Chapter 17:

Seb's pov ...

Kraw was heavily disappointed.

All three wolves have checked and re- checked the area twice now, but nothing came up again.

Now I was beginning to feel we had just imagined it.

" No we didn't, we didn't imagine it, we felt what we felt and scent what we did." Kraw Insisted, as he lifted his huge head and stared at a two story building in the not too far distance. It looked like

Two story pack house.

"What's that there ?" Kraw asked beta mark in mindlink.

"Uuhmm Uuhmm, that's the house for the guards of, of th-the .."

"Spit it out." Kraw growled angrily.

Our impatience at his phobia for me , didn't help his cause.

"dun-dun-dungeon." He managed to finish his sentence.

"Kraw can you please tone down on your irritation?" Alex asked me mindlink.

" It's obvious you're irritated, and that's making your aura get dangerously darker, than is expected. The beta almost peed his pants.

He is scared shitless of you, there's no need to rub it in."

"So what if I'm irritated?" Kraw asked Alex.

"I have a right to be, and I wasn't threatening him, I just need his answers faster is all." He said.

"M-moon Alpha, ar-ar-are we done now?" The beta asked.

Kraw turned fully to look him up and down.

Yes people fear me, and yes I have given them more than enough reason to.

But this beta, is rubbing me off the wrong way, something isn't just quite right.

I don't know if it's his fear, or his nerves. I don't know what it is,

But just like the goose chase I am currently on, I plan to find out why.

"No we are not done, let's go take a look at the pack house.'

We changed back to human form and quickly found some clean clothes laying around, then headed for the building.

Beta mark kept dragging his foot.

It was grating on my nerves, I ground my teeth together, to stop myself from growling at him.

"Beta mark, you better keep up if you still want your head on your neck by the time we arrive at the building." Alex warned the unsuspecting wolf.

The house was neat and well maintained, but it was a far cry from the pack house, but it provided the basic amenities, of a roof over your head, water and food.

Someone had told the inhabitants, to be gone before we arrived.

Because their scents were still very fresh in the air.

I said nothing and we proceeded to do a thorough check.

Mid way through the second check, beta mark called out to me .

" Moon alpha, Alpha Devon says we should return to the party, we have been terribly scarce and they miss our presence already."

I turned to look at the beta, who looked like he was about cry.

"What are you hiding, beta mark?" I asked the beta.

" There is nothing to hide, moon alpha." He answered quickly.

Now was the time to delve deeper into this.

"Is there something I should know about, that I do not ?" I asked.

He shifted nervously moving his weight from one foot to the other.

"Why is your alpha calling me?" I growled out .

He nervously moved back a step.

" Let me rephrase, beta mark, is there something your alpha doesn't want me to see?" He gulped loudly.

Even Alex, turned to pay close attention this time.

Beta mark shook his head and said.

"No there isn't anything to.."

I cut him off, "That's the last time you will lie to me.

The next time, I would serve you your head on a platter, before you realize you're dead." I warned him sternly.

He gulped, "for goddess sake who chokes on their own gulps of air and spittle?."

I asked myself inwardly.

I could hear his throat working overtime, as the beta tried to compose himself.

"Whenever you're ready pumpkin, and make that any day now."

I said sarcastically trying to make him speak quickly.

"I swear it had nothing to do with the inspection."

He paused slightly and I nodded at him encouraging him to talk.

"Sooo? What does it have to do with?" I asked

"General pack matters." He said on another gulp.

I hissed loudly and prompted him again.

"Ok so what is it?" I asked again, a muscle ticking in my jaw.

It's just a lowly servant wolf caught soliciting magic.

I was quiet for a moment, before ordering beta mark to take us to the dungeons, I wanted to see the wolf for myself.

Hence, we instantly took our leave and headed to the dungeons.

The moment we crossed the threshold of the dungeons, my body zinged back to life,

sensations racing through me like a freight train.

"Greetings moon Alpha." The guards at the entrance of the dungeons chorused in greeting.

The dungeon was a complete wrote off, it was old and looked like it might collapse anytime soon.

I walked faster through the dirty, dark hallways, like I was heading somewhere extremely important.

We walked past other guards on duty, they greeted and bowed acknowledging my presence, but I paid them no mind.

I couldn't stop myself, even if I wanted to.

"Where is the servant you speak off, beta mark?" I asked the moron, impatiently in a snappy tone.

"I - I uhmm let me find out." He said as his eyes glazed over.

" That would be under ground Alpha." he said and we all headed towards the last floor meant for the worst offenders.

The moment we entered into the underground floor, the scent hit me and the tingles hit my spine like it was being forced into place.

Mark was leading the way now, Alex made sure of it. But he didn't need to, I knew exactly where she was and who she was.

Kraw banged against my fontal lobe as he tried to forcefully take control.

"Mateeeee !!"

"Mateeeee !!"

He said in elation, but I refused him and repeatedly shoved him backwards.

A cold shiver ran down my spine, as we stopped in front of a tiny cell, with rusted iron bars.

It was extremely dark inside, but I could see a hooded figure, lying in a fetal position, close to the wall.

she didn't move a muscle, but I could hear her heart beat.

She smelled of dirt, blood, waste and of a musky rose scent mixed with fresh rain, that was driving Kraw crazy.

I stood there by the rusted bars assessing her, trying to sense magic on her blood, but I came up empty handed.

She was dressed in a dirt rag, that much I could see from here.

But she hasn't turned or reacted to my presence.

Can she not sense me, her mate?

"Kraw can you feel her wolf?" I asked

" No, not yet." came his reply.

" She might be too weak for us to feel her yet."

"Present your self, little wolf !! " I commanded in a voice that brooked no argument.

I saw no immediate movement, but I felt her heart beat flutter then continue bits rythym.

Then she slowly began to turn, her ankles were wrapped in heavy chains.

And the dense smell of wolfsbane hit me dead and centre.

This was definitely too much wolfsbane for one wolf.

" Get those chains off her. " I said to the beta.

" But moon alpha , she's too dangerous." he replied.

"Just do it." I bellowed at him.

The woman that was my mate, my second chance mate, was in so much pain, she couldn't walk. I watched as she crawled slowly to the rusted bars.

A guard rushed up to us and quickly opened the cell.

I finally released a breath I didn't know I'd been holding.

Kraw ooed, aahed and cooed as she slowly began came closer to us.

her face was swollen, the left side of her face was swollen shut.

I know that prisoners are treated in accordance to their offense, but the frustration of finally meeting my mate and seeing her in this despicable condition got to me.

" Who did all this to her? " I asked on a low growl.

" Moon Alpha, I swear I, I don't know." came his desperate reply.

She had finally reached me, she slowly dragged her hand that seemed like it had been broken, a day or two before.

Her hand traced my feet slowly, before looking up at me.

But I couldn't see her eyes, because of all the swelling and the black discolorations on her face.

I stared down at her for a moment.

My heart aching and beating wildly all at once. I was glad and happy that I finally found her,

But then again I was sad because, I know what's in-store for us.

But for now someone has got some explaining to do.

I bent down and scooped her up in my arms.

The old chains, that were beginning to show rust, rattled loudly.

"Get those chains off her right now!!" I ordered in a loud voice.

The guard from earlier rushed into the dirty old cell and did as I had ordered.

I said nothing as I turned to leave, Alex and the beta trailing right behind me.

I was livid and my wolf wanted blood for his mate. But I knew we needed to hear all sides of the story before we jump in as the avenger.