Cat Dad VS Bird (3)

Chapter 232 – Cat Dad VS Bird (3)


The high-pitch voice of the phoenix woke Xiaomao up. He blinked several times in confusion about what he was doing earlier. Then, the first thing that he saw was the flashy name of the new foe.

Cookie-Cookie, the Fledgling Phoenix, Level 545

Upon seeing the incoming 10-meter-tall phoenix, Xiaomao remembered what he was here for.

That thing is food. 

He is an enemy. 

So nom-nom should be okay!

Once again, Xiaomao drooled. His eyes shone in ominous red light, and his fur began producing white flame because of Taotie's cultivation method.

Black liquid of impurity became oil that fueled the fire. His blood converted the synthesized fat and protein into energy while his Qi repeatedly ignited the white flame.