
"You pervert how dare you try to take advantage of me" Selina retaliated. Who wants to touch your body? Look I have many women fighting over me right now and do you know what? They are much more sexier than you anyway. Your body is not even worthy for my touch, you are lucky having the rare opportunity to be touched by me, oh sorry I mean for you to touch me. "Who wants to touch you" Selina said, you of course who else look at the way you are holding on to my shirt up till now. it was only reflex action said Selina trying to get up. Oh really, victor said smirking mockingly at Selina, who is going to pay for my suit. The staff or you, if no one comes forward I am gonna sue your company for destruction of property. What? Impossible! For just a suit you are gonna sue the company for"destruction of property " it's pathetic. If you are not going to pay then I am just gonna do the worst. Ok ok no need for that, I'll pay, how much does it cost? Just 10 million. What? Are you mad? Hey, hey what did you expect it's was designed by the most famously designer in the world. How do you want to pay me? Umm, I can pay u in two years. Absolute nonsense, pay me now or you work as my personal assistant for 8 months. What? Selina retaliated. If you cannot then I am just gonna shut your company down. I will work as your PA for eight months then I will leave your company. That's more like it, so you can start tomorrow and the agreement papers will be ready for your signature , uhm do you have something to say? No Selina answered. Then we shall see tomorrow bye. Selina was dumbfounded by victor's confidence,"Dangerous CEO indeed". Selina left the bathroom to her office and kept thinking about victor's audacity she was awakened from her imagination when her phone rang, it was her best Friend Tom, "hey girl, what's up?" Tom can we meet up? " of course darling ,where? At sunset cafe downtown, at 7. "ok, will be there" Tom said before he hung up. That sorry excuse for a human being, all rich people are the same using every chance to bully the weak. While Selina was fuming with anger victor was in his office talking to his best friend and also his manager. "What's up victor since you came you have been smiling to your self like a fool in love", I heard you went to SK company today, what happened there? Does it have anything to do with your smiling? "Stop it with your interrogations are you my wife"? "Well David there will be a new staff here tomorrow and she will be my new PA". What? David was flabbergasted a new PA and a "she". Tell me everything, Victor narrated all that happened at SK company today with Selina, after the explanation David was In an awe, it took him few seconds to respond to Victor" victor do you seriously want her to pay for the suit you can buy ten times and still have money, or is there something more to her that meets the eye, wait do you like her?" You see why I don't like telling you something you always have a dirty mind". Isn't she beautiful? David asked , well she is beautiful she has a gorgeous body and a cute face, her face turns red when she is irritated. "Hmmmm, so much for not liking her". Here you go again I have already told you that she is not my type , she lacks style and you know her attitude is on another level. "If you say so, I wonder when you will stop your womanizing and settle down". "Look who is talking "Victor retaliated. As if you are not a womanizer yourself. "Anyways I am going at home want to accompany me"? Nah, I have errands to run, but I will make it up to you later, Victor said. Meanwhile at sunset cafe Selina is also telling Tom about her bad day with Victor Cole. "Tom , can you believe it he asked me to pay for his million dollar suit by working as his PA at his company, and I will be starting tomorrow. I feel sorry you girl I heard Victor is one of the most ruthless CEO'S in the country, I hope he won't make your life miserable Tom said. "But I have a trick up my sleeve Tom, and I am sure he won't be able to pick up with my pace, he may be rich but he doesn't know what's coming his way" Good luck with that, but he is also a very clever and cunning man. "I will be his worst PA he has ever hired and he will regret messing with me". Selina said. Not knowing that victor is also planning to make her life a living hell.