke as she felt safe from slavery thanks to our Queen and King. Our queen said that taking justice into one's own hands will be punishable according to the law. Therefore, instead of doing justice for myself, I trust that here, our princess, will do justice."

'OK. It seems that this man is looking for blood and if what he says is true, she has committed a

double crime in the eyes of the Freehold. One in the adultery and the other for not having been registered in the census as manumitted, so she has lied to the Freehold.' Arya realized that the issue was more serious than she had originally believed.

Citizens, in the body of laws that had been created until now, were not seen as objects, but as citizens subject to Customary laws, as well as Written laws. A slave freed by them, immediately became a subject of the Written laws from the Freehold. A manumitted slave, that is, one who had been freed before Arya's family freed them, was subject to Customary laws. And according to Customary laws, if Votyris has proof of the purchase of the woman and the subsequent manumission of her, until that moment the woman was considered an object. Hence, that oath, and the Customary law at the time the purchase was made, predates to the Freehold Laws.

'The financial compensation is going to be impossible for the woman to face. How I hate these situations.' Arya thought with some anger and helplessness.

The right of a husband to chastise an erring wife was well established throughout the Seven Kingdoms and in some Free Cities. And Rhaenys herself installed in her previous life the rule of six which became a part of the common law, along with the rule of thumb. The punishment should consist of only six blows with a rod with a thickness of a thumb. Clearly Votyris, had ignored Lady Nym and demanded justice and resolve from Arya herself.

'He's questioning if I have the stomach to have his wife get six blows in public.' Arya reasoned quickly, seeing where Votyris's request was going.

However, Votyris had yet to prove anything, nor had his wife defended herself.

"And justice shall be done." she replied, after which she swallowed, took a deep breath and continued saying; "But for there to be justice, it is necessary to know both sides of the tale. Before asking for evidence and possible witnesses." Arya paused in her speech and stared at the wife of Votyris, trying to convey a look in the way Aegon or her father did when they assumed the role that she had to assume at that moment.

"Chyenne Votyris, you have pleaded not guilty, however, your husband claims that you've been adulteress to him, and have broken an oath that predates your oaths to the Freehold. If true, this will carry punishment. What can you say in your defense?" she stated coldly and in the most formal voice she was capable of muster.

"My princess, I do not deny having intercourse with another man. But I maintain that I am not guilty of adultery because the man I slept with had been paid by my husband to seduce me." Chyenne Votyris answered aloud, although her voice was somewhat shaky and nervous and she did not stop clasping her hands in front of her.

The words of Votyris's wife caused a murmur among the courtiers present, which Arya did not know if they were of outrage, astonishment or revulsion.

"Norpaho!" Arya exclaimed to the herald so that he would impose silence on the court meanwhile she tried to reason what the woman just said.

The herald's staff echoed three times against the stone of the dais, the silence returning. Though expectant silence now, with everybody inside the pavilion with their attention in Arya.

Gesturing with her right hand to Lady Nym to let her know that it was Arya's duty, she asked gazing intently at Chyenne Votyris

"Can you explain to me how you claim to be not guilty of adultery while agreeing to have slept willingly with another man who is not your husband?" now Arya looked in the direction of Votyris and with a low but cold and hard tone asked, "Did you pay to be cuckold? Or is your wife lying?"

Arya rose from the pillows, causing Nymeria to do so as well. Arya's she wolf stiffened, her gaze fixed on both people below the dais, emitting a low growl.

She descended the first step and stood as straight and rigid as possible. Arya's left arm behind her back, hiding from view how she opened and closed her fist from the tension that was suddenly causing the situation for her.

Votyris was the first to answer.

"My wife in this does not lie, but she does in that she has not been an adulteress. The man she slept with is actually my witness. And yes, I paid him to seduce her. But I have never coerced my own wife to do it, nor has she received threats or been blackmailed. She did it willingly, proving that my suspicions were true. That is why I paid. I had been living the torment of thinking that each time that I was leaving in a commercial caravan, she would be with another man in my own house. I paid because I needed proof, my princess. If she really loves me as she says she loves me, no matter how much I paid or stopped paying, she would not have been an adulteress. Why the reward to me for releasing her from one of Norvos' harbor brothels is this one? I've been a fool for more than six years. I've been faithful in our marriage and I've been madly in love with Chyenne and now I demand justice."

'To make matters worse, she was a harlot and he freed her from a brothel. Indeed I think it is a case of a fool in love unable to see reality. And now I understand why a woman with her looks is with a man like Votyris. But pay to check on his suspicions? Wouldn't that make him guilty too?' she reflected quickly. 'As much as I dislike his tactic to test his fears regarding his wife, I cannot accuse him of anything. Perhaps it is best if I ask the witness lover.'

Arya steeled her posture, letting out an imperceptible sigh. "Norapho, the witness." she ordered.

"Citizen Donesso is called as witness. Hailing from Norvos, now a citizen of the Freehold of Valyria. On the census as common folk, by trade loader." Cried the herald.

Two soldiers appeared from the shadows on the left side of the pavilion, and between them, a blond man in his early twenties. He could be said to be handsome, with a good physique, although fuller and shorter than Aegon. With deep blue eyes and mischievous grin. He was moving as if he were the owner of the pavilion.

When the man caught up with the Votyris, Chyenne tried to aggressively launch out for her 'Former?' lover. The soldier to Donesso's right pushed her out of the way with some delicacy and continued to guide the witness, whom now was sporting a mocking grin, until he was in front of Arya.

'The attitude and gestures of this Donesso disgust me. It seems as if the matter is not a trouble for him.'

Arya thought, when suddenly realized what Norpaho had said about the man in front of her.

"Donesso, your job is loader, isn't it?" she asked as arched her left eyebrow and stared at the witness.

"That's right, your excellence. But what does that have to do with my testimony?"

"Everything." was Arya's succinct reply as she brought her left hand back to Nymeria's neck. "Are you claiming that you received money in exchange for seducing Chyenne Votyris and that she had willingly sex with you?" she asked dryly.

"I affirm it." Donesso said with some pride.

'He is in for a bad surprise. One that is going to be exemplary for everyone.' she thought with some glee.

With barely two and ten days of her name, Arya had to prove herself everyday to citizens in each of the court sessions and petitions in which she was in charge. Where Nys was able to assert herself with a smile and sweet words that camouflaged a threat, Arya had to show her resolve, her age- inappropriate maturity, and her sense of justice. The values that her father and the North had installed in her, as well as those that Aegon had imbued in her helped a lot in this. But there were times when that wasn't enough. There were times when she had to show she had authority, not just because of her station, but because of her actions and deeds. There were times when she had to set precedents. And this was one of those moments.

The census and registration was sacred for the establishment of the Freehold. Arya knew through Uncle Rhaegar that in order to have any real chance to defeat the Others once and for all, they needed to channel and focus all resources and people under their aegis in the effort for the war against darkness. In the same way, the gigantic investment that was being made, no matter how many mines and wealth they were getting, needed to have a stable return in the medium term. And for that the census was essential. Direct taxes were applied based on the registration of trades and the census. A loader does not earn the same as a man-whore, so Donesso is embezzling the Freehold.

'In the other hand, although I would like to give also a lesson to Votyris, if he presents the purchase contract for his wife, I will have to punish her. No matter what she says, it is clear that she does not love her husband and that she is with him out of interest. And while that is not against the laws, deceiving the Freehold is.'

"Master Votyris, do you have a contract of the purchase of your wife, as well as one for the manumission?" rang cold and harsh her voice.

"I've it, my princess." answered Votyris as he reached for the opening of the chest cloths, from which he soon produced a rolled parchment.

"Norapho, bring me that." she ordered.

The herald descended the two steps of the dais, grasped Votyris's rolled parchment in his right hand, and spun around over himself, to ascend the pair of steps again and bring the parchment closer to her.

Stepping down a second step from the platform, Arya reached out with her left hand and picked up the rolled parchment. Unrolling it, she could see that it was a typical Essos slave sales contract.

'For twenty gold pieces, Master Byan Votyris has bought the whore Chyenne. Signed Byan Votyris, Gylliphos Baerrion and an X mark under Chyenne. Norvos, seventeenth day of the third moon of the year two hundred and ninety-one after the conquest.'

'I, Byan Votyris. Without being coerced and willingly, grant Chyenne her freedom. Signed, Byan

Votis and an X mark under Chyenne. Norvos, seventeenth day of the third moon of the year two hundred and ninety-one after the conquest.'

Arya looked up from the scroll with a mixture of pity and disgust at the woman, condescendingly at Votyris and coldly at the man-whore.

Fixing her gaze in Chyenne, she finished descending the steps of the platform with Nym following her, took a couple of steps until she was on the edge of dais and in front of the woman in question, Arya asked in a low and cold tone.

"Is this your signature?"

"Yes it is, your excellence." Chyenne answered in a broken voice. "But I'm not guilty. I swear by all the gods that I love my husband. I don't know why I did it ... But I swear I've never done it before ..." she concluded broken and crying, seeing the consequences that her actions were going to suppose.

Possibly, seven moons ago, Arya would have felt empathy for the woman. Today Arya felt some disgust at the desperate attempt to give pity in exchange of compassion.

'How right was Aegon on the night of the ritual when he told my father that none of us were prepared for what the world is like outside the walls of Winterfell. Robb the spoiled lordling whom doesn't know anything about being a true lord and Perfect fool birdie Sansa always chirping what others said. They're going to have a reality shock if they came out of Winterfell's walls.'

"Guards, seize Donesso." She ordered aloud, calm and collected.

The commotion and the murmur returned to the pavilion's court, which was only increased by the outburst of the one who was being subdued by the two soldiers who had escorted him.

"No!! I haven't done anything wrong. Why are they seizing me?! I'm innocent!" Donesso yelled and pointing at Chyenne, he added "She's guilty! What kind of justice is this?"

An increasingly audible low growl reverberated through her she-wolf's body. Arya grabbed a handful of fur from Nym's neck to hold her where she was, knowing the she-wolf's intentions.

'After hours of staring into her eyes, all I've managed to do is to see myself through Nym's eyes a couple of times and little else. Great warg I am. I must be after Bran in the list of mighty wargs... At least I am able to know and rein in her mood swings.'

A growl was her she-wolf's response to Arya's action, but it served to stop Donesso's struggle with the soldiers.

"Donesso, you are guilty of lying and embezzling to the Freehold. Prostitution, like any other trade, is allowed if one is registered as such. In your case, you yourself have claimed to have received coins in exchange for sex. That is prostitution and not the job of loader, with which you registered." Arya sentenced with her harshest and driest voice that she was capable of invoking, imposing herself over the clamor in the pavilion, while she pointed at him with the index finger of her right hand.

'As Nym says, my Queenly voice.' she thought inwardly.

"I, Princess Arya of House Stark in the name Aegon Targaryen and Rhaenys Targaryen, King and Queen of the Andals, The Rhoynar and First Men, Lord and Lady of Valyria and Protectors of the Nine, judge you guilty of deceiving and embezzling to the Freehold, as well as breaking your oaths

to the Freehold. I sentence you to the seizure of all your assets, the return of your parcel of land to the possession of house Targaryen, the loss of citizenship and exile, under pain of death should you ever set foot on the lands of the Freehold of Valyria. "

Arya exclaimed, as she stood as tall as she could, opening her right arm, as she curled her left hand on Nymeria's fur.

"Guards, escort him immediately up to fifty leagues south of Valyria on the Rhoyne. Provide him with a mount for those fifty leagues and then food for a fortnight's foot march."

The two soldiers gave her nods and then grabbed Donesso by both arms and dragged him away from the pavilion. The commotion and murmurs died down, giving way to some nods of approval, along with some nods of respect towards her. There were also certain expressions of apprehension.

Arya knew the certain implacability in the application of some laws in the Freehold. The control over citizenship, movement of people in the Freehold and in some cases, even over the citizens' trade and craft. Those reasons along with the severity and ruthlessness in the punishment of those who failed to comply with what were considered administrative laws and those of the army, although it was true that it helped to the incipient almost bloodless and quick establishment of the Freehold of Valyria, it also caused apprehension and even fear in some.

'But what's to be better Arya? To be loved or to be feared?'

The question from her older brother kept haunting her head. Just as seven moons ago she would have pitied Chyenne, now Arya knew that she had changed, as well as many of her personal perceptions.

'Now I even know how to stitch.'

What Arya had known until she began this journey of more than seven moons, would incline her to think that it was better to be loved than feared. But what she now knew, had seen, experienced and done in these last seven moons had changed her. She had lived among the Free Folk, where might gives right and one was free to do what one wanted with oneself life as long as one could impose oneself might. She had seen the subtle courtly power plays in Braavos and the instances that some are willing to go to in order to quench greed and lust for power and wealth. She had seen the conditions of the hamlets, villages and towns of the Andals Mountains, where shepherds, farmers and woodcutters had to choose a son or daughter to whom newborn they should give to the animals of the mountains, in order to have food for the rest of the family. She had seen those same people attack blindly out of pride and pettiness at a heavy cavalry column of sixty riders that pierced them like a hot knife through butter. And the family of the deceased to make a pact with her brother and sister as if the dead had no relationship with them, as long as they were given food and relevance in the world. Whenever the sons and daughters who had no food could leave their mountains, instead of being the food of shadow cats, wolves and other animals that roam those mountains and hills. She had seen true slavery in Norvos, where girls her age were raped by dogs to amuse brothel patrons and a person could be bought for coppers like a chair or a belt.

Arya knew now, that outside of Winterfell, some fear was necessary to rule and lead. And that without love, no matter how much fear you inspire, in the end you will end up dead. It was a fine balance. That was why Donesso kept his life, the way Chyenne deserved punishment.

"Chyenne, from now on, you're Votyris' former wife. As common folk, you will have thirty days to register in the census with a craft or trade. If not, the Freehold shall assign you one. You're to move to the Northeastern settlement and in a fortnight, publicly, you shall face the punishment for adulteress."

Now addressing one of the courtiers to the right of the pavilion, Arya said,

"Thoridos Hesten, as magistrate of the lands in fief to the Freehold in Valyria on the Rhoyne, along with ten soldiers escort Chyenne to her tent and then find her rooms in one of the Northeastern settlement wooden barracks."

Looking back at the one implicated, she told her.

"Chyenne, Thoridos will handle your case. When you decide your trade or craft, let him know. He will arrange to assign you a plot of land the moment you re-register. You can choose to create a last name, or keep your current name. You are a free citizen of the Freehold of Valyria. Written Laws are posted in the southeast settlement. If you cannot read, you can ask a Freehold's magistrate to read them to you and to another citizen to verify what the magistrate is reading. You have all the full rights, privileges and obligations of a free citizen of the Freehold. As such your freedom and safety are protected by the Freehold itself, as well as House Targaryen, starting with the King and Queen, and continuing with me, as well as the rest of the rings and the Targaryen army. You can leave now."

After Chyenne had left the pavilion, Arya addressed the petitioner in question. Votyris had a satisfied smirk on his face. The posture of Votyris was upright, puffing out his chest, exuding the feeling of being victorious.

"Master Votyris, your marriage is annulled in the eyes of the Freehold and you are free to take a new wife if after what you have done, you're able to find one. It may be that your distrust was justified in the end. But the means you have employed to verify your distrust have been dishonorable and dishonest. You may leave now."

"Your excellence."

Votyris gave her a disparagingly smile, while bowing low and exaggeratedly. Then he turned on his heel and walked through the opening of the pavilion.

Arya was about to end the petitions session, when some commotion was heard coming from outside the pavilion. Her she-wolf tensed, the soldiers present reacted by making a wall of steel in front of the dais and Tybold suddenly stood beside Arya.

A few moments later, a man clad in gleaming steel armor appeared through the opening of the pavilion with the sigil of House Targaryen engraved on the breastplate and his face half hidden by a helmet resembling that of her uncle.

After taking a couple of steps inside the pavilion, in which he was watched by all with expectation, the man took off his helmet and knelt on his left knee.

"My princess." rang out the deep voice of who Arya identified as Tycho Nestoris' younger brother, Varicho.

A man of no more than thirty days of his name, light brown hair, cut in the military style, tall and wiry.

"Varicho Nestoris. What tidings do you bring from my brother, our King and Lord?"she asked, trying to keep her voice steady and without showing excitement and nervousness.

'After leaving Braavos, his column was supposed to pass through the Andal Coast onto the dragon road to Ghoyan Drohe and reinforce Aegon's column there. Is he okay? Something has happened to him or Bran?' Arya mused worried internally, trying not to show an iota on the outside.

Bad news about her brother could be unwelcome and have repercussions. Therefore she knew that Varicho would not say anything of the matter in front of the court, which increased her nervousness regarding the fate of her family.

"My princess and fellows citizens of the Freehold. I am the bearer of glad tidings. King Aegon Targaryen, along with Prince Brandon of House Stark and Lord Commander Ser Jaime Waters of the King's guard have killed Khal Drogo and broken his Khalasar at the gates of Pentos. Boldly rescuing from an uncertain fate Prince Viserys of House Targaryen and Princess Daenerys of House Targaryen from those savages hands. Pentos is no more a Free City. Now it's a Federated City to the Freehold of Valyria."

An exclamation of joy filled the pavilion. Joy that Arya shared, but that she tried to not show. Also, she was somewhat confused as to why her brother had gone to Pentos to rescue Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen. From day one in Essos they knew where they were, and neither Aegon, Rhaenys of whom Arya had no doubts knew about that issue throught their brother, or Uncle Rhaegar, made the slightest attempt to mention that detail to grandmother Rhaella. Or even do some action regarding the search of her brother's paternal uncle and aunt.

'I imagine they have left the column under the command of Gerri and Grandmother Rhaella and that they had a good reason to go face a Dothraki horde. At least we know that they've won against the mighty Khal.' she coldly thought as she waited for the noise to subside.

When the shouts of joy subsided, Arya tried to impose her voice on the hubbub that had been created in the pavilion.

"Lady Nymeria, go find the Queen and tell her the news." she said gazing at Nym at her right. Lady Nym bowed to her, and left the pavilion.

After that, looking forward again, she smiled towards Tycho's brother. "Varicho, Norapho here," she said pointing with her right hand to her left, where the herald stood. "will provide you and your men with food and a place to rest after your travels." looking askance in his direction Arya said to the herald. "Norapho, that the rations must be doubled in food and drink, both at lunch and in the supper to celebrate our latest great victory."

The herald gave her a nod, after which she spoke with warm voice.

"Your horses may be tended by the stable boys from the southeast settlement, where the army is. Your tidings are reason to mark the day as one of joy. Valyria on the Rhoyne welcomes you and your men, commander Varicho Nestoris! The court is dismissed until tomorrow morning."

Knowing that until Varicho spoke to Rhaenys first, she would not know more about what news there was about Aegon, Bran and Jaime, Arya decided to burn some of the energy, anxiety, nerves, joy and emotions that invaded her, training for a while with Tybold. After that and have some food in the northwest settlement, the most lively and colorful of the three, as well as where the best food was in the only tavern 'Really a cottage where they serve food.' that was in Valyria on the Rhoyne, Arya asked her two maids Nesona and Pherera to fill the tub of her quarters with hot water and gave them the rest of the day off in celebration of her brother's victory.

'I miss my ladies in waiting, Márië and Little Väire. Even I miss the pest that it's Edrahil. Here are only old crones and some sycophants.' Arya mused bitterly.

It was mid-afternoon and in the tub she was now, relaxing her sore and numb muscles from several beatings at the hands of Tybold.

'At least the pain, cramps and numbness distract me a bit from my thoughts.'

Although she had improved in leaps and bounds in her sword and dagger wielding, she was hardly a match for the likes of the Faceless, Prince Oberyn or Lady Nym. She could only almost match the last one without using any armor and making the sparring as short as possible. With her steel- scaled mail over the shirt, her developing body felt the weight and nuisance especially in the breast. So Arya became slower and had less stamina, but she was capable of last more time without having to yield in the sparring.

Every day she sparred Arya noticed how she had more stamina and endurance and her speed was sometimes a factor. But with the three that Arya used to spar, her biggest advantage that of being left-handed, was nonexistent.

'It is not the same to fight against a dummy stuffed with straw to train than against the Red Viper, his daughter or a deadly fucking assassin.' she thought to herself as justification for her endless

record of defeats.

'I think I mostly miss Bran because I no longer have anyone to beat. And if my little brother continues to wielding the morning star and that oak shield ... I don't know how long I will be able to beat him. Sooner or later he will grow up and be physically stronger than me. His lack of visual depth is made up for by his damned powers and his new way of fighting. Bran the conqueror of Braavos my ass. Ha! The stupid has Dark Sister to adorn the pavilion of the King's guard.'

She had her eyes closed, head resting against the curb of the wooden tub. The scent of orchids, lavender, and rosemary permeating Arya and Rhaenys's personal quarters, a welcome change from the other smells that dominated her daily life. Open slits in the canvas of the pavilion filtered the sunlight, bringing the warmth of the mid-afternoon sun to her face. Her she-wolf was roaming the nearby groves, probably hunting or exploring.

Arya's relaxation and attempt to forget the toll of daily life was suddenly interrupted by the movement of the water and the sound of it, alerting Arya that she was not alone anymore

Opening her eyes, without really wanting to open them because she knew who could be naked in front of her, her suspicions were confirmed.

"[Hello my little she-wolf.]"

"[You could have warned you were coming in. Or that you were here. What would have happened

if I have the dagger handy and had mistaken you for an assassin?]"

Trying to sound outraged, in Arya's high valyrian and without being able to look Rhaenys in the eyes, or fixate the gaze on her for just more than a few moments, lowered the iron in her voice quite a bit, as well as her supposed annoyance at being interrupted.

'I don't know where to look at her and I don't understand why I feel those heats every time we are skin to skin, or when I see her naked and she sees me naked and looks at me with that hungry gaze...'

One day without them knowing that she was listening, Arya had overheard Lady Nym make a comment to her father about how Rhaenys liked to eat rugs.

Arya did not comment any of this to Nys, knowing that the relationship between the two cousins was already strained. And although she didn't quite understand what meant Nym with that, Arya sensed that it was not wise to say it to Rhaenys.

Rhaenys was looking at her amused, raising her right eyebrow and replicating the face Arya was making. Her sister was full naked in all her glory.

On the right side of the tub over the stool to access it, there was Arya's sister of another blood and her brother's sister-wife. The Dragon's sister.

Tall, slender, with firm belly, wasp waist and pronounced hips that in the front seemed to form a v with her thighs. Toned legs that sometimes to Arya when she looked at them, seemed infinite. A butt that looked like a peach. Not very large breasts, but firm and round, with small, pink nipples. Clear, porcelain skin without a single blemish. Elongated neck and heart-shaped face. Full lips, slightly upturned and straight nose. Large purple eyes that looked like two brilliant amethysts over a black background. Hair like moonlight and a raven's wing, shaved on the sides of her head and nape, but getting longer and longer at the top, and now beginning to fall toward Nys's right side.

'wow ... that she was and is the most beautiful woman in history it's not an exaggeration.' Arya

thought bewitched and unable to tear her gaze from Rhaenys's about to enter the tub.

"[When I came in, I greeted you. But it looks like you were so absorbed in your thoughts that you didn't even hear it. By the way, who were you thinking about, that you were smiling to yourself? You are very cute when you are relaxed. You should try to prove it more often.]"

Said her sister of another mother and father. But sister by choice, love and trust of Arya towards her.

"[Think about beating Bran in a sparring? I already do that often.]" Arya mockingly replied, finally being able to look away from Rhaenys, who was now getting into the tub.

Nys' reply to Arya, was to use her right hand to throw water at her face while saying,

"[I was talking about you being less stiff and stark. Although I think that the Stark name is a perfect fit for your House. All of your brood are fucking stiff and stark. Even Aegon who's Targaryen. Now that I think, maybe my other sister had also Stark blood. Who knows with Valaena. But if thinking of beating the Raven makes you look like that, please do it more often. It's a joy to behold.]"

Rhaenys concluded teasing Arya, warm and sultry in her melodious and hypnotic valyrian, casting a disarming smile in her direction.

Arya's reaction was to look down at the water in the tub, feeling the colors and heat rise in her. Arya who had her arms spread out on the curb of the tub, did not know whether to cover her chest out of shame or to enter in Rhaenys's game trying to provoke and tease her more. It was a strange game that they had been playing for a couple of weeks and that gave Arya a similar thrill to when she sparred with the Prince or the Faceless.

However, Arya wanted to know about her family and the reasons why Aegon, Bran and Jaime had gone to Pentos to find Viserys and Daenerys Targaryen and why they had faced a Dothraki horde.

"[What has Varicho told you? Has he brought messages from our brother? Do you know why they went to Pentos? Why now and not when we were at the Lost Daughter?]" she asked quickly, taking the opportunity to change the topic of the conversation, in addition to knowing more about the situation her brothers and Jaime were.

"[Turn around so I can wash your hair while I tell you.]" Rhaenys told her in her hissed, melodious and sweet high valyrian while approached Arya in the tub.

Arya doubted whether it was better not to have to face a naked Nys in front of her, or to have her glued to her back. However, while biting her lower lip, she nodded and turned her back to Rhaenys, sitting herself in the center of the tub.

It didn't take long for her to feel Nys's legs around her waist, and her firm breasts on her back. Arya stiffened a bit, but let Nys do, resting her back and arms on Nys's chest and thighs, closing her eyes again.

"[Remember when in Norvos we heard about dothrakis going towards Pentos in search of a bride for their Khal? Well, our brother had to go to Pentos to rescue Daenerys because she was the bride to be. After wreak some havoc with Balerion in the khalasar, and then personally slaying seven of the Khal's blood riders, our brother took the Khal head in front of the broken khalasar.]"

Rhaenys began to narrate in her honeyed and hissed Valyrian, while smearing Arya's hair with oils and ointments extracted from flowers and herbs that she used for her own hair and that Rhaenys

herself made.

["As far as I know from what Aegon has written to me, it all begun when my father sent the Kindly Man to Pentos to investigate the situation of his brother and sister. Our kindly assassin discovered that the thief of Lady Farman's eggs, not only harbored dragon eggs, but the dragons themselves. The thief, a Pentos' magister, convinced my uncle Viserys that with the Dothraki he could recover the Iron Throne. And Viserys believed him, agreeing to marry his sister to the Khal in order to have the Dothraki.]"

A chill ran down Arya's spine thinking about the fate of poor Daenerys if her brother hadn't done anything to rescue her.

"[How stupid and cruel is Viserys! Marrying her sister to a Dothraki warlord for what? The Dothraki have never crossed a sea and any army of a Lord Paramount from Westeros would sweep them away. Daenerys would have ended up being repeatedly raped by a man who she didn't even know and a savage."] Arya spat splashing with her body movements and the jiggle of her neck.

"[Calm down Arya, do not move and keep your eyes closed so that the oil and ointment do not get into them.]" Rhaenys said as she hugged her waist with her left arm bringing Arya closer to her, while with the right one continued to spread the oils and ointment through Arya's hair.

"[Think that my uncle lived in the shadow of his father from a very young age and then has lived in the exile for five and ten years of his life, while being persecuted by the hired cutthroats paid by the Usurper. That's not something easy to cope. Especially on a mental level. He and his sister were, professedly, the only Targaryens alive after the Rebellion. So for him and all people in Westeros and Essos, except for your father, Howland Reed, Jaime, Jaime's uncle, my grandmother and the Seaworths, Viserys was the last male Targaryen, and his sister the last female Targaryen. All the weight from the dynasty fell on their shoulders with the good and bad things that you know that entails, you're also living that now. For this reason, they also gained the Usurper's fixed target on them. With this I do not try to defend Visery's actions. But if you look at it like that, and put it together with what my grandmother and I have told you about the issue, you can get an idea of what it was living in the shadows of Aerys. And Viserys was always by his side, seeing each one of Aerys' acts of madness and cruelty. He was on the day your grandfather and your uncle were burned and chocked to death. He was there on the day that my mother, your cousin and I...]"

Rhaenys' voice trailed off and even her right hand stopped spreading the ointment over Arya's hair. She could feel Nys faltering breath on the nape of her neck. Noticing her sister's distress, Arya grabbed her right thigh in a supportive gesture.

"[It's okay Nys. You don't have to talk about that.]" Arya said tenderly, while doing a caress over Rhaenys' right thigh.

"[Thank you, my little she-wolf. You know that my grandfather is something that brings me back bad memories. But back as to why our brother had to play as a knight from the tales and songs, rescuing the princess from the savage Dothraki warlord. Viserys out of desperation, stupidity and deception, believed that the magister's idea was good and accepted it. I admit that the plan Viserys accepted out of desperation is a fucking bullshit, and that if I was Daenerys, I would have killed him before being sold out to a Khal like a broodmare. Fortunately for you and me, we haven't Viserys as brother. And I'm sure Aegon will teach my uncle a thing or two as how to treat and take care of the family.]"

Rhaenys gave an amused chuckle, before taking a deep breath. Arya felt the warm breath on the nape of her neck, making her shiver, suddenly spreading a pool of heat in her core.

"[To make matters worse, the now late magister, Illyrio Mopatis, is the father of a black dragon on his mother's side. Apparently Ser Barristan aside from forgetting to protect my grandmother from the mad king, he also forgot to go for the maternal line of the Blackfyre. The last ones of this line, a brother and a sister. The latter, the late wife of Mopatis and mother of the Black Dragon roaming Essos. A Lyseni whore named Serra Blackfyre and, you won't believe it, an eunuch named Varys Blackfyre.]"

"[The spider!!]" Arya exclaimed with indignation and rage, splashing with her arms. Her shivering and pool of heat in her core disappearing just as fast as it had appeared

"[That's right Arya, Varys the Spider, Westeros' Master of whisperers is a Blackfyre.]"

Rhaenys withdrew her left arm from the hug around Arya's waist and began to slip it around her


"[Don't move again until I clean it from your hair Arya. You're spreading ointment and oil everywhere."] Rhaenys began using both hands to rub Arya's hair and head, while she tried to keep herself as still as possible.

"[The summary is that when my father found out about the intra-story behind the host of his brother and about his sister's wedding to the Khal, he decided to act for the first time in his life. It seems that my words the day we met Nyhelí served for something. He sent the Kindly assassin to Westeros as Dimittis, being part of the Bank delegation to claim the debt from the crown.]" Rhaenys paused from what she was saying, splashed some water over Arya's head, and continued to gently rub the dull brown tangle that she had for hair.

"[Afterwards, together with your aunt, they got on Vhagar and reached the column in which we were going, the same day that we left for Norvos. Aegon decided to leave the command to our father and with Jaime and Bran they went to Pentos. They arrived in Pentos the night before the wedding. And when the wedding itself was about to end, they entered in the scene. After that, they subdued Pentos and they have got about forty thousand new citizens and horses for the Freehold. They took care of Mopatis and two days after my aunt's non-wedding, the first army landed in Pentos instead of in the Andal Coast. Fugger and Prestayn knew about the wedding thanks to my father, so along Tycho's brother and his brother-in-law they thought about the possible action to be taken by our brother. That's when Varicho received the orders and the scrolls, then departed from Pentos towards here with three scores of riders. They're to be our escort and personal guards, and Varicho must assume the position of magistrate of the Army in Valyria on the Rhoyne. There are more things that we'll need to talk about, but for now, that's the most relevant.]

Rhaenys finished telling about their brother's tidings in her warm and smooth hissed valyrian, while continuing to scrub and rub Arya's hair and head.

Arya had been attentive to everything that Rhaenys told her and for a while she had even forgotten about the situation she was in and the strange sensations that it aroused in her. The outrage and angry that Arya feel towards the Spider, this Mopatis and Viserys, was only comparable to the one she feel at that moment towards Votyris and Donesso. That have cooled her pool of heat, but have awoke her doubts, fears and self questioning.

Although Arya would not want to, some of the issues that she dealt with in the petitioners' sessions, afterwards, weighed heavy on her soul. Arya sometimes had the feeling of being guilty. She didn't know guilty of what, but she felt guilty. She did not know well if it was because she believed that she did not do justice, or because doing justice never leaves you with a clear conscience.

Sometimes Arya would remember her age and what she would be doing just a year ago. And if she

could, she didn't know if she would go back in time, or if she preferred her current life.

Without any obligation duty or fear. Playing blissfully and joyful with her brothers. At worst, complaining about Sansa, Beth Cassel, Jeyne Poole, or the bloody Septa Mordane.

A year after all of that, Arya was the sixth person in line to succeed the lord of the Freehold. She had power over several million people. Her games with sticks and her blows with her younger siblings had given way to sparring with some of the deadliest people on the surface of Planetos.

If Arya's father appeared now by the court that was installed in the front part of the pavilion where she was, he owed her respect and submission, since she was of superior station to a Lord of a Federated Kingdom.

Her home was now a continent away, with a sea in between. But strangely, Arya felt at home if she was with Rhaenys, Aegon, Aunt Lya, Uncle Rhaegar or Bran. Even if she was sleeping outside or during a strenuous day of horseback riding.

But still, she had doubts. Doubts whether she was really worthy and capable of doing her duty, or whether she was simply doing it because of her blood relationship with Aegon. Doubts if she was the right person for her station. Doubts if she would one day be pretty like her aunt or like Nys. Doubts about what's love and if some day someone would love her the way Aegon to Nys, or Uncle Rhaegar to Aunt Lya. Doubts about what was happening to her body. Doubts about what could happen the day after tomorrow. Fear of having the duty to marry someone, once she had already bled for the first time and she could already be used to create alliances that will be needed. Fear of not being enough and not doing things well enough. Fear of simply being Arya horseface and not Princess Arya of House Stark, sixth archon of the Freehold of Valyria and one of the ten Targaryen rings.

Suddenly, Rhaenys stopped rubbing Arya's hair, breaking the reigning silence.

"[Arya, are you okay? I notice you are distracted. Is it because of your latest case in petitioners today? You've done great. Really. Trust me, It wasn't easy and you have done superb. You've proved that you deserved all the trust I have placed in you. You had a hard day today and you did it great. You've proved yourself in front of our courtiers, soldiers and magistrates. I doubt after today, somebody sees you as a child and not as the Princess of Winter that you're, because with your calm and coldness when assuming your duty, you're the winter itself.]"

Rhaenys tenderly caressed Arya's back with her left hand, while talking near to her right ear.

"[Today you have shown that you have learning well from our brother, my father and many more, showing that you know how to handle yourself even better. I myself would not have done better. The woman was an adulteress and the man-whore was not registered as such in the census. Laws are laws and you have enforced them. I understand that you may feel some emptiness and a bitter aftertaste with your final decision and the husband's underhanded tactics. But that is a sign that you have done justice. True justice occurs when no one is happy with the verdict of the trial. Neither judge, nor witnesses, nor guilty, nor innocent. When my brother says heavy is the weight of the head that wears the crown, he says it for things like this. This is to rule. If you felt without regret, anguish or guilt after that verdict, I would worry about you. Do you know who did not feel anything except glee after passing sentence? My grandfather. Also you've shown wits in your handling in the sheep herders issue. To grazing they herds in the Velvet Hills. Some new blood in the area would not hurt and they could create trade. Or at least, you have managed to gather all our sheep herders in almost the same area. Closer to the Lost Daughter so that the wool is near to its main buyers...Really well done, my Little she-wolf.]"

Even though Nys hadn't told her it was finished, she dive in the tub, gently rubbing her head and hair so she can remove the ointments and oils. After a few moments, Arya emerged again to find herself in the gap between Rhaenys' neck and left shoulder. Her chin over Nys' left shoulder. The change in her posture caused Arya's right side of body to be totally glued to Rhaenys body. Who with head tilted towards Arya, now had her left arm crossed over Arya's lower back, making tender caresses.

Arya tilted her head to the left meanwhile she put her right arm behind Rhaenys's neck. Sitting sideways on Nys's left thigh, Arya's face less than a span from Nys' while staring at her sister's eyes.

With a small voice, showing a weakness that Arya did not like to show, she released in common tongue and with shaky voice, everything that she had seemed to be holding inside her for the last seven moons.

"Do you really think that I have done well? Because I feel that I have not satisfied any of those involved except the one who prepared and perpetuated all that grotesque marriage. The one whom did not deserve that satisfaction after what he has done to the woman. And the man-whore...My father would have chop his head and be done with it. It seems to me that I have been gentle with the man-whore, the husband...And that I've been cruel with the wife. In a fortnight I will have to oversee the punishment of the woman. I know her punishment is fair."

Arya made a pause in her talk, to take a deep breath, while caressed Nys' nape with her right hand. Biting her lower lip, gazing intently at Nys' eyes, she said almost in a whisper.

"But in the bottom of me, although I try not to, I sympathize with her. Because, who wouldn't want to get out from slavery in a filthy and cursed brothel in Norvos' harbor by any means possible? You've always told me that as women, our greatest weapon is between our legs. Until recently I did not quite understand it well, and I still think I am somewhat confused about that issue. But now I understand better what you said. Would you have bought your freedom that way too? Isn't what that woman did another way of slavery and prostitution? Does love, feelings or what one really wants, when it comes to getting married or to life in general, really matter so little in the life we live? What will become of me now that I have bled? Does awaits for me a fate like that of your father and mother, my parents, Aunt Lya and the usurper, grandmother and almost all marriages for alliances and to get a better station? Do..."

"Arya, stop right now with your moping, brooding and self doubts. It's a day of joy. You yourself had proclaimed that. Love, sex and marriage are three different things. Sex, you can have with anyone. Is just an act of self satisfaction using another as way to reach said satisfaction. If you love and trust the one with whom you have sex, it's great. But there's more in life than sex. Maybe not better, but there is. And sometimes it's better to not have sex than having it. Look at Votyris' wife troubles for having intercourse without think about the possible repercussions of it, for example. Marriage is committing to share the rest of your life with one person, uniting all that is of one with that of the other. That is why it turns them into great political tools and that's why it has so many problems. But a marriage born of love? Haven't you seen my father and your aunt? Aegon and myself? And how do you say that you don't know what love is? Don't you feel loved by our brother? By Bran, your aunt, my father, your father or even by myself? Do you think that anybody of the above mentioned, including myself, wouldn't do everything in our power to make you happy and loved? Arya, in my two lives, only three persons have shared bed with me. My husband, my wife, and you. Isn't it probe of my love towards you? Maybe it's because I haven't proved it as I should for fear that you would reject me or I would scary you? Well, it's time for you to know that I love you and in which way I love you, [My Little she-wolf.]"

Without giving her a moment to react, or even to think, suddenly bringing her arms on Arya's hips, Nys pulled her closer until they were both almost brushing their lips, leaving both sisters intertwined. Arya, now was straddling Nys' waist, her legs hugging her sister lower back, crossed her left arm around Rhaenys's neck to be able to support herself better, as she was beginning to feel small tremors in her legs and arms. 'It sure is from sparring, right?'

Arya could feel Nys' warm and wet breath over her lips. She didn't knew why, but Arya felt the urgent need to run her tongue over her lips to moisten them. She felt as if she couldn't breath well. Her heart seemed to be runaway and her dark thoughts had disappeared from her head, leaving only sensations and instincts to take control of her body, mind and soul.

An ensemble of shivers ran up Arya's back, making her let out an almost inaudible gasp at the same time. The pool of heat in her core, returned with renewed vigor. She could swore that she was melting in Rhaenys' body. Arya's hips began to buckle and grind Nys' as if she were a wolf in heat. Her sister answered to this by grabbing Arya's hips and pulling her closer against her body. Arya could perfectly feel the heat that her sister's crotch gave off and it seemed to invade her as well.

'I don't understand what's wrong with me. We've been bathing the same for five moons, except when she bathes with Aegon. And until now, I have never had these feelings and reactions. I feel like something is melting inside of me ...'

The moments that passed while the two stared at each other seemed like years of delicious torture to Arya. Her mouth seemed to be watering as if she had a delicious cut of meat in front of her. She couldn't tell from being in a tub, but she felt like her cunt was dripping. And Arya was sure it wasn't of her making waters.

Nys's eyes seemed to twinkle and shine even more if possible. Biting her lower lip half while running her tongue over and over her lips, as if Nys had the same need as Arya to moisten them.

The lustful spell where both of them seemed to be immersed, was broken the moment Rhaenys withdrew her right arm from Arya's hip and brought it to the back of her neck as she closed the distance between their lips.

Soon she felt fluffy lips that tasted like honey brushing over hers. The brushing became a full lips contact that seemed to scorch hers.

Arya could feel Rhaenys' tongue tentatively probing the inside of her lips, savoring her, without stopping of caress her lips with hers. Tentatively, Arya parted her lips a little and grabbed Rhaenys's lower lip between hers, from where she began to drink as if they were the spring with the sweetest water she had ever tasted.

Curiously, she began to explore both of Rhaenys's lips with hers, switching between which of the two she was caressing with her lips, allowing one of her to be grasped by Nys's lips. Without realize, Arya opened her lips even wider. She wasn't quite sure why, but she needed to be able to kiss Rhaenys in full. Her mouth seemed to have found what Arya did not know she was missing in life.

The moment her and Rhaenys tongues touched, Arya felt a shock that ran through her entire body, letting out a muffled moan in Rhaenys' mouth as she bit her sister's lower lip.

After a moment in which Arya felt as if her body was shaking on its own, their mouths detached, a loud gasp from both reverberated through their quarters.

Arya was having a hard time catching her breath and Rhaenys was almost panting.

With foreheads one over the other, in her hissed high valyrian, sultry, honeyed and warm, taking little puffs to gulp air, Rhaenys told her.

"[If you want to marry me and my brother, I would be delighted if you were my sister-wife. If you do not want to marry to us because of what it entails, you can be betrothed to us until your dying day if you wish. I am yours and you are mine, until our dying day, Arya.]"

Before Arya could answer or even think about what Rhaenys has told her, Rhaenys gave her an scorching searing kiss, making her moan again in Nys' mouth, only louder than before and now she felt as if her cunt was melting over Rhaenys's. Arya's hips buckled and grind unbridled over Nys', looking for contact and being as close as possible to the pool of heat between Rhaenys' legs.

Panting wildly, showering kisses over Nys' lips, sometimes biting her sister lower lip, sometimes Nys was the one biting her lip, Arya tried to think an answer to Rhaenys question. But her mind was hazy and foggy. Arya's body exclaimed for a release.

Unaware that Rhaenys had removed her hands from her hips and neck, Arya gasped into her sister's mouth as response to the touch of Rhaenys' right hand fingers on her left nipple. A loud muffled moan in Nys' mouth was all that Arya was capable of doing, apart from not fainting and not stopping of shake as leaf in the wind, when Nys' inserted her index finger of the left hand into Arya's tight cunt.

After that, all was blurred. Arya didn't know exactly what had happened, or how much time had passed. She only knew that she was unable to stop panting. She felt as if her thighs burned and her lips were puffed. Above all, she felt liberated and better than ever in her life.

Arya's arms crossed behind Nys' neck and with her legs she was hugging Nys' back. Arya's head resting on the left curve of Nys' neck.

"[About getting married, I don't know yet. I think we should discuss that with Aegon before. But if being betroth with you is going to be like these moons together, incorporating this from today ... I am yours and you are mine until our dying day, Rhaenys. I want to be betrothed to you and to love and be loved only by you and Aegon.]"