The First Meeting

Oh my God I'm already late, boss is gonna kill me, relax Selina you are going to reach in time, Tom I understand you want to keep me calm but it's not gonna save you from my clutches. Relax girl, stop it Tom can't you drive a little bit faster, ok ok as you wish. Finally I've arrived, good morning Mr. Morris, you are late again Selina. Sorry sir I was caught up in a traffic I won't repeat it again, that is what you always say, but this time I hope it will not happen again. Yes sir😇. Ehm wait,Selina we have a visitor, who? Victor Cole CEO of SL company. What? The Almighty Victor who owns half of the riches in America and whom everyone is afraid of. Yes, you are correct. So that's why you should be careful he is a very picky person. Ok sir, but who will be in charge of his needs? You ,who else? Me😲, sir I don't think I can, you can Selina keep the faith. Ok sir. "Come on fix your face he is here" said one of the employees. Good morning Mr. Cole, I am Selina Wilson and I am going to be your assistant for today. "Hm ok" said victor, he is one cold man🙄, what did you say? Nothing Mr. Cole. "Well can you show me around miss Wilson " sure, follow me. Selina showed him all the departments in the building victor looked impressed by the office setting but didn't say a word only a few"okays and hms ". The introduction was going well when one of the staffs mistakenly spilled juice oh him" I am so sorry sir, it was not my intention to ruin your shirt" said the staff who was trying effortlessly to whip the stain away from victor's shirt. "Do you know how much this shirt costs?you have ruin my day and I am gonna get you fired for this unethical behavior, can't you see where you are going?" Sorry sir I can compensate for your shirt. Really, do you think that your change you call a salary can pay for my suit, even if you save your two years salary it won't even be enough for the tie. Selina just stood there baffled with nothing to say she just tried to cool victor down by showing him the bathroom to help him clean up the shirt. When they reached the bathroom Selina tried to open the tap but it was jammed after a few minutes of failure she turned to victor who was fuming with anger to say the tap was Jammed when suddenly water started splashing from the tap. Selina tried to close the tap but her efforts were not paying off just when she was about to open the door to call a plumber when victor said " Why are you people hell bent on ruining my suit ,first it was one of your foolish staff and now an idiot like you". Mr. Cole with all due respect you shouldn't have been rude to me in the first place, I was just trying to help you get rid of the stain and now you are turning against me, it was not my fault to soak you I mean I didn't mean for the tap to get jammed, and instead of saying thank you for my effort ,you are standing there talking like an idiot, what did I even expect from rich people, you guys are egoistic and you think money is everything. Victor was shocked with how Selina addressed him she was the first person who had retaliated to his scolding. Just as Selina was about to storm out she slipped and fell right into victor's arms. Victor who was surprised and not expecting the fall hit the ground, back first with Selina on top of him.