Chapter 19:

Seb's pov ...

I snuck back into her room after midnight, just to check up on her.

She was fast asleep, and from the slow rise and fall of her chest, one would think she was sleeping peacefully. But that wasn't the case, as the monitors attached to her beeped crazily as she slept.

"Seb, she is terribly distressed."

Kraw said sadly, while I just stopped short of rolling my eyes at him for painting out the obvious.

But that doesn't mean she wasn't the offender or isn't trouble waiting to descend on this peaceful pack.

But I also know that the goddess doesn't make mistakes, if she is mated to me then there is a good reason why.

All I know is that, I don't have to whine after her like some lost love sick puppy.

She had nice, but short honey brown hair. And her eyes, her eyes were odd, they were of two different colors.

I'd seen them when she'd woken up from her unconscious state earlier. She had one intense cerulean blue eye and the other was a beautiful grey orb.

"Odd." I scoffed as I pondered why she had two different eye colors.

I stared at her almost mangled frail thin body, and wondered what type of person she was.

"Trust the goddess to give us the right one always." Kraw urged me.

I flat out laughed at him.

"Like she did with our first mate right?" I asked him.

"She didn't know we were mated then." Kraw argued.

"That might have been the case, but we were in a relationship already, what happened to being faithful and not cheat?" I asked him knowing he had no answer to my question.

I flipped him a bird in my head as I walked out of her room and rushed out of the clinic.

My anger simmering almost uncontrollably, I shifted in the blink of an eye, Kraw growling loudly as mad anger rushed through us.

We raced at full speed, as the forest went by in a flash.

Shocked pack members and guards flew out of the way as I sped past.

They knew it was me but some couldn't get out of the way fast enough. I ran for over an hour before slowing down.

Satisfied that I hadn't hurt anyone, I went in search of the deer I had swiped at on my run.

It lay down bleeding out.

I put it out of it's misery and settled down to my meal for the night.

The changes alone from just finding my mate is enormous.

Just two nights ago there would have been carnation in my wake.

All deers in the herd would have been dead just for the fun of it.

Pack members would have atleast copped serious injuries. Some would have needed surgery, but for the first time I could control the mad red mist.

People say the power of a moon alpha was enormous but I call it damning.

When I finished my meal, I lay down in the carcass of the deer, its remains soothing, as I dozed off.

"Alex approach" I said permitting my beta to come close.

I'd been hibernating for over three hours after my meal. And after another run through the entire pack, My aura wasn't so great this morning, not with my anger from last night.

All girls were loose sh*tty sluts, who have no regard for their bodies and use them as tools to gain favour , popularity, or something stupid. There is always something they want.

Alex, starred at me in shock, his mouth open wide as he took in my appearance.

"What?" I asked him in careless nonchalance.

"My goddess, you sure are a sight for the sorest of eyes." He exclaimed.

I shrugged and asked him what he wanted.

"Nothing, just wanted to chill." He said and I tsked in irritation.

He wanted to chill, fucking nosy beta.

"What ?!! why are you so mad?" He asked on a chuckle.

I just shook my head at him and got to my feet. " Fine, let's go get some work done." I told him.

" Oh heeellll no, you're not walking back to the pack in that state, looking like you were dragged out of a pigs butt.

Go wash up in the stream, before you traumatize the pups."

I huffed at him challengingly, but he stood his ground and maintained eye contact, like he does when he is dead serious.

"That thing you do could get you killed one day Alex." I warned him like I always do, when he stands up to my bullsh*t.

I took a shower in the stream and walked back to my pack house naked as the day I was born.

Not that Alex didn't try to get me to wear something from the forest, I just ignored him and continued to walk away, so he gave up and joined me on the walk back.

Nudity wasn't a thing with us wolves, never was, never will be.

And the king of nudity is me, even the pups know that.

Alex got me a robe when we arrived at the pack house, then we went straight to work.

We'd worked for almost three hours when Alex let out his frustration.

"Okay Seb, what's wrong?" He asked me on a sigh.

I didn't bother to look up at him when answering.

"I don't know, you tell me what you think the problem is and maybe I can help you solve it." I said to him.

"You behaved really weird yesterday, your anger more than tripled and I noticed you don't really stay by your mate. Is something wrong? maybe with your mate or.."

" Or what ?" I asked cutting him off.

"There is absolutely no need to speculate. You know my stance on mates and the mate bond. Why bother asking when you know I would never be the dotting mate."

I said lowly , finishing on a chuckle.

"But you are right something is bothering me.

My mate has two different eye colors."

His brows furrowed in concern.

" What exactly do you mean by two different eye colors?" He asked in a perplexed tone.

"She has one blue and one grey."

"Do you like her?" He asked out of the blue, but he sounded like he was deep in thought.

" What the f*ck Alex, do I even have a choice in the matter?" I asked him passionately in a low voice.

"Please, do let me know if the moon goddess asked you which mate you'll like before she got you one."

I threw at him sarcastically.

"I just would like to hear her explanations on what she was doing in the dungeons and why her eyes are that way.

I don't even know her name." I finished.

" Her name is Alyssa Milan, she is almost nineteen." He said, but as I opened my mouth to ask him how he knew.

He quickly added "It's my job to know these things, Seb. Now what would you do without me?"

He asked, fishing for compliments.

"Let's have dinner at the clinic with your parents tonight Seb. He said in a more serious tone."

"That would be nice, set it up." I said

"Kraw, broke into hysterical laughter, what's so funny I can't laugh?" I asked him.

He struggled to quench his laughter, so he could respond to me.

" For all your bravado about the mate bond, I noticed you're struggling to stay away from the tiny unconscious beauty in the clinic.

Just listen to yourself jump at the opportunity to have dinner in the clinic close to said mate."

"Shut up Kraw, that's not true."

" So you say, but tell me why you didn't answer Alex's question?.

A simple, do you like her? and you feign forgetfulness." I hissed at him and shoved him out of my head, his laughter ringing in my head for about two minutes.

"Alex can you help me find out why an omega wolf would have the kind of eyes she has and find out why her parents were killed.

We need to be ready for any possibility with this one,Leave nothing to Chance." I said

"You got it, Seb."

When we arrived for dinner, mom dragged me to a secluded spot to speak with me.

" Sebastian Haller, I didn't raise a heartless soul now, did I? she asked me sternly.

" No mum." I answered, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to another, I never like it when

mother gets cross with me.

"Then tell me why your mate, was in surgery all day today and you didn't show up."

"Is she not your mate? Are you not sure? "

she asked.

"It's not like that mum, I was very busy today, catching up on work I had left behind for the trip." I explained.

She scoffed at my bullsh*t, narrowed her eyes at me and said "True mates cannot leave each other's side for too long." Then gave me a sweet smile and said with excitement.

"I know what the problem is,

You haven't even sensed her wolf yet.

When her wolf is strong enough and her scent hits you full blast, you'll be reeling my boy."

I stood there for a second or two as she walked away from me.

The last thing I wanted was for my mum to get mad at me for not treating my mate properly.

I sighed out in relieve. " Thank goddess we still have the pack house to ourselves for now."