Chapter 18:

Seb's pov ...

Alex and I raced to the pack house after that.

" Alex call the chopper, tell them to bring some warriors and some drivers to bring the cars back to our pack.

The inspection goes on as planned."

I said, fishing out orders as we entered the mansion like pack house.

My mate whoever she was, was lying unconscious in my arms.

And in as much as Im not the stars in your eyes, swept off your feet in love kind of guy.

Not your regular, mate bond type of male. I still think her current state is too despicable in correlation to the offence committed.

Devoonnnn !!!

Devoonnnn !!!

I called the alpha of the pack.

I wanted him in front of me this instant explaining why this kind of treatment was meted out to a she wolf under his watch.

"Alpha?!!" He answered in a pretend sleep voice, but I can feel his nerves all the way from his bedroom.

"Get your a*s down here now!!

And you better have a good honest answer as to why a she wolf was beaten to a pulp, left in a half dead state in your dungeons." I stated hotly. Before continuing.

"I still can't see you standing in front of me Devon, where the f*ck are you?

"Trust me you don't want me coming to find you."

A moment later, I heard his footsteps rushing down the stairs, before his scent hit me.

When I turned to him, he faltered in his steps.

And my anger doubled, when I saw his parents right behind him.

But then this is good, they are supposed to have guided him right.

Devon Reese, Why the f*ck is that she-wolf in such a dire situation?"

I asked him loudly, my angry voice booming over the entire foyer.

" Aaaah moon alpha, the she wolf was caught after she solicited with a witch. And she is currently serving her punishment." He said with a nervous nod of his head.

"Ok, did she kill someone with whatever magic she solicited?"

" Nope, not directly but it indirectly led to her parents death."

He answered.

"F***ccckkkk!!!" I roared loudly as Kraw took control.

His voice deeper than sin itself.

I smiled sickly down at him as I wrapped my hands around his neck. I was freaking livid as I kept tightening my hands until I was sure I had cut off his air supply.

" You know what, young alpha, I hear you and hear your explanation.

But the problem I'm having is, I know what you're saying isn't the complete truth, now is it?"

You see, when you lie to your moon alpha I can tell that you're lying.

But you know that already, so your skirting around the truth.

Painting the canvas to suite your needs." I spat out at him.

But I would leave it alone, for now."

" Please alpha, the silly girl didn't even seem apologetic, she was cocky, rude and saucy. She behaved like she knew there was nothing we could do to her for the offence she'd committed." His mother pleaded.

But then it seemed like she just added fuel to my fiery anger.

I seethed and snarled at her, it was clear to me that at the very least they were either covering up a bigger offence committed by my mate or they were lying about something.

"She was even due for release in two days, moon alpha." The previous alpha said.

I ignored him totally.

"A-are you l-leaving? Darcy asked as she came closer to me.

"Don't you dare touch me !!" I warned her angrily, she froze.

Alex returned to the foyer with our baggages.

It was time to leave.

Even if my mate was such a wicked witch solicitor, she doesn't deserve that kind of treatment.

After addressing the other alpha's from the inspection team, Alex and I, with my mate still unconscious in my arms waited for an hour or two before the choppers arrived.

"Is she who I think she is?" Alex asked me while we waited for the choppers.

"Yes." I answered him bluntly.

"Woohoooo, finally, oh my goddess, thank you so much.

Finally, finally we can have some peace in the pack."

He said, while jumping up and down in excitement.

I looked at him in confusion.

"Explain this to me Alex, are you happy I found my mate or are you happy my troubles would end now, which is it ? I asked him.

" Both."he said grinding from ear to ear. I shook my head at him.

As the medical team approached us with a gurney.

Some warriors loaded our bags and we left the dark claw pack.

" She would be out for a couple of days. Until we can completely flush out the wolfsbane in her system.

Then we can fully access her injuries and begin to treat her properly.

The doctor said to me.

I nodded my understanding at him and turned back to stare into space.

Kraw was it hing to see her, but kept blocking him.

I would not be seen as weak because of my mate, not anymore. once bitten twice shy.

I would not go through that whole shabang again.

Besides ,said mate has some serious explaining to do.

I will like to know why she solicited with a witch.

" Kraw you said it wasn't about our mate." I said in an accusing tone.

" yes, but that was because I didn't know, it was about our mate."he replied.

" How can you not know?" I asked him.

He huffed before answering.

" I think it has to do with the amount of wolfsbane in her system.

And also the fact that her wolf is almost dormant. She doesn't even know what's going on now, that she has found her mate." He pointed out.

"That can be understood, she is unconscious." I said to him, before warning him.

" Kraw do not forget our promise, no whining like a lovesick puppy because of the bond. am I. learn.?" I asked him.

" Crystal." he said in response.

But you do know that if she weren't our mate, she would have continued to languish in the dungeons and maybe die down there.

Now, what we did is what people call preferential treatment." he pointed out.

He was probably right, but I disagreed with him anyways, because I could.

The fact is there is no way I wouldn't have interfered, even if she wasn't my mate.

people fear and respect me , not because I am nice, I know that.

But I always strive to be fair and just.

I frown on soliciting magic, with whoever it is, soliciting magic is absolutely wrong.

I can't wait to hear her side of the story, though.

" Mom, dad, I have found her, I have found my second chance mate."

I told my parents in mind link , there was no excitement in my voice as I filled them in on her current state of health.

When we arrived my parents were waiting for us at the pack clinic.

My sister threw her arms around me and I almost wept.

" I'm sorry." I whispered in her ear.

"Shhh shhhh, there's nothing to be sorry about, seb. It's s all forgotten."she said.

"good cause I'll need you to help her with some feminine supplies, at least till she can get hers by herself.

But for now that she's in the clinic, she would just need very little. okay?" I asked

"Okay." came her reply as she bounced away from me.

My parents took care of her, my sister also.

There was always one of them by her bed on the few occasions I popped in to check on her progress.

it's been a week now and she hasn't regained consciousness.

But the doctors urged me not to worry.

Then one day they mindlinked, me that she had regained consciousness.

I rushed into the clinic to hear her screams of anguish.

" please don't help me."

please just let me die, I don't know what they told you but, no matter the help you give to me. once you're gone. They'll make me go through much pain a thousand times worse than I'd previously gone through.

please, please, please, I beg you."

"They can't get to you here." the doctor calmly tried explained to her.

but she couldn't hear him, she was in such a panicked state her eyes couldn't focus on anything or anybody.

The doctor shook his head, pitifully at her state, before turning to look at me for permission.

"Moon alpha we need to put her in a medically induced coma. she is out of her mind with pain and fear." He explained to me in mind link.

"Go ahead, Alba, just take good care of her." I stated.

"Don't worry alpha she is in good hands."

" Is there any other thing I should know?"

"Yes alpha, she has several broken ribs, some tried to heal on their own but couldn't quite achieve that."

"Her left femur was shattered like someone stomped on it.

Her wolf tried valiantly to heal it, but did it wrongly.

She needs corrective surgery to correct all these serious bone damage.

We would begin to administer some vitamins that would help awaken her wolf.

Once we can achieve that then the surgery would be a formality."

"Okay, you have my permission."

I told him.